Acknowledging feelings

"Women with huge breasts and thin long legs are the best."

"You stupid son of a bitch! The best women are the older more experienced ones!"

"Shut up you old idiot! You French people have quite a weird taste in women!"

"Says you stupide Britannique!"

Why the fuck was I on a bed in the middle of two dumb fucks. I turned my face to the left see a bandaged Weston glare at Francois. I turned my face to the right to see a bandaged Francois glare at Weston. I sighed and pushed the covers off.

"Who are you calling stupid Frenchie?!"

"You! If it weren't for you I wouldn't have lost my tresor(treasure)!"

"Both of you shut the fuck up! You guys are fighting over the ideal woman while I'm struggling to breathe! How do you call yourselves men?"

Weston and Francois quieted as they looked at me. I closed my eyes. Finally some peace and qui-

"Mila! You bitch! How many times have you given me a heart attack with these injuries of yours?!"

I spoke too fast. I smiled.

"I've never asked you to worry about me Jacia."

I winced as Jacia flicked my forehead.

"Don't you know who I am Mila? You don't need to ask me to worry about you, I'll do it whether you like it or not."

I chuckled. Jacia was a nice friend.

"Miss Mila?"

I opened my eyes and looked at a teary Lutious. My eyes slightly closed. What an adorable motherfucker! I patted his head as he sobered you. Lutious then jumped on the bed with his small body and hugged me.

Son of a bit-I screamed in pain as his little hand pressed on my side wound. I loved him but the pain was too immense for a hug right now. Zarfia pulled him off of me. I exhaled in relief.

"No Zarfia don't take me away from Miss Mila!"

"Lutious! I will take away your seawater taffy if you do that again!"

"No Zarfia please don't! Anything but that."

What a brat! He was won over by candy! I looked up at the intricately carved ceiling. We weren't on a ship anymore.

It's already been two weeks since we've landed in Ireland. It's less of a city than it was in the 21st century. The people lived in small cities surrounded by free land. Some of the residents were immigrants from either Scotland or Great Britain. I don't remember much of when we landed except the fact that the townspeople were shocked at how injured all of us were. Most of the older women still talk to this day about how romantic it was that Baron was carrying me from door to door asking for a doctor as I bled.

I picked at my ear. Romantic my ass. It might just be my personal opinion but I don't think being shot on a date with your boyfriend is fun. Zarfia and Clark told me that all of the single town women are trying to cling to Baron. Zarfia's exact words were.

"Miss Mila you cant let your husband be seduced by those bitches."

I laughed at the time. It was the first that I had heard Zarfia curse. I also smiled at how my crew members shipped me with him more than I do. That reminds me. Josh was standing next to Jacia as they bickered. Perfect. My ship was sailing.


Where were Clarabella and Daniella? Lutious looked up at me and said.

"Oh Miss Mila, I forgot to tell you that Clarabella and Daniella are in the kitchen helping the maids."

I looked at Lutious. Despite his childish appearance he had the IQ of an adult. I smirked. My crew members are the best after all!

"Lutious whose house are we in?"

"Well Miss Mila, it turns out that we are in some Marquis's house. He seems to be an acquaintance of Mister Baron."

Hmm. My head ached as I tried to remember my history lessons from the 21st century. Ireland had a similar caste system to Britain at the time which had slightly changed after its independence. How interesting. I pouted. Why couldn't I be reincarnated during World War 1 and meet some German hottie?

"Is my wife okay?"

I looked at the doorway to see a polished Baron. I blushed. Never mind I think that I've already found my German hottie. He was dressed in clothes given to him by the Marquis. I fanned my hot face as I remembered his outfit. He looked like a prince that they talk about in the fairytales.

They do say that clothes can change a man. It's not like he wasn't handsome from the start anyways. I mean he has quite an attractive face and body-

"Why is your face flushed Mila? Do you have a fever?"

I blushed even more as Baron set his forehead on mine. It felt like my heart was about to jump out of my chest.

"I'm fine Baron stop freaking out."

"Well that's good to hear. I don't want my wife to die before marrying me and giving me kids after all."

Baron laughed as he dodged the pillow that I threw on his face. His smile was so gentle. His green eyes glistened. For some reason I wanted him to only smile at me.

"Could you lovebirds cut it out? I'm about to puke from your display of affection."

I looked over at a glaring Weston. I glared back at him. He flinched ant turned on the bed to have his back to me. I don't blame him as the only single person in my friend group for a long time I felt the same thing as Weston. Wait a second this fucker isn't my friend. I giggled evilly as I thought of the thousands of ways that I would torture him for what he had done to me after I get better.

I don't remember much of the incident. I don't even know who shot me but I'm sure that it wasn't Weston as he freaked out when I was shot. I'll ask Wilhelm later. Baron then sat on his knees next to my bed and kissed my hand.

"Do you know how I felt when you didn't open your eyes no matter how many times I called out your name? I felt anger. I felt angry at how I couldn't protect you. I felt anger towards the person who shot you. I promised to myself that if you were to wake up I would respect your wishes and stay away."

Baron then brought my hand to his beating heart and smiled sadly.

"I'm sorry Mila but it seems like I can't follow through with your request. I can't seem to leave your side. Will you hate me for that?"

My heart beat accelerated as happiness filled me. Oh. His smile was dangerous. This situation was dangerous. But I don't seem to care anymore. I think that I've actually fallen for Baron. I smiled at him and caressed his cheek.

"I don't hate you Baron. I have a new request for you."

Baron looked up at me with a hopeful expression as he nuzzled his cheek on my hand like a cat would.

"What is your request my dear wife?"

"Don't leave my side. I will be in your care from now on Baron so don't let anything hurt me and I won't let anything hurt you. I am a strong woman. I'm not a woman who hides behind a man. I will probably be in this situation once more. As you might also be hurt one day. Promise me that you would assure the safety of my crew and the people who surround us. Could you promise me that you would?"

Baron smiled as knelt on one knee in front of me like a knight would for a queen.

"Your wish is my command my dear Mila."

I blushed as me kissed my palm. Jeez. What a smooth talker. I then started to ramble through my nervousness.

"I'm a foolish, reckless woman who throws herself in harm's way. Are you still willing to go through with my request."

Baron chuckled as he touched my ring finger which was empty. He stared at knowingly and whispered.

"Even if you were a guilty bitch who had killed thousands of men I would still love you. After all you would have probably killed them in order to protect me. Am I wrong sweetie?"

What a confident son of a bitch! I smiled. I was too tired to argue with today. But shit. I think that I've actually fallen in love with beautiful barbaric Pirate King.

"Oh?! Jos look at Mila blush! I'm about to start crying! It seems like our small virgin baby has finally left the nest. Sooner or later she will become a real woman and ascend to true womanhood-"

"Who are you calling a "virgin baby" Jacia?!"

Jacia stuck out her tongue at me as the room was filled with everyone's laughter. Despite the plethora of faces in the room for some reason my attention was only on Baron. Maybe I should take a chance and date him. Who knows about what the future holds anyways?


Thank you for reading my luvs❤️I hope that you've enjoyed it❤️Stay safe😷😍