
Taking this free time the cub looked around at it's ' family ', finding his siblings standing next to their mothers, he was his mother's only cub, this was shared by his sister as she was the only cub of her mother, he turned his attention towards his brothers who were older than him and his sister by 2-3 months, as they fought with each other

The cub somehow found itself having some deja Vu as it went through it's memories,

' my mother is the oldest and the most experienced of the hunters but she's also the least favorite as she and my father always fought because of the colour of my fur ' thought the cub, his distaste for his ' father ' growing by the minute

' my sister's situation is nearly as bad as mine because of her gender ' which the cub found strange as he doesn't remember lions have a preferred gender for children ' her situation is only better than mine because her mother, instead of fighting would rather please that man ' thought the cub before it glanced at the last lioness

' not only is she the youngest, she gave him 2 suns, making her his favorite, which gives her and her cubs privileges, such as eating before the other lionesses

Said the cub as he watched his ' father ' call her and her cubs and allowed them to start eating as he kept watch, his eyes glancing at the other 2 lionesses with clear warning

After an unknown amount of time the group walked away leaving the cub along with the others the chance to finally eat, as they went towards the kill, the cub was suddenly knocked across the grass causing to roll a a bit before it stopped

Raising it's head the cub watched as it's mother and ' father ' squared off, making it clear who attacked the cub, the cub wanted to tell it's mother to stop but was stopped by the communication barrier, when it's mother was about to attack his ' father ' she suddenly noticed that the youngest of the lioness was supporting the lion, causing her to bare her teeth as she backed aways before running to the cub and picking it up before bringing it to the kill

The cub silently watched it's mother's actions before it glanced at it's ' father ', no that male lion angrily before it turned it's attention to the kill, finding the others were already eating

' am I really gonna eat this ? ' pondered the cub as it looked at the bloodied mess before it, before it gritted it's teeth and took a bite tearing out a chunk of flesh much easier than it's siblings

As it chewed it found that the disgusting taste it was expecting never came, but delicious tender meat, when it was about to take another bite, a notification flashed in it's mind

( upgrade points +2 )

' eh? ' exclaimed the cub internal before it took another bite, one much smaller to test it's theory

( upgrade points +0.8 )

The lion thought back to the first bite who took, estimating it to be about 1 pound

' so 1 pound equals 2 points , 5 pounds and I can upgrade a skill ' thought the cub happily