WebNovelSolo Hunt73.17%

30. Final Battle (New Companion)

The five S-rank items all had different types of class restriction. A staff for mages, a shield for tanks, a dagger for rogues, a sword for swordsmen, and an ax for fighters.

Each one of them was very priceless but Jin didn't want to tempt himself on using because he was afraid that he might include them from becoming his own personal weapon. He wanted to stick on using Dainsleif since he has already mastered the way of the sword so if he was to change on another type of weapon, he would need to adapt to the class differences with the weapons.

"Do I have to do it?"

Jin said to himself perturbing. He was hoping to let dainsleif consume the 5 S-rank items so it could reach its final rank but he was having second thoughts about it.

The weapons were very powerful and anyone who equips it could become the strongest in their own way but Jin didn't want anyone to get his weapons, he wanted it solely to himself and thinking about the greedy hunters, his hatred to them skyrocketed instantly.

"Fuck you, hunters!"

Quickly he let dainsleif consume all of the items (except for Quincy's Bow) and after its consumption, he regretted it.

"What did I do?"

Jin cried. He could've just placed it in his inventory and maybe find other S-ranked items that are weaker than these yet he hadn't thought of that first.

"Ah fuck!"

He gritted his teeth in regret bashing his head to the ground. He already said to himself that he wouldn't make mistakes but when every time he recalls the wicked hunters, he becomes very frantic and furious and think of them as worse than demons, no, he sees them as the embodiment of demons.

"Dainsleif, you better be worth the price!"


After Jin cleared all of the level 1-45 hunting grounds, he received 4 levels and 30 to all his status attributes. He also received 3 S-ranked items and which he let dainsleif consume it.

He was able to find the Cloud Drake but since it focused entirely on its speed, its health was very low so it was very easy to kill.


You have slain the Cloud Drake!

+82,000,000 XP

You have leveled up!


+20 to all status

Cloud Drake's Wisdom

Cloud Drake's Key

Cloud Drake's Wisdom: Movement speed and attack speed has permanently increase by 30%. Casting speed has also increased by 50%.

Jin had finally received the 3rd key and received 3 S-rank items. He didn't waste his time reading the items' description because it would only tempt him so he closed his when he let dainsleif consume it and after all the S-rank items had been consumed, Dainsleif began to float mid-air and a red and black mist orbited the dainsleif.

"What's happening?"

Jin said to himself. He was looking at Dainsleif as it floats in front of him. The mist that surrounded the sword spun rapidly and a vivid red glow emanated around the sword and just in a split second, the mist exploded around forming a red dome around Jin.


Jin cried out in surprise. Seeing the devilish dome that trapped him, sweat dripped down his forehead. As he look at Dainsleif, it was now beginning to disperse into a crimson red gush of mist and which this mist turned into a humanoid phantom that had wings on its back.

'The outcast majesty? No, this is different.'

Seeing that it was like the phantom of the outcast majesty made him shiver a bit but when he closely looked at it. It had horns, and wings while the majesty didn't have any and the pressure it emitted was relatively weaker so he was pretty sure it was not him.

'Scar did explain that a soul of a great demon was entrapped in Dainsleif so is this the devil he spoke of?'

He mumble to himself. For his own protection, he quickly equipped the bow since currently, he didn't have any items in his inventory. Just right after he equipped Quincy's bow, the demon had summoned dainsleif on his right hand.


Quickly did the Demon dashed through him while thrusting his sword towards Jin. Jin immediately responded with his attack by firing a flurry of arrows towards the demon to avoid from closing to him.

Sha! Sha!....

Countless of arrows moved through the demon but the demon easily evaded the attack by turning himself into numerous clones that had moved in unison towards Jin.

"[Frozen Blast]!"

To counter the demon's attack, Jin activated the wide-area attack, [Frozen Blast], and which the beam crashed towards the clones causing them to disappear into ashes.


"Did it die?"

Jin said to himself. All of the demon clones had disappeared yet the dome was still activate so he wondered what was happening.


The demon instantly appeared on his rear and which he slashed dainsleif towards Jin's neck but in surprise, Jin bit off the blade of the sword breaking it into pieces.


The demon was dumbstruck by what had just happened. Before he could retaliate in the situation, Jin gripped his neck tightly suffocating the demon's breathing.

"You think you can kill me? Psh! You're just a demon while I'm a god!"


Jin furiously punches the demon's chest leaving a giant hole resulting in its death.


You have defeated the Great Demon of Dainsleif!

After the window interface popped up, along with the disappearance of the demon, the red dome had also withered away leaving him with Dainsleif in his hand.



Rank: Mythical

Type: One-handed Sword

Element: Poison (B+)

+3600 DMG

+30% Cooldown Reduction

+300 Attack Speed


Black flames will appear on the blade that deals 100 splash damage on the target continuously when the target's health drops by 30%. There is a 12% chance that a random curse will be placed on the target.

