WebNovelSolo Hunt12.20%

5. Immobile Monster

(Note: I change its name from Terra drake to Mountain drake.

I also forgot to place the class as Rogue not )

Drakes. Descendants of Dragons. Unlike Wyverns, Drakes are more powerful and more similar r than dragons. The mountain drake is a drake that is entirely strong due to its high defense and health.

For 10 years, the only drake that they have spotted was the mountain drake and it is oddly only found in Gaia's Canyon. Hunters have seen the mountain drake numerous times flying in the high sky but surprisingly, no one had ever encountered it closely as it could only be seen in a very short time and its location could not be found.

There was once a strong marksmen classed hunter who tried to shoot it mid-air. By using his most powerful skill, he had hit the drake but in his surprise, the damage he dealt was only 1 meaning it was ridiculously strong, the most surprising fact is that, the drake didn't mind the incoming attack and continue to hover in the sky.

There had been a few attempts to see if the hunter was telling the truth and truly, he was saying the truth.

Ever since then, nobody had cared to try and hunt the mountain drake ever again as they thought that God had placed this as a hidden Easter egg that is needed to be solved yet nobody could discover its mystery.



Location of mountain drake has been placed in the system map.

Jin hurriedly check his system map. There he saw an emblem similar to a dragon that was colored brown showing the position of the drake.

He was surprised after seeing the marked location, not that it had a unique marking, the location was positioned at the same place where the supposed to Griffins inhabit.

"The reason that the drake is located there might have been since that mountain was the biggest one in this place. Yes, that might be it."

Jin nods in agreement, before he was to go to the location, he must first distribute the reserved points he got from the battle and the level reward he had just receive recently.


Name: Jin

Class: Rogue

Level: 18 (34%)

HP: 2500/2500


[AGI]: 47

[STR]: 44

[VIT]: 25

[INT]: 33

Status pts: 10

"Since we're talking about a monster who has abnormally high defense, I think I'll place all of it to strength."


[STR]: 54

"I still don't know how stupendously terrifying this monster is, but I'm confident in killing it."

Jin assured himself. Upon activation of [Thunder Clap], his speed was boosted by a few folds. Even if the duration only lasted 20 seconds, each time he reaches a thousand steps, his speed would again be multiplied resulting in him reaching the mountain drake's lair in a short period of time.


"Phew! I arrived! What?"

After reaching the location. Oddly there was another cave entrance that appeared just below the Griffins cave.

Jin slowly entered the cave, he was met with a cold breeze causing him to shudder.

"I don't like this place at all."

He had second thoughts upon entering the cave. It was gloomy, dark and cold making any hunter fear of what may jump right in front of them.


Jin slapped his face removing the fear that had come intact to him. As he walk down the creepy tunnel, from afar, he could see a faint glow that seems to be getting brighter the moment he comes up close to it.

The glow's source had actually came from a crystal-like mineral. It glowed a beautiful luminous blue light. It sparkled the entire cave that made the ceiling twinkle like stars.

"Could it be?"

If Jin's presumptions were right. This was a crystal that holds bountiful amounts of mana depending on its purity and size.

By using his own strength, Jin pulled out the crystal with his own hands. It was the size of an apple so Jin had pulled it successfully using one hand.

After he grabbed hold of the crystal, a window interface appeared in his view.


Mana Crystal

Purity: A

Size: Small

A crystal that holds mana. It can be used to forge equipments or enchant it.

"A mana crystal! I knew it!"

Jin jumped in joy. He couldn't believe that he had found a mana crystal.

It was rare to find one since it could only be found in dungeons. Dungeons could be occasionally found in hunting grounds. They appear as a portal that comes with its size and color. After entering the portal, you will be transported to another dimension with its own terrain. After entering the dungeon, the hunters must successfully defeat the boss because if not, the monsters inside the portal will escape and swarm the entire hunting grounds wreaking havoc.

The hunters would bring groups with their own roles. One is to help exterminate the monsters lurking, one is to bring materials and the other would collect useful materials and mana crystals.

The portal will eventually disappear in an hour after the boss is killed.

