A worthy sacrifice

I took off my coat, and stayed only in my corset and black pants. Baron licked his lips and whistled. I glared at him. I was too furious to feel any shame right now. I need to be able to move.

Seconds later our swords clanged every time I countered his advances. My fencing coach's words radiated in my mind.

"Don't strike with many hits, instead look for the second to hit a fatal strike."

As I continued to defend myself against Baron's onslaught of attacks I understood my coach's words. My sword is already heavier than my fencing one. I lacked the stamina. I have to end this quick or else I'm going to tire out. Baron's crew members cheered as he smirked.

Sweat beaded my forehead. My right arm shook from the impact of the swords repeatedly clashed. I dodged his strikes. I winced as his sword slashed my leg. A brief expression of concern flashed across Baron's face before he smugly smirked once more.

"Oh my dear wife, it seems like you've been injured, do you want to stop?"

"Shut up asshole! This doesn't end until one of us falls dead!"

Frankly I was pissed. I have been kissed ever since coming to this place. Tears of anger flowed down my cheeks. Baron's crew members quieted. My crew members called out to me but I ignored them.

Fuck. The wound in my leg was bleeding a lot. It was also burning like a bitch.

I bent over and slashed one of the coat's arms off. I then formed a quick tourniquet to stop the bleeding. My bloodied fingers swept my hair back leaving bloody tracks on my face. Baron smiled at me with satisfaction. I must've looked like a Pirate now.

My breathing turned laborious as my leg ached. I have to end the fight now. I charged at Baron with my sword. He chuckled. He quickly deflected my attack and hit my sword out of my hands. He then pointed the sword at my heart.

"Admit your defeat."

I chuckled. Baron looked at me in confusion. A second later his sword flattered on the deck as my leg shot up. I had kicked his sword out of his hands.

I then backed up and put my fists up. In close combat I had the advantage. Thank God for that survival class I took. Baron burst into laughter. He took of me his coat and hat and threw them in the deck. He then rolled up the sleeves of his blouse and raised his fists.

"Oh sweetie, after seeing all of your gifts I have to apologize but say that even if you win this match I don't think that I'm going to be able to let you go."

"Then I'll shoot your motherfucking brains out."

"The bad language once again. You are unlike any women I have ever met. You're so strong in front of me now but in bed to you become quite the tame little kitten-"

He coughed and spit out a white object. I backed up as my knuckle bled. Baron held his bruised jaw and smiled. His emerald green eyes darkening with anger.

"I've been patient with you yet you still choose to test my limits? How daring. It looks like I have to actually fight seriously now."

God this man talks so much. I shifted my weight as I winced from my wounded leg. I need to give him an uppercut so that he would faint. That or I can also hit him in the guy hard enough that he would back down. I put my arms up in front of my face as Baron's punches suddenly came flying at my face. Shit. Thanks God I had good reflexes. Baron's crew members cheered once more.

My arms felt like they were about to break from his successive punches. This man was trained in boxing. Is it from all of the bar fights? I then bent and dodged his next series of hits. I swung my leg over and tripped him. Baron winced as he fell to the ground. I pounced on him and barreled his chest and face with punches. He held my arms leaving us in a stalemate. Despite my plethora of hits his face remained handsome. I must look like a mess now. I then twisted my body and brought my elbow down on the middle of his chest. Baron let go of my hands and coughed out as something cracked. It must be a rib bone. I then slapped his cheeks.

"Do you surrender Baron? I can stop this onslaught if you admit defeat."

"I will never admit losing to my wife."

Dumbass. For some reason guilt filled me as I continued to punch him.

"Just admit it already! Why can't you let me be free! What's so hard about my proposal?"

Baron chuckled despite my punches.

"I'm sorry Mila but you have just gained more of my interest in you. You are such a brave woman compared to all of the girls who throw themselves on me. You have exceeded my every expectation. Don't you understand stupid girl? I'm serious about making you my wife, if I weren't I probably would have killed you already."

Is that supposed to make me feel better? This was dragging on for too long, my leg was hurting like hell as I bend it this way on top of Baron. My arms were starting to tire as well as my knuckles bled. Baron then brought his arms up and put his hands on my waist. He then sat up and placed his lips on mine. I tasted blood. Using the small amount of strength I had, I pushed him away. Baron chuckled and whispered.

"Mila, you make me so crazy. Why can't you fall for me already?"

His forehead was touching mine. I looked into his green eyes which were full of pain.

"I will take this as your defeat Baron."

Baron closed his eyes and sighed.

"Okay I admit my defeat Mila."

I pushed him down on the deck and stood up. I wore my coat and walked towards my crew members. Zarfia held me as I collapsed into her arms.

"Bring...the noblewoman over other Baron's me will do unthinkable things to them."

Zarfia nodded and answered.

"I will Miss Mila. Are you okay?"

Do I look okay bitch? My eyes blurred as I felt nausea. I couldn't feel my wounded leg anymore. I turned to see Baron stand up with crew members wiping his face and dressing him. He looked over at me with an expression of longing. I then said.

"I will never fall for you Baron. So please respect my wishes and prepare a room for me and my crew members along with the noblewoman you've abducted."

Baron nodded. I then fell to the ground. The sound of boots hitting the deck sounded. Baron's voice calling my name filled my ears.

"Mila! Mila! Navius bring Jorden the doctor!"

I was completely drained of all of my energy. I opened my eyes to look up at Baron's concerned face. My head was on his lap.

I closed my eyes and allowed the darkness to swallow me.


Thank you for reading! Stay safe my luvs❤️😍😷