Ships ahoy!

Baron set me gently on the bed. He then brought multiple covers and threw them on me. My stomach pain began to abate as a result. I sighed in relief. I put my hands to cover my face as I though of the possibility that my crew members would see the blood on the floor.

Baron then plopped in the chair next to me. I looked over at him as I felt my body get warmer from the covers. His hair was messier than usual. Under his eyes were dark circles as if he didn't sleep the night before. His blouse sleeves were folded up as some of his buttons were undone. His blond hair and Roman nose made him look like a sculpture. It was as if God had found the perfect formula to a person and used it in creating him. Baron's emerald eyes gazed into mine. They were framed by eyelashes that would put a girl's to shame.

I turned my blushing face. God above he was quite a hottie! I covered my face with the covers. Why is he so interested in me? We haven't even known each other for that long. It's not like I'm particularly beautiful or smart. Sure I'm a bitch with my cursing but so are the rest of the pirates.

These days I've seemed to forget my predicament. My heart clenched as I remembered my family and our cozy townhouse. I smiled as I smelled my mother's bacon and eggs. Her and my father would always greet me in the morning before school. My sister would come down and complain to my mom about a chipped nail or some beauty issue. Without realizing it tears were running down my cheeks. Despite the comfort I've felt since coming here to the past, I still feel restless. Thank God about the fact that I don't have sea sickness. Otherwise this whole situation would have turned shittier. I mainly miss my pens and headphones which I used to draw anime back in my previous life. I sat up in the bed. Baron looked at my swollen red eyes with concern. He rushed to touch my face but backed his hands away at the last second. He turned his back and said to me coldly.

"What is it that you want Mila? I can get it for you."

My heart suddenly clenched at his cold tone. I sighed it was probably better this way. I shouldn't get closer to him. I have a hunch that if I do, my feelings won't be able to contain themselves anymore. I looked down at his clenched fists. Baron was holding himself back in respect to my feelings. I felt a sort of sadness. I looked at his wide back. If he was a random guy that I met in the 21st century would we have dated? I smiled. My group of friends would have probably screamed from how hot he was. Their words of encouragement to date him would ring in my ears.

I put my head down and hugged my knees as I felt the depression fill me. I was feeling modern loneliness in the 16th century. How ridiculous.

"Baron, could you please pass me a pen and paper?"

I heard Baron's feet shuffle across the wood floor as he opened cabinets. I lifted my head as I felt a stack of papers be thrown by my side. Baron then sat on the chair next to me and pretended to ignore me by reading a random book. I smiled.

"Thank you Baron."

Baron didn't answer me but his cheeks reddened slightly. I sighed and sat up on the bed headboard. My favorite songs filled my head as I started to draw my favorite anime characters. Thirty minutes later I looked at the bed in awe. It was filled with multiple pieces of paper which I had drawn sketches on. Happiness filled me as I looked at my artwork. In my previous life I had quite a mass of followers on social media due to my art. I looked at my current drawing and chuckled. I was unconsciously drawing Luffy, the "Pirate King" from One Piece.

I looked up at Baron and burst out in laughter. They were nothing alike in either loos or manner. But their persistence to protect their friends was the same. I smiled and continued to draw. I had noticed several times that while I was drawing Baron would look up from his book and watch me. When our gazes meet he would turn his face quickly. How cute.

Suddenly the door of the room was slammed open. Francois came in running and sat by my side near the bed. He held my hands.

"My dear Mademoiselle Mila I have heard of your predicament. Are you ca va?"

I blushed. Shit even my idol of a historical figure knew of my predicament. I chuckled.

"I'm fine Francois thank you for the concern."

"Don't worry Mademoiselle Mila I have asked the maids to prepare materials to get you through this."

I smiled. Despite his reputation of being a ruthless pirate he was quite nice. I felt a chill down my back as I turned to see Baron's thunderous expression. Really?

"Oh by the way Mademoiselle Mila, I have brought you some biscuits and some good news."

I chewed on the biscuits. I flinched. They were too fucking salty but I can't say that to Francois.

"The biscuits are good Francois thank you! Please inform me of the good news?"

Suddenly I felt a hand take the biscuits from my hand. I looked to see Baron eat my biscuits. What a jealous little bitch.

"Oh my cher Mila! We are about to reach land in a couple of hours! Once we dock I will personally take you to tour the area!"

I smiled. Suddenly I heard something crack. I looked to see the like of biscuits smashed in Baron's hands.

He smiled innocently and said.

"Oh I'm sorry L'Olonnais. Sometimes I can't seem to control my own strength."

Francois laughed. I looked at Baron with an expression saying, "cool it down bitch". Baron smiled and nodded. I sighed as both happiness and sadness filled me. I was happy to finally reach land and be able to decide my next step. But for some reason I felt sad about the idea that I was going to separate from Baron.

I looked over at Baron. He looked at me with a blank expression. Will I be able to turn in this dumbass who I enjoy the company of?


Thank you for reading my luvs❤️Stay safe😷😍