
Please note this is fiction and note everything will be correct


The cub was internally surprised by it's sisters actions as going by the memories in his head, he was not particularly received well because of his strange color, the only one who paid him any mind was his mother, so this change confused the cub before it lowered it's head and closed it's eyes, no longer paying his sister any attention

The cub called out in it's mind for the voice, hoping it'd reappear only for silence to prevail, before it unconsciously called out status

{ Upgrade System }

Name : Nil

Race : African lion

Age : 3 months 9 days

B.I : 20cm in height, 45cm in length, weight 9kgs

Strength : 20 pounds ( how much strength is generated by a slap )

Speed : 2 m/s

Bite : 15 PSI


Immortal Body level 10 ( 0/10 000 000 000 )

Claw swipe Level 1 ( 0/10 )

( increases strength )

Bite Level 1 ( 0/10 )

( increases bite force )

The cub raised it's brow as it's read it's status, it was no lion expert so it had no idea if this status was good or bad, the cub searched what little memories it had as it tried to figure out any information on African lions, surprisingly finding a decent amount

' male lions, 1.2 metres in height, 1.4 - 3.3 metres in length , 260- 430 lbs, 900-1000 PSI, at least 400 lbs a swipe, 22 m/s a second ' the lion listed out all the information It could find in it's head before falling speechless at how detailed it was, causing it to wonder what occupation it held, though it was glad for it in the end as it now knew where it stood

Before it could dive into the ridiculousness that was the number behind it's immortal Body skill, it's senses picked up on several foot steps causing it to raise it head and look around, where it then spotted it's mother along with 2 other lionesses dragging their kill towards them

Before he could react, he watched as his father and his siblings ran towards the lionesses, who already dropped the kill after it noted their approach

Not intending to not get his share even though he wasn't hungry, the cub got up and walked towards the others slowly, not seeing the need to rush as they could only eat after his father had his full, as could be seen as his father chased away the lioness and started devouring the poor animal

The cub looked at this picture in disdain

' lazy ass was home the entire day doing nothing, yet acts like it's your right to eat first ' thought the cub as his human soul influenced his animal senses

Feeling a presence to his side, the cub raised it's head finding it's mother looking over his body, clearly surprised by his lack of wounds as she started licking him all over much to his annoyance, but he tolerated it as she was the only one he considered family, compared to the others who treated him as an outcast