His story.

He comes in the world one month earlier, which caused life threatening situations for his mother, fortunately, his mother survived, but she gets Thyroid after the birth, he is a very weak child and needed special attention, his mom is very busy in her treatment, she took two years to get her normal health back, they don't plan his birth and it may be called an accident, nobody mistreats him, but he sometimes heard his grandma sometimes saying that he may take his mother's life, he won't know how but he believes it.

     He also has dyslexia, his mom again get disappointed due to this, but never show on the face, but he is a sensitive child he knows he let his mom down, but his dad is there and he always encourages him, they hire a special teacher for them, when he is four year old, his mom is pregnant again, and give birth to a healthy child, unlike previous birth this time his mom is very healthy, he sees his mom playing with his baby brother very happily, it is not like she doesn't love him, but she don't love him that much, and he can't express his feeling in words, he is slow in learning and can't speak properly, thankfully his dad is with him all the time when his mom is busy dad take him to office, his dad is a super busy person and everyone respect him, he decided that he will become like him one day, but how, he can't understand lots of things and he is very slow.

Later he does hard work and turns his weakness into his strength, and he becomes his better version, in this all process his relationship with his mom is healed, he understands his mom is not intentional but still, there is something in his heart which pock him, his dad is just like God for him.

   He will fulfill all things and always put down his work for him, no matter how tried his dad is he played with him, he is his everything, but life is very cruel when he wanted to give his dad the best gift ever, his dad is the one who gives him a shock, he gets the news that his dad is no more in the world, he can't able to believe it, the truth that he is still searching his dad because they can't find his corpse, he now wants revenge and also wanted to make his company famous, he wanted that everyone knows how great his dad is, but in this process, he becomes more machine less human.

He is hardworking no doubt, people think he is lucky because he is smart handsome and very intelligent, but only he knew how much efforts he takes for this, he can't get rid of those negative thoughts still now, he never feels relaxed again, he has insomnia, his body is not as healthy as it looks, he works lots of the days 18 hours, when his company is facing difficulties he remembers that whole week he gets only a few hours of sleep, he sometimes vomit all the food he eats, his body is taxed all his efforts, but sometimes he doesn't understand what is the use of all this if his dad can't see it, but he again remember his motive, he knows that only this way he can make his dad proud. (You may guess who the boy is, yup it is Arnav)

Arnav is still thinking about the past when Sanjay call him and tell him that Sia is facing depression, Sanjay also knows how much Sia love Arnav so he thinks if Arnav talks with Sia then she might be feeling good, Arnav also get worried, he already no that she has some trouble, but he also knows that he can't help her much, he already has so much in his plate that he can't take anymore, he gets the news that drug dealer gang coming in the city in next few days, and this time a big deal is gonna happen, if they got successful then his father's enemy becomes more strong, he can't let it happen, drugs are going to destroy lots of young people, it is very harmful to society, what more he can't do anything for Sia now, so he tells Sanjay to let her visit Psychiatrists after that he hangs up.

Sanjay knows Arnav is cold hearted but this is too..., he feels bad for his sister. Here Arnav is also feeling bad for Sia, he knows he owns Sia so much, but now there is no turning point from here, He also loves Sia but loving is not enough, you have to love right person at right time and it in the right way otherwise it will turn into tragedy, and he doesn't want to make Sia's life tragedy. He let a sigh, and close his eyes.

Here, Sia after the conversation feels good, she spends next two days, in deciding about the things she buys for the orphanage, her father also sends her an assistant/bodyguard/adviser/Secretary all in one, which she knows very well, it is his dad's assistant uncle Umesh, but unlike his dad, he is super strict, he even book her an appointment to Psychiatrists for which she is unwilling, but later decided to go, he also let her drive, because of the accident she has some fear while driving, even after four years of driving she still get scared but that is not as much as after those months her accident, her recovery is fast and in one weak they give all the necessary things to the orphanage, they don't tell where from this things are, Sia also visit an orphanage with Ani and tell children stories or sing some songs, her voice is good, so she also earn some little fans of her, she also find out one little girl who is nearly 10 years old and interested in learning music.

      Sia tells the coordinator of the orphanage to let the girl learn music and she will take care of the expanses, Sia also realize how lucky she is to have a father who loves her so much, her mother even though die early she still gets her company, but she is just ungrateful never properly show her gratitude to her dad, she decided that she will write a song for her dad, and sing it on YouTube as a gift, anyway Umesh uncle already create a studio for her, where she can sing, and also one studio for painting.

  Anyway, her father's birthday is also coming she decided that she will make the cake by herself, right now she doesn't know how to make the cake because she never learns this but now she decided to learn if she found chinu then she can also make it for him. This thought excited her too much.