WebNovelSolo Hunt14.63%

6. Mountain Drake's Wisdom

"[Hunter Strike]!"

Jin, reequipped Dreaded Fang and activates [Hunter Strike]. His plan was to check out how high the drake's defense is and what it is capable of defending.

Blackthorns appear in the sharp edge of the dagger. Simultaneously, they flew out in a fan shape area reaching up to a couple meters far. Jin had aimed the attack towards the Drake causing all of the thorns to move through it.

As it was about to collide, the aura that had covered the drake, rebounded all of the thorns back at him.

Tang! Tang! Tang!

With his spiteful instincts, Jin avoided the thorns with an inch of a gap. He was surprised after seeing that the thorns were all repelled by the aura like light bouncing off a mirror.

"Phew! Why the hell did it not work?"

Jin questioned himself. He returned back his dagger to his inventory as he had no use of it at the moment.

Damage skills might not work against the drake since it had repelled his skill attack. He didn't want to also use his dagger due to its defense that devours durability.

Against a level 50 boss monster. Jin had no way of defeating it in combat, the only way he could fight it is by bare fist maybe but he was pretty sure that he would receive damage in that process as every impact with his attack might pulverize his bones and squash his arm in the process due to its rock hard body.

His only choice was to use the skill [Steel String] but he wasn't sure that this one would work as it is also considered a skill.

Either way, he had no choice other than to use that skill.

"[Steel String]!"

Strings flowed out from the end of Jin's fingertips. It slowly move towards the giant body of the drake, constricting it tightly.

Focusing his strength only to the strings, he was met with numerous damage indicators popping up above the drake.









Though it was small but continuous. This made Jin jump in joy after seeing that he could still penetrate the thick defense of the drake.

3 minutes passed, the health of the drake was decrease by 1% though only it was a small amount of percentage, he had still deal a nib of the drake's health.

Jin continued this process. As 30 minutes passed, the drake's health was now 90%. Jin was happy about this seeing that he had slowly but surely decrease the drake's HP.


Proficiency with [Steel String] has risen by 45%!

Jin was greeted by the window panel, it seems that the skill proficiency increased by 10% after 30 minutes passed. Jin was controlling the constriction of the strings so he was getting more and more used to the strings movements meaning he was improving at a fast rate, also adding the level gap between Jin and the drake, it would be normal that the proficiency would rise at a fast rate.

Then just he realize, his mana was almost depleted. Though he didn't increase the length of the steel-string, he was using movements for the string to tighten its constriction so it wasn't a surprise that his mana would be depleted by this slow process.

The strings eventually fade away as there were no more mana generating it.

"Do I have to wait for mana to full? I want to do something other than to wait."

Jin crosses his arms. He thought of an idea to waste some time but nothing comes in his mind. He looked around his surroundings to find something to do other than wait.

Only then he forgot that there were numerous numbers of mana crystal inside this chamber.

"I should get all of the mana crystals!"

Now Jin could use this time to get some crystals. First, he removed those in the ground, depending on its size, Jin would put all his strength to pulling it out but other than that, it was a profit!

Moments pass by, Jin had to remove half of the mana crystals on the ground and saw that his mana had healed fully.

He returned on using the steel strings to continually damage the drake. When its health dropped in 80%, his mana had again depleted meaning he had to wait for some time so he continued on removing the mana crystals on the ground.

He repeated this process again and again. When the mana crystals on the ground had been cleared, he moved on the walls of the dome. After removing all of the Crystal's on the walls, he climbed up the sides to reach up the ceilings where there the remaining mana crystals could be found.

Only then that he realized that the health of the drake had only 20% left. Jin continued on now with a grin on his face. He couldn't wait for it to die and check out its loot drops as he was sure that every item drop would be very valuable.

Finally, the health of the drake dropped to 10%. Its body was now in the state of berserk. The aura it emitted had disappeared but its size had doubled.

"This is entirely different than what I expected! Oh well, expect the unexpected!"

Since the aura had disappeared, it should mean that he could now deal damage using his skills.

Jin uses [Hunter Strike] towards the berserk drake. The blackthorns struck down towards the thick skin of the drake, though it wasn't deep but it was shallow enough for the thorns to activate its debuff effect.

