
My legs burned as I sprinted down the corridor. Men bumped into me from all sides as they ran towards the chaos on deck. The ceiling above me kept trembling as the men ran across the deck. The yells and curses of grown men filled the corridor.

"Move our of the way whore!"

Excuse me? Count yourself lucky that I don't have time for you assholes right now. I finally reached the cells. I fell in front of them as I held my chest. My lungs burned from the sprinting. I then took it the keys from my pocket and fiddled with the lock. The cell door opened. My crew members were all sleeping. I sighed as I looked at their tired and gaunt faces. Despite what they were facing as prisoners they never complained or blamed me.

I wiped away the tears in my eyes. I have to be strong for them right now! And who knows we might even be saved by the other ship! Each pair of chains had a different key. My hands trembled as the anxiety of Baron coming filled me. Sweat dropped down my forehead as the humidity warmed me.

I sat back breathing hard after opening all of the chains. Maybe I should just close my eyes for a second. A second later I felt someone shaking me. I opened my eyes to see my crew members with their weapons in hand. Smiles covered their faces as they looked at me.

"Come on Miss Mila! Let's get out of here!"

I clenched my fists. This was only the beginning. The real battle begins above. I took out twin silver pistols. In high school I took a class which taught survival. Shooting was one of the lessons that I excelled in. I stole these twin pistols from Baron's room earlier.

They were beautiful. Pristine carvings in gold adorned the sides. They were small but their bullets were large. Meaning they hurt like a bitch if shot into the leg or arm. Zarfia has a large sword, the twins had firecrackers while Wilhelm had pistols like me. Clark had a rifle and a sword. I laughed. We were quite the bunch.

"Let's go crew!"

"Aye, Aye, Captain!"

We ran down the now empty corridor and went up the stairs. Nothing would prepare me for the sight that I would behold. It was a battlefield.

On deck, Baron's crew were jumping off the ship onto the deck of the prey ship. I whistled. The ship that Baron was attacking looked luxurious. I squinted my eyes. There looked to be men and women wearing noble clothing on deck. The women screamed as Baron's crew members threw them over their shoulders. I bit my lip and clenched my fists in anger. The crew men were probably going to rape them.

A thunderous voice rang out.


A second later the ship rumbled as cannons hit the noble ship. Baron's crew men jumped back from the nobles' ship with the noble women over their shoulders. Zarfia held my arm and shook her head. She's right I have to calm down.

The noble ship exploded as it sunk into the sea. Two of Baron's henchmen set down four treasure chests in front of him. The noblewomen continued to cry as they were thrown to the ground. Baron has a smile which made my insides turned. It was evil and looked like a snake's. His green eyes gleaming as the treasure chests opened to reveal gems and Doubloons.

I sighed. What did I expect, he was the "Pirate King" after all. There was a noblewoman who turned and saw me and my crew at the door. She opened her mouth but I did the "shush" symbol. She nodded as I smiled. Good. At least she was smart.

Slowly my crew and I crouched and crawled from barrel to barrel to escape Baron's suspicions. Our plan of escape to another ship was no longer an option. One of Baron's crew members then pulled the noblewoman who was about to scream close to him. He then laughed maniacally as he stared at her chest. Tears ran down her cheeks.

I didn't understand what had happened until I saw the shocked faces around me. Smoke leaked out of my twin pistols. Baron's crew member howled as twin bullet holes formed holes in his arm. The noblewoman ran to me with a smile. My crew members then sprung up and stood in front of me to shield me. I stretched my hand out and the noblewoman took it.

She had chestnut hair formed in ringlets, with warm chocolate brown eyes. She seemed to be my age. I pushed her behind me and winked. She blushed. I was dressed like a man after all.

My long hair was cut by Zarfia's sword and tied in a small ponytail. I wore Baron's pants, boots, and a blouse with binding over my breasts. A hat on top of my head. Suddenly I heard a familiar laugh film the air.

"Well isn't this grand? Who is the mysterious gentleman who had just shot my crew member? Is he not willing to show himself?"

I patted Clark's back. He turned. I shook my head and he nodded. My crew members bowed and moved out of my way. My boots clacked against the wood deck as I walked towards Baron. He smirked as he looked at me up and down. It felt like he was sizing me up. I clenched my fists. I put my twin pistols back into their holsters and unsheathed a sword.

Oh yeah. When I as in high school I was on the school Varsity fencing team. My interest in history had also allowed me to take an archery class. I smiled. I guess that taking those classes were worth it after all.

Take that my Biology major friends who made fun of my History major choice!

I threw my hat on the deck and pointed my sword at Baron.

"If I beat you in a duel, you will free my men, as well as the noblewomen which you have abducted from the ship."

Baron laughed. His eyes closed slightly as he purred.

"Oh and what is your definition of "free them", my good man?"

I felt his sarcasm behind calling me a man. I sighed. God he was so annoying.

"You will arrange rooms for them where they must not be disturbed. I will take responsibility of their safety."

Baron walked up to me. His blond hair shining under the sun like threads of gold. He leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"Do you know how ravishing you look right now my wife? I seem to have underestimated you. Now tell me. What happens if you lose?"

"You must still release my crew members and the noblewomen. But I will comply to your every request as an obedient wife."

Baron chuckled as he stood back.

"How cute. So does this mean that this duel will only be for your individual freedom? How selfish."

"Shut up fucker. God you're so annoying. If you don't release them then I will shoot down all of you crew members."

"Oh my dear Mila, you wouldn't dare."

As quick as lightning I took out my pistol and shot one of Baron's crew member's in the leg.

"Do you still think that I'm fucking around."

Baron smiled and unsheathed his sword.

"Well, as a good husband I must comply with my beloved wife's request."

He then pointed his sword at me and said with a smirk.

"Don't disappoint me bitch."


Thank you so much for reading! I will update soon😍Stay safe😷😍