Meeting Chinu.

It is Tuesday so lots of devotional people today come to Devima's Temple, in front of temple lots of beggars are begging, one little cute child with another 3/4 children begging, but he is looking very uncomfortable, he doesn't eat anything from two days, that uncle said him, that if he eats then he doesn't look pitiful and nobody will give him money, so it is useful to be hungry, but he is really hungry, the sun is scratching, he is also thirsty, he is feeling so uncomfortable and due to all this he suddenly collapses but while he collapses he accidentally pushes aunty who is standing near to him, that Aunty's basket of flower and pooja's thali also fall, that aunty gets too angry and wanted to slap him, the little child get scared and start trembling, he is ready to get a slap, he closes his eyes, but even after two minutes he doesn't get slapped, he opens his eyes and looks above and to his surprise that auntry's hand is held by a beautiful looking sister.

"What are you doing? leave my hand" that woman demanded,

"You are going to slap a little boy," Sia said with a glare,

"he pushes me, and all my things are scattered, how I suppose to do pooja?"

"don't you feel shame in front of Devi ma(mother goddess) you are heating a child, will Devi ma will accept your Pooja?" Sia said with an angry voice, she leaves that woman's hand and find some money from her purse and tell one of her bodyguards to bring a basket of flower and pooja's thali, the bodyguard quickly goes, the woman also feels guilty, even though she is angry she can't hit a child, but she also feels humiliated so don't say sorry.

 That bodyguard comes quickly and gives her the things he bought after that the woman mumble thank you and leave, also the people who are watching drama also leave, only one person from some distance is staring them.

Sia looks down towards chinu who is a very cute and young version of her chinu, her heart is feeling too happy, but how she is here, so it happen like this, after distributing things chichi tell her that she earn some goodwill points, and with this points she can earn something, Sia inquired about and learn that if she don't do good karma, then she will die on same day as her previous life, and why chichi didn't tell her is due to the reason Sia at start don't wanted to live, Sia wanted to get angry, but also find chichi is reasonable, anyway she still has four years, and in this four year she can do lots of good things, so she ask Chichi how much days she will buy, and what are other things, on which chichi tell her that she can buy one month life, or 15 days life and information about chinu, she can also buy some basic level skills but for that more points required, Sia is not interested in skill, but very much interested in Chinu, so she asks system where she found chinu on which chichi give her this address, she thinks that if she give more attention to chichi, then she may find chinu earlier, worry not, after going home she will ask chichi everything about her. So she quickly comes here.

 Umesh is quite surprised because he never sees Sia coming to the temple, but today she is very eager to come here and ended up in this type of situation.

So now Sia is very happy seeing chinu again, chinu also see the beautiful aunty looking towards her and wanted to say thank you to her, his father teaches him some things like saying sorry, thank you. So he looks towards Sia and said her thank you, aunty, but again fainted due to hunger, seeing him collapsing.

    Sia quickly squat down and give him support and then quickly take him in her arms, the other children also come towards her, she bought her handbag with her, and fortunately, she carries a water bottle and some chocolates with her, she let chinu drink some water, after that he regain his some consciousness, she gives chocolates to other children and also stuff one chocolate in chinu's mouth, chinu looks towards Sia, with his big eyes, he never has seen such a beautiful aunty ever, what more that aunty is so kind she help him to avoid the beating and even give him chocolate, he is too happy. Sia knows he is an easily satisfied boy, even after suffering so much his heart never tainted with the cruelty of the world, how she defines her love for chinu. she doesn't know.

She asks chinu if he is hungry on which he nodded, she tell him to come with her, on which he looks towards his friends and tell her that they are hungry too, so can she give all of them some food, Sia quickly agreed, Umesh is quite surprised, he feels like Sia come for this boy only, but how can this possible.

Sia take them to nearest breakfast center, this temple is near the bus stop, so all the other facilities are near, she quickly brings all the children in the breakfast center and tell them to order, she pull chinu towards her and let him sit near her, Umesh is quite worried about her, she is already sick and now eating outside, all he know that Princess Sia never eats anything from outside but he see Sia comfortably eating and even she is feeding chinu.

     Chinu is also surprised, he never see his mom, his dad said that his mom is going to meet God, because he is the best soul, but if possible God maybe send an angel for him, but only if he is good child, so he concluded that this aunty must be angel, so his mom must request God to send this aunty, thinking this chinu get very happy and eat quickly, after feeding him Sia buy another water bottle and wash his face, while Umesh pay the bills, he wanted to ask Sia if she knows the child, but before he can ask, someone, interrupted them saying "Young miss look like a good person, feeding a beggar with so much care"

Sia who is immersed in her happiness is quite surprised due to this voice, she is very familiar with this voice, the person who is very close to her before her death, Aditya. Is her luck is too much that she is meeting two important people from her previous life after a few days after her rebirth.