An embarrassing morning

I cupped my ears. God damn it why don't earplugs exist yet? Next to me laid Jacia and Josh on the floor. Their combined snoring was louder than a jackhammer. I now understood why my mom slept on the living room sofa until my dad fixed his snoring problem.

I sat up groggily and looked at the room. What the fuck happened last night? My head ached. It's like I had a hangover but I didn't even drink. Everyone was lying on the floor in some weird position sleeping. The cards were still strewn all over the ground with burned out cigars.

God damn it all we did was play poker! Why does the room look like a battlefield? Suddenly I felt a hand on my back. I turned to see a groggy Jacia day.

"Don't give me that shit, the lobster is only one doubloon you fucking merchant."

She then dipped her head and started snoring again. I stifled my laughter. Even in her dream Jacia was arguing and cursing. Now as a good friend to my crew members and the noblewomen I had to do my obligation.

The obligation of shipping that is. Based on last night I can safely say that the Josh-Jacia ship has set sail. Despite their arguing you can feel the sexual tension. On the other hand Clark and Daniella have a sort of passive relationship as the both of them are extremely shy. The other couple is Clarabella and Ash. Ash is very active as he flirts with her all the time but my dear Clarabella is too dense to notice. It is quite hilarious watching them interact.

As for Zarfia and Wilhelm I can't ship them because they both have their own families. I sat in the middle of the floor thinking about the couples. Should I get them together or let nature run it's course? What am I even saying? Based on Wilhelm's words yesterday we have a day before reaching land. After that I can turn in Baron and earn the reward to use for getting a new ship. I can also seek the assistance of a seer of shaman who might know how to get me back to my time period.

I stood up and wiped the dust off my nightgown. I then started to walk towards the door to go to the kitchen when my foot suddenly stepped on something wet. I looked down. God above someone shoot me right now! No need to let me say my last words just shoot me right between the eyes.

I lifted my foot to see the blood. I turned and twisted my nightdress. A large crimson spot on my ass. Holy fuck!!! Of all the times for my monthly bitch to come it had to be today. Wait a second.

Pads don't exist in this time! I'm screwed! I sat on the ground and banged my head on the floor. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me. The sheer embarrassment of this moment was unlike any other that I have ever felt.

Calm down Mila, it can't possibly get any worse than this right? All I have to do is clean the blood before anyone wakes up and change before anyone sees me. That's right, let's just walk out the door quietly and go to the kit-

Oh My Dear Lord above.

"Good morning my sweet wife did you miss me?"

I slapped my right cheek. I must be fucking dreaming. There is no person standing in the doorway right now. Ha. Ha. Hahahahaha. Baron looked at me in shock. I was still dazed from the shock of it all. Baron then looked down at my nightgown and inhaled sharply. I also looked down to see the crimson which was now also on the front as well as my ass. I smiled at Baron before slowly backing away. I chuckled as I got out my silver pistol and pointed it at my forehead.

"Good bye Baron it was nice knowing you."

"What the fuck are you doing Mila!"

Baron took the pistol from my hands and lifted me in his arms. Carrying me like a princess. This scene was way too familiar. He then walked over and kicked Jacia's foot.

"Who the fuck just kicked me while I'm asleep! Do you have a death wish you mother-. Oh dear Lord, Mila sweetie what's wrong?"

I covered my flushed face in embarrassment. Baron then set me on the floor and took off his pirate coat. He then covered my small frame with the coat to the spots on my nightgown. Baron then picked me up once more and turned to Jacia.

"Please speak to no one about this and clean the spots on the floor. Also prepare for her something so that she can heed the bleeding."

Fuck my life. A man in the 16th century was instructing a girl on what to do for my period. I held my throbbing stomach. Shit! I've always had painful ones during my entire life. Baron held me closer to him as Jacia nodded. A second later I hear Jacia slapping Daniella awake. Daniella cries out in pain as the two of them whisper. I hear their feet running around the room as Baron closes the door. He then walks me to the first room that I had resided in on this ship.

My heart beat quickened as I looked up at Baron. I guess that he wouldn't be that bad as a boyfriend. Stop thinking of shit like this Mila! It's not meant to be between the two of you. Technically I'm over 400 years younger than him. Jesus!

I put my arms around his neck in fear of falling down. Baron chuckled and kissed the top of my head. I understand that it hurts so please bear with it for a second."

Wait a second how does he know about periods and shit like that? It must be from the plethora of women that he was with. For some reason my chest constricted as I thought of other women with him.

"To answer your internal questions Mila, I know about this due to my bear friend Jorden being a healer. This event has happened once before to his current wife. I thought that she was dying but the next day she was alive. Jorden then took the liberty to explain that you women have this event every month."

God bless you Jorden. If Baron didn't already know about this event beforehand he might've thought that someone had stabbed me in the ass. I chuckled.

"Thank you Baron."

"Did my brazen wife just thank me? Did you hit your head or something dear?"

"Shut up asshole!"

Baron's laughter vibrated in the corridor. I smiled despite myself. What a motherfucking embarrassing morning.


Thank you for reading my luvs❤️Thank you for supporting this story as well! Stay safe❤️😍😷