New roommates

"Miss Mila? Miss Mila!"

I groaned and put the pillow on top of my head. Who was calling my name this early in the morning?

"Miss Mila you must wake up."

"Give me a couple more minutes please."

A second later I felt someone pinch my side. I jumped up.

"Ouch! Who the fuck just pinched-Oh Lord Jesus please cleanse my dirty mouth."

The noblewoman who I had saved earlier smiled at me.

"It's okay Miss Mila, I myself also curse when there is no one watching me."

I covered my eyes. A demon like me does not deserve to look at such an angel! Her chestnut ringlets bobbed as she laughed. Oh my dear God! What an innocent laugh. I chuckled as I thought of how I looked to her with my wild hair and bloody face. Well whatever.

I winced as I pushed away the covers. My wounded leg was perfectly bandaged. I looked at the noblewoman.

"Did you do this?"

She shook her head. And pointed at a woman who sat at the corner of the room knitting. The woman had red fiery hair and crystal blue eyes. What a beaut! Why am I the only ugly fuck in the midst of such perfect Queens?

I turned to look at the two noblewomen.

"May I know your names?"

The women nodded. The girl with the the chestnut hair stood and curtsied.

"My name is Clarabella De Lorvius. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance."

Tears of shame fell down my cheeks. Even her curtsy was perfect. God above I'm such a klutz in front of a perfect lady like her. The red haired woman then did the same curtsy and answered.

"My name is Daniella Verdius. A pleasure to know you Mila of Avalon."

I blinked, the red haired woman was more observant than I had expected.

"Thank you Daniella for nursing me and thank you Clarabella for waking me up."

The two women blushed shyly. Oh my God such virtuous women! I slapped my forehead. I must look like a gorilla to these women. I then noticed that my crew members were sleeping in bunk beds across from my bed. I smiled. Even though I don't know them well, I still count them as my friends.

So it looks like Baron has indeed kept his side of the bet. How chivalrous. This was allowed at the cost of my leg, knuckles, and arms after all. I winced. My whole body ached like a bitch. It felt like I ran a marathon without stretching first.

"Miss Mila are you okay?"

Clarabella and Daniella rushes to my side. I smiled. They are so nice. It was worth saving them from the fate of being attacked by Baron's crew members. I looked around. Strange. There should be another noblewoman that I saved. I swung my legs over and stood.

"Hey bitch watch where our stepping. You almost stepped on my motherfucking face."

I looked down at a young noblewoman lying on the floor. Her dress was hiked up to her knees and she picked at her nose. Unruly blond hair framed her tan hair as her red eyes burned with boredom. I smiled. Finally! A noblewoman that I can be on the same level as.

"What is your name? Mine is Mila."

The noblewoman flicked something from her nose on the ground and turned over.

"The name's Jacia Marckel. You sure got your beauty sleep. I thought that you weren't going to wake up."

I clenched my fists. I take it back. This bitch is more annoying than Baron. I ignored her and slid down the bed to sit on the floor next to her. I winced again. Ugh the wound on my leg was burning once more. I raised my corset slightly. The bandages were stained red as my wound reopened. Daniella and Clarabella rushes around the room getting bandages and hot water together.

"Please don't trouble yourselves! A small wound like this is not of much concern!"

Clarabella and Daniella ignored my words as the redressed the wound. I cried out in pain as they took of the old bandages. A couple of minutes later my leg was redressed.

I exhaled in relief.

"Miss Mila, I would like you to know that everyone in this room is thankful for what you have done for us."

I nodded and patted Clarabella's head. She blushed and looked down. I giggled. She was so adorable! She reminded me of my younger sister back home. A pang of pain hit my heart. Relax Mila, now is not the time to remember such things. The next step of my plan has to be enacted. I have to now find a way to turn in Baron and get the reward. After that I can find a way to get back to my old life. Jacia stood up and went to the cabinet.

After a couple of minutes she came back with what looked like shortbread cookies. She then set them on my lap and sat back in the ground turned away from me.

"Eat those you dumb bitch or else you won't be able to heal properly. You're such a pain with your injuries like that."

I sniled. Despite her flippant attitude, Jacia actually had a kind heart. I munched on a cookie and spit it out immediately. Holy fuckaroos, what are these cookies made of?

Jacia turned around and asked with concern.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Jacia! Thank you for asking, I just choked on a piece is all."

Jacia turned back and said.

"I don't care about you, I just don't want to be in debt if you die from choking on cookies that I gave you."

I chuckled and looked around the room. Despite the small size it actually felt quite cozy. I think that I can get along with my new roommates. I continued to chat with the noblewomen as my crew members snored. After coming to this place, this was the first morning that I have woken up with a smile on my face.


Thank you for reading and all the support❤️Stay safe my luvs😷❤️