
Now who is Tony and how she knows about him, Tony is one whom Arnav half killed, he breaks his leg, and even injure his eyes, but he doesn't kill him, before Arnav's death he run away from prison, but again Police find him and in an encounter with them he gets killed, but it is when she joined the force so she gets the chance to participate in information of him, now she thinks that maybe Arnav knows about this, and that's why he takes revenge for her.

    What more she also realize that maybe Arnav wanted to keep her safe, and he knows there is already death waiting for him, so he does all this, like divorcing and keeping distance or maybe it is all her imagination who knows, she also sees that he start teaching Arjun about business and he doesn't show mercy on him like he is going somewhere, while she is in daze her father nudges her and ask what she thinking and who is that man, he wanted to kill that man who hurt his daughter and his grandchild, but Sia tells him that she only gets his call once, but she also gets scared and remember the voice, Udhav believe her and decided to leave this subject, mentioning child in front of her is gonna hurt her.

They decided to eat dinner early, but still, it needed at least one hour for dinner get ready, at that time Sia again give a call to Neha, and again she doesn't take her to call after that Sia calls Ani, Ani tells her that he visited 3 orphanages, and don't found the boy in the picture, tomorrow he will go to a slum area and try to find, he also tells her in one of the orphanage situations is quite bad, and the washroom and other facilities are not even good, Ani also feel bad for this, he decided if he becomes successful then he will donate a large amount of sum to this orphanage, Sia also feel bad, as she raises in the good family she never encountered any problems but for these orphan children life is still difficult she decided to do something for them.

      After talking they bid goodbye and end the call, Sia also remember the words of Myra, she is really a rice worm, talking about her, she is always depending on her father, and later Arnav provide her lots of money, then again after the death of her dad, she gets help from Sanjay and Aditya, and Ani is also there to help her, not only this there are also many people like Nadini and Kira who help her in her whole life, but what she does for them, nothing, Shivani is far better than her.

"Don't think in this way, you also have talent"

"Really what it is?"

"You can fight with anyone, and even have sharp tongue"

"Are you really encouraging me chichi"


"I am joking, but seriously you are a good kid, also good in cooking, singing and painting, hardworking, have high determination, and what more you have good nature"

"I don't know if it is true or not but I feel good after listening to this, so thank you"

"hmmm, ya you are also rich"

"hmmm, actually I don't know how much money I have," Sia said, she is the person who never really spend a lot, not because she is miser, but because from childhood her dad is the one who buys everything for her, in childhood he bought her clothes, her school fee, and other things also directly deliver by him when she is in her teen phase, she just order everything, and it is delivered to her, and she is also very busy in learning singing and painting and even school studies that she never go outside and plays, that's whys she doesn't have more friends.

      School and home is her whole life, when she go aboard, she started to learn some self-defense and there she meets new friends, still due to study and other things she doesn't get lots of time, after coming back she accompanies her father, and also this time she creates the biggest trouble in her life, and get pregnant, after that she only do online shopping, she rarely gets contacted with the outer world, and after her miscarriage, she only knows revenge, so her general awareness is really weak, she is also weak in studies, so she needed to do more work than others, so she really never enjoys anything, she never watches cinema in the cinema hall, she never go to street shopping with friends, no one takes her on the date, now thinking all this she is really miserable.

While thinking about this, her father calls her for dinner, today because Sanjay takes Sia's side, Udhav is really happy, Sanjay thinks that dinner time will be as always, but to his surprise, the other two family members are treating him with more care, he wanted to eat food made by Sia, but to his disappointment, she don't cook today, he also knows that she must be sad because all the things happen in the tea time.

     After dinner, Sanjay gets a hug from Sia, and also from his dad, he also senses that his dad's mood is good, and somehow he also feels happy, even though he spends his time in his maternal family, there is no family environment, only his grandpa is there who care for him.

Sia after returning to her room, she started to think about her all belongings, she has an apartment flat, a bungalow and also a condo, she also has 10% share of her father company and 5% share of Arnav's company, she has branded bags and clothes which are gifted by Nandini and her cousins, Aranv, Sanjay and Nandini also gifted her cars, so she has three cars, her father doesn't let her drive in fear of accident, she also has lots of jewelry, in her bank account there must be 10 crores, so Arnav and her father give her unlimited credit cards, but she rarely uses it, so she is filthy rice, but this is all money given by others, She knows Shivani started to work when she is 18 years old, and she also gets a scholarship for study, and she .....

     She decided to earn money, fortunately, she knows how to invest and she also knows some companies whose share is gonna increase, but she decided not to buy much, she also knows some land, and she decided to buy it, There are some new business ideas, but she decided that she will not actively search for those ideas if she crosses the road with those who can benefit her then she will surely use it.

She decided that tomorrow she will ask for money from her father for the orphanage, and the money she has she will invest in shares, tomorrow is going to busy so she decided to sleep early.

Here Arjun thinks, that Tony is somewhat related to Sia, so he decided to tell his brother because he thinks that Shivani is getting trouble because of Sia, and what Sia says inform Arnav must be a lie, so after sending Myra and Shivani back, he goes to his brother's office. When he reaches the office he sees his brother is still working, he comes inside and excitedly said,

"brother, Shivani is innocent, the one who is behind this accident is Sia's enemy"

"really? who?" Arnav asked without looking at him, he is too busy at work to give attention to his brother.


"what?" Arnav shouted,

"Tony, it must be someone Sia offended previously or maybe uncle's enemy," Arjun said,

"who tell you this?" Arnav asked, if it is really Tony then he will kill him as soon as possible, on Arnav's question Arjun tells him what happened, Arnav is quite surprised by knowing that Sia knows about Tony so much, and even in so detail, he decided to ask her how she knows about Tony, after all involving her is not a good idea.