
Here Neha also thinking about her past, without Sia, she doesn't know what will she do, when she is 17 years old, her so called father found her, and why he found her because he wanted her to marry a business partner, his loved daughter who is two years older than her is unwilling, she tries to protest but they use force, her mom is sick still they both struggle, thankfully that time Sia come, her bodyguard handle them and Sia call Udhav, even though Udhav uncle looks harmless, he is in the business world for so many years, her father is nothing in front of him, but still try to fight with Udhav uncle, she remembers how before he can touch Udhav uncle. Sia actually throw a chair on him, she is really happy that Sia smacks that person, later she doesn't know what measures uncle take, but her father never again disturb her life, Sia is also scared that she takes her and her mother to their guesthouse, she is also weak that time, so she accepts help, she also has self-respect, but having self-respect doesn't help you, you needed money and some protection, thankfully she has Sia and Ani, Udhav uncle offer her job, she knows he is doing this to not harm her self respect, she accepted it and take admission to external university after that and started to work, this job is clerk level it is 10 to 6 job.

  She also started to give tuitions that time, she wakes up at 5 Am, do her daily chores that time her mom will pack her food, she doesn't eat outside because they needed to save money, then she goes and gives home tuition to teens after that she goes to a job and at night she again does some work online, Sia tries to help her, but she can't take any more help.

   After some hard work, they buy a new house in a safe area. Her hard work pays off and now she has a good job and her own home even though she needed to pay some installments.

Sia is her mental support, her true friend not only because she saves her from lots of things, but because she is innocent person, unlike others who speak one thing on your face and say another thing on your back, Sia is straightforward, what more she is brutally honest, she knows some people say that she makes friends with Sia because she is super-rich, but she remembers that she decided to be her friend when she comes to talk to her, she looks at the little girl, who is too pretty and has a very sweet voice, her smile is so pure and infectious that she can't help but smile with her, Neha is more mature than other people of her age, but with only Sia, she feels relax.

She decided previously she will return all the money she takes from Sia one day to her, so she can prove the world that her friendship is pure, people say that we should make friends of the same staus but why? Sia is her friend and she will always, or this is what she thinks.

They both fight first when Sia decided to go aboard for study, that time she doesn't want Sia to leave, but still Sia go, she knows she is selfish that time so she apologises, later she opposes her while she decided to drug Arnav, later she gets married and that time those plastic friends become more close to Sia than her, she realized that Sia doesn't want her more, she wanted to talk with her but her ego doesn't allow her, she knows that in true friendship ego doesn't matter, but she thinks Sia break their friendship due to other peoples word, so she doesn't want to continue, she can't express her feeling properly but she wanted to tell Sia, that for her she can sacrifice anything, and she will never snatch anything from her, what more she know Arnav even though he doesn't say anything he cares for Sia. And Sia is the person whom you can't hate because if she loves you she will love you fully without restriction.

Previously she thinks that Sia will not talk with her but to her surprise, she talks with her and even apologizes, previously she doesn't pick her phone because she remembers how Sia breaks contact with her, never answer her single call. But from inside she wanted to talk with her, yesterday she break up with her cheap bf, her mood is very bad that time and then she meets Ani by coincidence and he told her everything which happens in recent days.

    After hearing that Sia's child is no more in the world her mood worsens, her Sia is in so much pain, and she is showing her ego it makes her feel guilty, she wanted to call Sia wanted to question her how she is? but stop herself, she decided to wait for her call, because she remembers that Sia has more important friends than her who will console her, Today she is in bad mood but after listening to Sia's sweet voice all her anger is gone away, She quickly completes her work and goes to meet Sia.

Here Sia also decided to cook Neha's favorite dish which is varanfal, which is not difficult, thankfully her father like whatever she made, so she decided to make it more, after she made it she wanted to give Neha call but instead that she get Neha's message that she will reach at their home in some minutes, so she started to watch some videos on phone, She is happy today because she is reunited with her friends after Neha come they talk for a long time, Neha advised her to talk about her mental health with her father, and she also gives her some advice regarding the donation process, like provide a teacher to teach those children some other skill which can be used in future, etc, then they eat together and after that, they bid goodbye

At night after dinner Sia visit Udhav's study room where he and Sanjay are discussing something, she asks him is free and after getting the positive response she hesitantly tells him everything happen still now, she told him after getting locked in that room, she gets scared at night sometimes and she has claustrophobia but Sia know that she is already cured because of her training, she tells him that now her situation is quite good, but she still feels some mood swings and numbness all over the body.

     Udahv know nothing about this, while Sanjay feels guilty, he remembers this incident and he is somewhat guilty for this, after Sia tells them everything and how she feels sometimes, she feel relax even though she doesn't tell him about her rebirth still she tells him every bad thing she does her this age, she said sorry to her father for all the bad things she does which are fortunately not much, It is not related to her mental illness it is just she wanted to confess, after that she felt really good.