Blood on my hands

The smell of gunpowder filled my nose as I saw Weston's eyes widen and roll back. He then fell forward on my chest.

The ship quieted as I trembled. Tears ran down my cheeks as I threw the pistol in my hand on the deck. I then pushed Weston off of me and looked at my crew members. I looked down at my red hands and knelt by Weston. This was the first time that I have ever killed someone. It felt terrible. I couldn't stop my body shaking with sobs. This man probably had a mother somewhere waiting for him tocome back home. He probably has a lover whom he's made multiple promises to. At the moment he placed the pistol on my forehead all I could feel was panic. As well as the desire to survive. I needed to do whatever it takes to live. In the end I'm no better than Weston and his evil nature.

I felt a hand brush my cheek. I looked down to see Weston look at me with a smirk.

"Why are you crying? You look quite ugly when you cry."

I couldn't even provide a retort to that. Guilt filled me as I looked at the blood spread alog his abdoemn. I wiped my tears away and took off my blouse. Only my bindings covered my chest. I then made a makeshift tourniquet around Weston's wound. His face paled as he continued to lose blood. I should save him. I'm from the 21st century for fuck's sake! Weston laughed as I took off my boots and feared the ends of my slacks at the hem. I needed to stop his bleeding.

"Mila dear I've never seen someone shoot someone then try to save them. Do you know that I would've let you bleed to death if I was the one to shoot."

"Don't limp me with you asshole."

Weston chuckled then winced as I bonded the wound. I sighed. His bleeding has stopped at least.


I turned to look at Baron as he reached his hand out to me. Suddenly another bang rose into the sky. I looked down to see a small gaping hole under my diaphragm. Crimson leaked and looked on the floor below. I coughed blood as I felt my body go numb. Weston's eyes widened as he saw my wound. He the softly whispered.

"Mila? Mila! Come on bitch don't die only minutes after we've met! Come on! Get up!"

My back bent as I put my hands on the deck floor. Blood continued to drip down my stomach and stain my slacks. The yells of my crew members and Baron as well as Francois filled my ears.

Ugh. I'm tired. I'm sick and tired of all the shit that I've went though since coming here. I just want to go back home and eat McDonald's with my friends. I just want to look at boys and criticize them with my friends. I want to eat my mother's soup as she laughs with me. I want my dad to scold me for not getting into the top university. I want my sister to use my car so that she could meet her secret boyfriend. I just want to stop this nightmare.

I closed my eyes and fell on the deck as I coughed blood once more. I opened my eyes, there was Baron holding me on his lap. I reached my hand and caressed his cheek. Why was he crying? Ugh it's not fair how hot this man is even when he cries. Baron hugged me close to his chest as he sobbed. His tears fell on my face as I held onto him. Actually I was pretty calm dying. Maybe it's because I've already died before. I no longer feel my body anymore. The ship stopped. I smiled. We must've reached land. How pathetic.

I got shot before even getting the chance to turn in Baron. Maybe this is for the best. Honestly I'm not going to be able to turn him in. I've gotten too used to having him by my side. Even now despite his shitty personality, he was crying for me. If I wake up once more I hope that I can see him again.


Thank you for reading my luvs! Stay safe❤️😷