Poker and cigarettes

I quickly stomped back as my captor released their grip on my mouth. Next I kicked the crotch then put my two fingers forward to poke the eyes. My captor screamed as they fell backwards.

I folded the sleeves of my nightgown and leaned in to se my captor under the light. Some fucker kill me right the hell now.

"Jacia? Jacia? Are you still alive? I'm so sorry I thought that you were some kidnapper or something! Please don't cross over to the other side yet! You still have a long life ahead of you!"


I held Jacia's body as she reached her hand to touch my cheek.

"Yes Jacia?"

She motioned for me to lean in. I leaned in as she whispered in my ear.

"Don't let that bastard Josh take my cigarettes again. If he does I will haunt him as a ghost for the rest of his life."

My eyes darkened as I threw Jacia's body off my lap. She cried out in pain.

"You little bitch! First you attack me like I'm sort of kidnapper than you throw me on the floor? And hey! What's up with that expression of yours it's like you're looking at trash when you look at me! Stop it!"

I looked at Jacia under a new light. I stood up and wiped away the dust from my nightgown.

"Jacia. Your joke was not funny. I seriously thought that I had hurt someone. The next time you want to prank some await the consequences."

I then huffed and walked down the corridor.

"Wait Mila! Forgive me! I won't do it again."

I stopped walking and turned back to see an apologetic Jacia. I flicked her forehead as she pouted. I then chuckled. Jacia was a fun person to have around. She must have had quite an upbringing as a noblewoman. I imagine her reaction to being told that she has to take an etiquette class. I burst out in laughter.

"Hey Mila did you go insane or something? Follow me as I take you to the others."

I continued to laugh as Jacia's expression turned more and more annoyed. I looked around at my surroundings. This ship was bigger than that of Baron. It's corridor was both wider and longer with more rooms. It resembled a large speedboat. Jacia then kicked a door to the right open.

"Miss bitch is back y'all make room."

Wow what an introduction. I peered into the room and was suddenly thrown back by two figures. I winced as my head hit the floor. I felt like two people were above me and I had guessed right. Clarabella and Daniella hugged me as I struggled to breathe.

"I miss you two as well but please let me get up before I die from suffocation."

Clarabella and Daniella quickly stood up. Instead of dresses they were dressed in slacks, and blouses. Oh my God they looked hot as men! Nosebleed please subside. Daniella passed me a napkin as I held it to my nose. Daniella then spoke.

"Wilhelm told us to dress like this so that we could hide our identities from Francois."

God above thank you for sending me this eye candy. Clarabella as a guy looked like the cute childhood friend who professes his love for you in high school. Daniella seemed like one of those princes who would fight on the battlefield for you. As for Jacia, I chuckled. She looked like the delinquent who would want to go to third base before holding hands.

They were perfect. I held my fingers up to do the perfect sign as tears of joy fell down my cheeks. Dear Lord above I have repented for my sins, this must be heaven and there are my hot guardian angels.

"Mila? Mila! What are you dozing off for?"

I turned to see my crew members look at me with concern on their faces. I folded my bloodied napkin and placed it in my nightgown pocket.

Yes you heard that right. The problem of the 21st century of dresses not having pockets has long been solved. Waking up with a dress that has pockets must be the happiest moment of my life. As I peered into the room I cried out in awe. It looked like a nobleman's bedroom not a room on a ship. There were several beds as well as oriental rugs on the floor. Paintings which are auctioned for millions in the 21st century hung on the wall. There were several mirrors and cabinets. I whistled. These bitches were living the life.

I winced as I looked down. There were cards on the ground as well as several cigarettes and cigars in a tray. I immediately looked at Jacia and Josh. They flinched under my gaze.

"While I was in the midst of a fever you two bitches played poker and smoked cigars? Why don't you pick daisies from the field as well."

Josh looked at me confused.

"But we're at the sea Miss Mila?"

Jacia slayer the back of his head.

"Dumbass she's mocking us! Mila sweetie please don't get mad."

Jacia then walked over to me and caressed my cheek with her masculine clothing.

"Sweetie why don't we just enjoy the night by keeping each other company? I promise that I won't let you sleep tonight."

I burst out into laughter. I rolled in the floor as my stomach vibrates with each laugh. I wiped the tears from my eyes as I stood up.

"Where did you learn words like that Jacia?"

Jacia picked her nose with her pinky then rubbed it on Josh's knight cloak. Josh mumbled "bitch" under his breath as Jacia smirked.

Jacia then pointed at Zarfia.

"Zarfia taught me these words as there are women who work here in the kitchen. It was a way where I would seduce them in order to get us free lunches."

I laughed once more until I felt my ribs shake. I imagine the maids and cooks being enamored by her looks and words. If they knew that she was a woman I imagine the disappointment they would feel. I then looked at Zarfia. Her cold demeanor and elegant ways would never let me know that she hides secrets like these. I chuckled. Never judge a book by its cover after all.

Jacia and the rest of the crew members and noblewomen sat on the ground holding their decks of cards. Jacia then dealt me a deck of cards as she stuck a cigar in her mouth and lit it. The room filled with smoke.

I coughed. Jacia then patted the empty space next to her.

"Come here Mila and join us for the next round."

Frankly I hated poker but I still played. For the rest of the night the small room was filled with our laughter.


Thank you reading and all the support my luvs❤️Stay safe😷😍