Real Culprit

"Do you think I am too much cold-hearted? chichi, do you regret choosing me?" Sia questioned,

"No, you are not, if this chance is given to other they might use if for their own selfishness, their greed, or for their own use, but I know you just wanted to save some people you love and I don't choose you, you are destined" Chichi answer, but she doesn't say one thing, that in future Sia surely going to save a lot of people, she knows how to handle Sia, what more, she really thinks that Sia deserve some happiness.

"Thank you for your support" Sia knows she is wrong, but she doesn't want to die again now when she sees her dad again and soon gonna see Chinu again she is unwilling to die, superheroes and other heroes who fight for justice have big heart, she has only one heart which is very tiny she doesn't want to let it occupied with worries, her heart can only care to those who love her.

While she thinking her lunchtime comes but she doesn't feel hungry, she eats because she needed to take medicine, after taking them she take a 20 min nap, then she remembers that Shivani is coming at evening, previously she makes sure to show off in front of Shivani, she knows Shivani is greedy and jealous of her, and this way she can make her more jealous, but now she doesn't want to do that, she already kill her before so she doesn't take her seriously now.

 After freshen up she doesn't even take the efforts to apply makeup, she tells helpers to serve her tea in the garden, this place is her favorite, first, it is very peaceful, and second, some trees here are planted by her mother, she feels that her mother is still here taking care of her.

She drinks tea while reading books, she is now studying some spiritual books, she is someone who does not much believe in god, but yup she still prays to god, but it is not much if she doesn't get rebirth she might even feel that God doesn't exist. But now things are different.

While she is immersed in reading, Sanjay comes with Arjun, Myra, and Shivani, he asks housekeeper where Sia is on which he replied that in the garden, housekeeper asks him if he calls mam, on which he tell him that they will personally go to the garden.

When they reach the garden sun is going towards the west and some of his rays on Sia, she wears a simple yellow top which is her knee-length, and she is looking like a goddess.

 Sanjay now found out that why she is known as a goddess in college, their footsteps attract Sia's attention, looking toward Sanjay she stands up, there have a simple cottage type setting where you can drink tea with your family or even sometimes eat dinner together, Sanjay tells they will sit there and talk, Sia is looking forward what Shivani wanted to say.

After taking sit, Sia look towards Shivani, getting her cold glance, Shivani is really scared, but still gather her courage and said, "Sia I know I was wrong but I am also bounded, they threaten me with my family, still if you think I am wrong then please forgive me, but I hope you will try to understand my situation"

Listening to this Sia also know she is saying some truth, because even though Shivani has some contacts, it is impossible for her, to alone cause her accident, in a previous life she just lost her reasoning due to her miscarriage, maybe that's why Arnav might not punish Shivani, Sia thinks.

"Sia.." Sanjay looks towards her, everyone is waiting for her reply,

"Yes, I think you are wrong, but I refuse to forgive you, you wanted to apologize, so your purpose is achieved so now you can leave" After saying this she wanted to leave but Myra said, "how can you say this, our whole family may get killed, can't you understand her side"

"hmm, Myra tell me speaking the truth is a good thing or bad"

"...good" Myra said, she doesn't understand why Sia is asking her this, it is very irreverent to the topic,

"Okay, then I will tell your father truth that your mom is cheating on him, it can be considered to be a good thing right?" Listening to this both Myra and Shivani get embarrassed, this is the new problem they are facing at home, their mom is at all, not a good person, but now she is dating a boy who is quite young if it is known by there father he will surely kill there mother what more this is not known by any other people.

They also found out it accidentally but how should Sia know this, what more what will Sanjay and Arjun think about them.

"Sia you bitch.."Myra said,

"How dare you call my daughter bitch" they all heard Udhav's voice.

"Baba..."Sia doesn't want to involve her father is because it only worsens his relationship with Sanjay, but she still wanted to complain in front of him, when she sees her father and Arnav, her all determination go in vain.

"Baba, yesterday she calls me rice worm and now bitch, she even calls Ani bastard," Sia tells him in a tone which is equivalent to a child who gets beaten by his classmate.

"oh really, and what you are, you who get fail in every exam and your sister, who is always showing weakness and gaining sympathy, I don't understand why you act like you are poor and my daughter bullies you, it is you who irritated her and annoy her and talking about rice worm, she is my Laxmi ma, after her birth my business flourished, and if she wants she can earn more than anyone, she is beautiful, intelligent, ..."

"baba, don't argue with her, otherwise brother will say that we both are bullying his dear sister"

"You are overacting," chichi tell her,

"don't worry, I am giving hint to my dad, now you will see his acting"

"really Sanjay, do you hate your old father, and helpless and injured sister, see if you wanted to kill us directly kill us, but don't bring this type of people in our home and let us get annoyed till the death"

"...." Sanjay don't know what to say, but he is really feeling funny he also finds out that Shivani is not sincere about the apology, he also wanted to reprimand her and talking about Myra he really never like her.

She has a foul mouth and no brain, but now he realizes that She speaks what Shivani wants, he never observes this, but what more he finds out that his father and sister has very bad acting, what more they are acting like they suffer a lot while they don't suffer anything.

"Shivani you told me you wanted to apologize, but what with the attitude, you involve in her accident, and any normal person will blame those, it is favor of Sia who is listening to you, and when are you requesting me to meet her, you tell me even if she doesn't forgive you it's okay, but now you are acting like you are doing a favor on my sister by asking her forgiveness, and Myra remeber never use abusive language about my family, do you understand?" Sanjay said in one breath.

He already decided in the morning that he will treat Sia as a sister so he will fulfill his promise, and he also thinks this time both Shivani and Myra are wrong, everyone who is present gets surprised by this, they never think that Sanjay will take the side of Sia, Udhav is happy after all his son accepts his daughter.

Shivani also realize that she needed to get sincere this time so she immediate say to Sia, "Sorry Sia, but Myra love me, and she is still a child so she blurted out, please forgive her, and talking about my involvement I know it is quite difficult for you to forgive me, I just wish you can understand my problems that man is very scary while talking with him I get goosebumps, his every laughter scare me" this is also true, even though she agreed because of her jealousy, she also gets scared by that man.

"is the laughing while talking with you in a very low voice" Sia interrupted her, she now guess who the man is,

"....Yes," Shivani wondered is Sia know the man,

"is the repeat some word while talking with you like darling" Sia use the wrong word to check Shivani, she jsut wanted to verify that is her guess is wrong or right, she knows Shivani is not involved in drug dealers, but if she tells her right word then she might forgive her.

"...wait, Yes he is using a word but not darling let me think .. yup he is using the baby word after some sentence" Shivani also get scared now but she decided to tell the truth anyway even if he gets caught he will not expose her little lie,

"Ohh, so it is you Tony" Sia murmured, but only Arjun hear what she say because he is near her.

"Do you know who he is?" Udhav asks.

"no dad, he previously threatens me, Shivani, I forgive you, but if you get a call from him in the future tell Arnav immediately"

"oh okay" Shivani is quite surprised by Sia sudden attitude, but she thinks this person may be really strong.

 After that Sia said that she needed to take rest now, which is signal for other saying now go, Shivani and Myra, even Arjun is got scared because of Udhav so they quickly leave their home, Sanjay said that he will send them out and also leave. Sia is now really angry, now she knows who is the real culprit of her accident.