In the case of Jin, it was entirely different. He didn't enter in a portal but in a plain cave so why where there mana Crystal's in this place? He didn't have any clue about that so he had to continue on investigating.

As he got nearer the center of the cave, more and more mana crystal could be seen with the same purity but different in sizes.


Jin said. He was going to be rich in this situation if he continued collecting mana crystal only if he could find someone to sell it for.

Jin had no plan on becoming a forger or any type of craftsman. He was not the type to sit in one place and hammer down nonstop. He was someone who complains in diligence and patience. There was one time where the internet in his place was slow. It was because one of the phone towers had disfunction. The technician had announced that the internet will return in a few hours but Jin was too impatient.

He couldn't wait any longer so he went down to the phone tower himself to see and check the error.

After arriving at the area, the technician could be found repairing the tower slowly but diligently. This made Jin more furious. Jin had a bit of knowledge about current and wirings so he himself climb up there.

He was scolded by the technicians due to his recklessness. The people who were watching began to panic and record the whole situation but Jin didn't care about this, he wanted the internet to return fast so he could continue on binge-watching the new episode of Haikyuu!!

Jin grabbed some tools on one of the cabs of the technicians and a few wirings. He climbed up the tall tower and check out the problem.

The technicians tried all of their might to stop Jin but he was too fast on climbing the tower.

He opened the circuit breaker and there he found that one of the wires had been burnt.

With his knowledge, he remove the wires and change with a different one and continue to repair it.

The technicians who were watching were shocked. They couldn't believe it with their eyes. Jin had managed to finish it in just 20 minutes and slowly climbed down the tower.

After dropping down, he was greeted with applause and cheers. Even the technicians applauded and cheered him.

Who would've thought that a 14-year-old could easily find a solution for such a trivial problem?


Jin arrive at the center of the cave. Inside was a giant dome that was filled with mana crystal reaching the size from a marble to a medium-sized boulder. They struck down from above the ceiling and below the ground.

He was not focused on the shiny crystals, his gaze was stuck towards the giant slumbering in a small temple.

There the emblem the same as the one in the map could be seen marked in the front of the ceiling.

Slowly, Jin approaches the drake. Its size was as big as a bus. Its scales were made of granite, the spikes in it's back looked like metallic iron and its wings were made of steel and fluorite.

The parts that truly stand out as its longhorns. It was dyed in deep violet, it was entirely different from the other parts of the drake as it mostly ranged from brown to silver.

Other than that, the drake also emit a brown aura that looked very intimidating.

Its face looked very similar to a dragon yet its body was definitely smaller. Jin approached the drake and after reaching a meter near the drake, he was greeted by the window interface.


Mountain Drake

Rank: Guardian

Level: 50

HP: 1,000,000/1,000,000

"Wtf?! A million health? And what the hell is Ranked Guardian?!"

Jin exclaimed. It was too absurd for Jin to even think of fighting a monster with over a million health even if it wasn't moving.

"Fuck, do I have another choice?"

Jin sighed in regret. First, he had to check how much damage he could deal with a basic attack.


With a slash of his dagger, his blade collided with the thick scale of the drake causing sparks to appear.



Dreaded Fang's durability has decreased by 47!

"Oh, fuck!"

Immediately, Jin retrieves his Dagger back to his spatial inventory due to his worry. He was stunned on how heavy the amount of durability that one hit had devour. Not only that, the damage he dealt was only 8 HP worth.

"What an absurdly high defense!"

He was filled in awe at this rate. Someone who had high defense could eat up the durability of a weapon. So tank-type hunters were a fearsome opponents for melee type hunters. The only way to defeat was by skills, magic attacks, and long range damage.

To defeat someone with high defense, one should become an aura master as its attack can pierce through any defensive stats but becoming an aura master is a very tough job. One would sacrifice on having any type of equipment as they would only entirely focus on controlling the flow of mana but if you become one, you could easily defeat anyone with only pure technique and talent that this show a path to become one of the very strongest hunters to ever reach the peak of power.

But Jin had no plan on doing that, he wouldn't waste such amount on time to solely focus on controlling mana. He had more plans in mind, like this one in front of him on how he will kill it.

"Sigh, this is gonna be a long day."