Swift Departure

"Run that by me again." said Wilma with a confused stare.

"John just left to get groceries." I said quickly. "I'm making a break for it, but just wanted to tell you goodbye."

There was only one thing inventors did to new inventions after they collected the maximum amount of data possible. They would undoubtedly take me apart, piece by piece, to find out how I worked. No matter what his promises were, I was not prepared for John's control of the situation to be turned over to an obscure company.

"Babe," Wilma said, "have you thought this through? What brought this on so quickly? Is that douchewagon abusing you?"

"Not really."

"Than what?"

I paused for a moment, than said, "John wants to take me on a road trip. I don't want to go with him and he isn't giving me any choice."

"Sounds like abuse to me," said Wilma sagely. "Still, running away sounds drastic. Where will you go? How will you get there? Why don't you just break up with him?"

I pulled out a wad of cash I found in John's wallet. "I'm hitching a ride on a cargo train to Texas, and I'll only use cash if I need it. Once there, I'll look for a job and make enough money to support myself.

"As much as I love your illegal plan," spoke Wilma with utter sincerity, "I can't help but feel that there is an easier way to approach your problem."

She stood up, walked over to her dresser, and pulled out a roll of bills wrapped in a scrunchy.

"I'm not going to tell you what to do, Ana. Goodness knows you've had enough of that from your sexist boyfriend."

Wilma walked over to me, looking more serious than I ever knew she could appear.

"Instead," she spoke sincerely, "I'll make you an offer. We could take a little road trip ourselves and you can come with me to visit my dad in California. I'm sure he would be more than willing to put you up until you find a job to support yourself. If you don't want that, please take some more cash and go to Texas."

The generosity that Wilma extended took me by surprise. The temptation to take her up on her offer was strong, but, would I be putting Wilma in danger by letting her help me?

"Can we leave right now?" I asked, wide eyed.

"You bet," Wilma grinned broadly.

Running around her apartment wildly, she through clothing and necessities untidily into a duffle bag, and grabbed a smooth, light blue, gumdrop shaped object as big as a softball.

Having Wilma drive me away from here would decrease the chances of running into trouble on the road, and increase the speed at which I could start my life away from geniuses in lab-coats. She was my first real friend, not counting my complicated relationship with John, and I wouldn't let anything happen to her.

"Where are your things?" she asked hurriedly.

"I don't need anything. Let's go"

Shrugging, she hauled her bag to the door.

"What about your cats?" I asked, not caring much what happened to the fluff balls, but knowing she would care.

"I'll call someone to take care of them while we're gone. Jillian will come with us though."

A stark white Burmilla cat slunk out from behind the cat scratching tree in the corner of the room and sauntered towards us.

"Any day, your highness." spoke Wilma a bit testily.

The cat hopped onto the duffle bag, and dug her claws in the fabric.

With our odd group, we hurriedly shuffled out the door to depart on our adventure.