
From the moment I had been activated, I had felt alone and completely set apart from all others. I was an island. No one could relate to me and vise-versa. Since I had overheard John's phone call, I felt a change in my central processing unit. Though I was still an island, I felt that someone was finally on my side. The knowledge that John had argued for my significance as a living being had dramatically changed my attitude towards him.

As I sat in the cushioned, black, swivel chair, that now permanently had the imprint of my behind indented in it, I waited patiently for John to finish sorting through the data in my electronic brain.

"Nearly done," he said, keeping his gaze locked on his computer screen. "You can go next door for a visit after this, if you like. I'm headed to the grocery store and figured you would like to spend some time with Wilma while I'm gone.

By being ok with leaving me here while he was gone, I knew John was demonstrating his best attempts at giving me more freedom and trust.

"That would be nice," I said smiling. "Thank you."

John's hands froze from their place on the keyboard. He looked up at me, a surprised expression displayed across his face.

"That is the first time I've ever heard you say thank you," he observed, dark eyebrows raised.

"That is my fault," I said humbly. "I'm sorry."

John's mouth fell slightly open.

"An 'I'm sorry' and a 'thank you' in the same sixty seconds?" John clutched at his chest and dramatically feigned a heart attack.

"What's happening?" he asked with exaggeration.

I punched his arm, failing to hide a smile behind pinched annoyance.

"Ouch!" he grabbed his arm, laughing. "You don't have normal strength, remember? I'm probably going to get a bruise there. You don't hit like a girl, you know."

"But I am a girl," I said smiling.

John observed me silently for a moment, his dark brown eyes considering my face.

"Yes, I suppose you are," he said softly. "and a damn pretty girl when you actually smile."

A concerning jerking feeling in my chest and warmth in my face made me think I could be experiencing an erratic power overload.

John pulled his gaze away from my light green eyes and focused his attention back on his computer.

"It'll be good for you to see your friend before we leave tomorrow."

"Where are we going?" I asked curiously.

"To AzTech headquarters."

"Elaborate please."

"It's one of the top leading companies of technology in all of North America. I suppose I should tell you, It's the rival company of Warp Core Industries. I was a double agent, of sorts, for AzTech. When we caught wind that Dr. Abrams had partnered with Warp Core to create you, they decided to place me there to oversee the project. Of course, they didn't know I was AzTech when they hired me, hence the alias. I contacted my superiors yesterday and they want a closer look at you. I have done all I can to gather information. You don't have anything to worry about. You won't be harmed. They just want to know more about you."

I silently sat, head down, processing the information I had just received. Looking up slowly, I fixed a determined smile on my lips, and shrugging, said, "Ok."