As all of the thorns struck through the drake's body, it dealt 1% of its health and gradually decreasing its defense by 20%.

Jin then use [Steel Cable], he controlled the strings to coil the drake. He needed more movement and length resulting in more mana to be used. It was worth it though, he then use [Thunder Clap].

As his body was struck by lightning, he began to emit a blue and vivid aura. The electric current in his body began to crawl towards the steel-string moving.

Crackle! Crackle!










The electric charge electrocuted the drake dealing nonstop true, critical and basic damage. Gradually, the health of the drake drops down to zero killing it.


+2,500,000,000 XP

You have level up!

You have level up!

You have level up!






You have slain the Mountain Drake!


+10 to all status

Mountain Drake's Wisdom

Mountain Drake's Key

"Oh yeah!"

Jin brightened in joy. As the drake disappear, numerous loot drops fell down the ground. Not only that, he was given 15 levels! Also, the rewards were very promising.

Firstly he quickly grabbed all of the loots to his inventory. He sorted them from its rank, type and item.

He would check it later for now and he would first see on the rewards.


Mountain Drake's Wisdom:

If the user's health drops by 30%, a shield will activate that is equal to 20% of the user's health and nullifies all incoming skills and immune the user to any type of debuff.

If the shield disperses or destroyed, the buff will disappear.

Lasts up to 30 seconds.

Cooldown: 20 minutes

"This is just a scam! And it's not a skill but a wisdom!"

Wisdom was still unknown to many hunters, most of the people who had been given wisdom was royalty people. Only small amounts of numbers of hunters that could even be counted by one hand have been given with a wisdom. They say that you must fulfill a condition so you will receive wisdom or if your charisma is high enough, a royalty might give one to you.

"I'm pretty lucky for getting a wisdom. The next reward is this."


Mountain Drake's Key

Rank: ??

One of the Guardian's Key to open the dungeon of the final boss.

Keys: 1/5

"A key to the final boss?"

The handle of the key had the same mark as the emblem on the temple. Its design was very medieval and antique.

Since had no use of it, for now, he retrieves it to his spatial inventory. Now he had another goal, the first one was to become the strongest and since the key had shown him something very intriguing, he must also collect the 4 remaining keys to enter the final boss, who knows? This might be a clue for him to be able to return to earth.

"Seems like my inventory is almost full, I don't want to even throw one mana crystal as this are too valuable for me. There might be an inventory type item in one of the lots that drop."

Inventory-type items were very handy. If you were to think that inventory-type items where like bags or sacks, no they are not.

They come from different types of items like a small sack, a cube, even a ring. You could place any type of equipments inside this item just like a spatial inventory.

Jin didn't have time to check the items one by one as he had hurriedly place all of it in his inventory due to his excitement. He had only use the automatic function on the inventory window that sorts the items so he needn't had to manually do it by himself.

Opening his Inventory, there he saw a bunch of items arrange in order. He had almost forgotten the passive he receive after getting a class, the [Greed] which increase the loot drops and experience he'd gain by 20%. For example, he had a loot ratio of about 2/per boss, since he had 20% more, there are rare chances that he'd receive 3 loot drops.

Of course, not all bosses drop items. The low-tier boss didn't drop any and the mid-tier boss had slim chances. The high-tier boss on the other hand had 50/50 chances of dropping loots. But the advance and intermediate tier bosses had 100% chances of dropping loots but they could only be found in levels 35 and above hunting grounds.

But since Jin defeated a Guardian ranked boss, he had no idea how high it is in the rankings and all he knows is that it's pretty high since he had accumulated 50+ items.

12 of the items were melee weapons ranging from E to B rank. The 13 items where range weapons that range from F To B rank. He had receive 12 armors for different types of class and 4 item accessories. Luckily, he had also receive 7 runes and 3 grimoire.

Runes where consumables that permanently increase one of the user's status depending on its rank and grimoire were books that give the user a skill.

Grimoires had become one of the most bought items even if it costs a person's lifetime worth of money, they'd do anything to buy it because many hunters had only a few skills in their system.

Grimoires can't also be used by anyone since it had a class restriction.

For now, Jin had to properly arrange the items to what he can and cannot use.




"What the fuck!!!!"