A lover of pain

The man laughed as he curtsied. Despite the fact that we were in the middle of a battle field, it somehow felt like me and the man were alone.

"May I have the honor of knowing your name Miss?"

I chuckled as the man removed twin pistols similar to mine from his coat pockets. His coat was black and outlined with red compared to the red one of Baron.

"My name is Mila. And may I ask what your name is?"

The man chuckled as he answered.

"Weston dear. I don't usually fight young ladies, so I suggest that you back down dear."

My ears burned as anger filled me. What an asshole! I take back what I said about his looks! I peered over his shoulder. This man must be the captain of the other ship. And a ship usually has treasure. My eyes sparkled as I thought of the possible rewards in his ship. I chuckled. I'm a law abiding citizen yet for some reason my pirate spirit is coming out. God above Baron is a terrible influence. I gazed towards the door at the end of the deck. Lutious was ushering Daniella, and Clarabella in. I nodded and exhaled in relief. At least they were safe. Wait where is Jacia.

"You sons of a bitches! Today I'm going to send you all to hell!"

I stifled my laughter as I saw Jacia fight and yell at Weston's crew members.

"I'm sorry my dear but do you actually have the liberty to be spacing out at a time like this?"

I jumped back as I felt Westin's whisper on my ear. How did he get here in such a short period of time. Shit I've underestimated this pretty boy. I continued to back away as Weston unsheathed two swords. They were long and thin. Almost like harpoons. Fuck this man wanted to impale me to the deck!

My eyes wandered as I looked for an abandoned sword on deck. A body of a fallen crew member fell next to my foot. The crew member was young, blood seeped from a wound in his abdomen. He coughed blood as he looked at me.

"Please help me."

That's when I fucking snapped. I took off my coat and covered the young boy. Sadness filled me. I have to finish off the bastard in front of me quickly so that I can help him. The boy thanked me as I rose. The blouse that I was wearing flapped as my chest bindings underneath showed. Weston's eyes widened as he looked at me. I must look like some vagabond right now with my long hair flying in the breeze and my anger filled eyes. I bent down and took the young boy's sword. I then told him.

"What's your name boy?"

He coughed once more as his lips started to turn blue.


"Okay then Dali, I promise that I will avenge you then heal you so don't die on me, okay?"

The young boy nodded at me words. I then stood up once more and pointed my sword at Weston.

"Let's go mother fucker."

Weston laughed as he lunges forward with his two swords. Fuck! I only have one sword. I desperately tried to deflect his attacks. Not only was he fast, he was also strong. I felt it from the way he swung his twin swords. I felt my right cheek sting as his sword grazed it. I backed away until I felt my back hit the railing of the ship. Shit!

One more step and I would have become shark feed. I ducked as Weston's swords crossed over my head. Damn it! Now I had almost lost my head. I quickly stepped forward and slashed his thigh. Weston cried out as he dropped one sword and touched his bleeding thigh. He then looked at me with a malicious smile and licked his bloodied hand.

Dude, the fuck was that? Does he know the possible contaminations that can occur from doing that?

"You are quite talented Mila, I have now acknowledged you as an opponent worth my praise. I, Weston am a man of great virtue. I do not usually lower myself for a mere woman like you, but you have capture my attention."

Sexist, narcissistic bitch. Is that supposed to make me fall in love with him or something? God, Baron is quite charming compared to this pompous ass. Oh yeah! Where is Baron. I turned to see him and Francois fighting off Weston's crew. The two of them swung their swords in sync with each other. Forget anime their fighting skills were more entertaining to watch. I quickly snapped back to reality and dodged to the right away from Weston's sword swing.

We were both injured but he is more injuries than me. If I can get him to fall I would be the victor of this fight. I looked at his bleeding thigh. Despite the large wound Weston still stood and used his leg quite well. Was he some sort of monster? I looked at his blue eyes which were glowing with amusement. A smirk decorating his face. This guy was actually enjoying being in pain and the fight.

This is what we call a yandere ladies and gentlemen. I continued to dodge his onslaught of sword swings. I raised my sword stopping his sword swing. I then twisted my wrist and pushed. Weston's sword then flew in the air and landed on the deck next to his leg. It was a fencing technique used in close combat to throw the opponent's sword out bounds. I can't believe that I actually used it to save my ass. I then stepped forward and kicked Weston's injured thigh. Instead of crying out in pain, Weston burst into laughter as he felt on the deck. I then raised my sword as I was about to impale him to the deck. I smiled as Weston looked up to me. I feel bad to rid the world of such a hottie but it must be done. I then brought the sword down. Suddenly I found myself on the deck with a heavy weight on my chest. What the fuck happened?

How is Weston now on top of me? Weston chuckled as he leaned in and caressed my injuries cheek. I shivered in fear. Despite his smile Weston's eyes spelled death. This man's smile was the scariest thing that I have ever seen in my life. I struggled and tried to kick my knee upward but Weston trapped me. He then brought his lips to mine then pulled back and aimed my own pistol at my forehead.

"How sad that we couldn't chat for longer my dear Mila. Your lips were exceptionally sweet. Take it as my farewell to you. Please come back and haunt me as a ghost. I will be awaiting your recollection of your time in hell."

No! Fuck! I'm not going to die like this. I continued to struggle and kick but to no avail. Weston's eyes gleamed as he saw me struggle. I turned my face slightly to see Dali. Clark picked him up. I sighed in relief. Clark then turned and looked at me. I couldn't hear anything but I saw him mouth my name as his features turned into that concern. I smiled at him as time slowed. Maybe death won't be that bad.

"Goodbye Mila."

Baron's smiling face came into my mind as I closed my eyes.



Thank you for reading! Stay safe my luvs❤️😷