Item Skill:

Black Roar (AOE): The user will generate a black wave on the next attack that deals 1500 damage (+80% STR) to the targets in the area. Fear effect will also activate if the target is in the nearest attack distance that will lower their defense by 50% and slows them down by 50% for 15 seconds.

Mana Cost: 1500

Cooldown: 24 seconds

Devour (DMG, BUFF): After hitting a target up to 5 times, Dainsleif can devour a chosen monster in an instant. After devouring completely, you will receive double the experience and regenerates 25% of mana. The devouring process will end depending on the level of the monster.

Devour is applicable to Boss monsters ranging from Low to Hidden.

Not applicable to humans

Mana Cost: None

Cooldown: 50 seconds

Demon Release (Summon): Dainsleif will form into a great demon that fulfills anything that it's master (Jin) orders. The demon will receive new sets of skills and it prioritizes the safety of its master. The demon will also receive experience and will level up but it cannot equip any items (except for dainsleif).

If the Demon dies, it will reform back into dainsleif and can only respawn after 10 hours. The demon can return back to its sword-state if its master wants. It will not betray its master as its loyalty is 100%.

Mana Cost: None

Element Skill:

+40% poison resistance

Increases the item's poison effect by 70%. 50% chance to inflict poison effect that deals 1%-30% of the targets remaining health.


There's a slight chance that Greater Poison can inflict the target's body that decreases his magic and physical defense by 30% and reduces his health by 2% every second. This will also slow the target's movement by 80% and attack speed will decrease by 60%. It lasts up to 10 seconds.

Viral Infection (DMG, DEBUFF)

Your weapon will be coated in Poison, every attack made will inflict poison effect that deals 800 magical damage (+30% INT) lasting up to 2 seconds. If the same target is hit consecutive times, the damage will increase from 1.2x to 2.5x and slows the target down by 10% that will stack by each strike.

Stacks up to 15 times.

Mana Cost: 10/per attack

"Holy a crap! I can summon the devil!"

Jin exclaimed in excitement. There was a new skill that lets him summon the demon which would become a big help for him. Unlike Scar that had a mind of his own, the demon had its loyalty solely for Jin. If Jin wanted to ride his back, the demon would do it so, if he wanted the demon to jump in a pit of fire, it would gladly do it so Jin was jumping in excitement but first, he wanted Scar to see this too so he summoned him.


"Oh, I'm back!"

"Scar look at this!"


Jin held dainsleif on his right hand and chanted the skill.

"[Demon Release]!"



Scar confusingly asked Jin but he didn't listen. Dainsleif began to float mid-air and blood-red mist surrounded it. Shortly after that, Dainsleif slowly forms into a shadowy figure and as it finally forms itself, the red mist puffed up a black smoke.


"My liege."

After the black smoke disappeared, what could be seen is a handsome man kneeling in front of Jin.

It had a face of fearfully attractive person that could steal your mom in just a slight glance. It wore a casual Butler's outfit, its body was very broad, its pupils were red, its short hair was pitch black and it had a black horn on the middle of its forehead.

'I thought of him as a fallen knight or some such but a butler is also cool.'

Jin let the demon stood up to clearly see its figure and seeing its perfect form, Jin couldn't help but be jealous.

'Tsk! Why do I have to be accompanied by handsome guys? Next time, if I ever get another companion, it should be a hot babe or a cute loli and I'll make sure it's in a legal age!'

"Back off Jin! This demon must be killed."

In response to Scar's instincts, he drew out Burning Rapier and pointed it towards the demon butler.

"My liege, is this guy bothering you? Well if he is, let me take care of him."

"Haah? You speaking you horned bastard?!"

The both of them were arguing nonchalantly, making stares. Before they could start off a reckless fight, Jin stopped them from doing so.

"Both of you stop! Or else, I will be forced to return you back to your Pokeballs."



They gave an angry look and eventually retrieved their swords.

"Well then, you!"

"Yes, my liege."

The demon bowed down to Jin after it was called out.

"Since you are now apart of my team, I should give you a proper name."

"Oh, joy! Any name would be perfect for me my liege as long as you are the one who gives it."

"Well, would you accept the name dickhead?"

"Puahahaha! Yeah, his name should be dickhead knowing that horn is almost the same shape of a dick!"

"At least, a proper name that would suit me."

Seeing that he was made fun of by Jin, he didn't flinch knowing it was just a joke but when Scar laughed and ridiculed him, he refrained on the name he was given.

"Since you have an attire of a butler, your name for now on will be, Sebastian."

"Thank you for the wonderful name my liege! For now on, I will be called Sebastian."

Sebastian jumped in joy after receiving its name. While on the other hand, Scar was arguably jealous.

"Tsk! What a super cool name."

He mumbled to himself hearing the new name of the demon.


After all of that, they began to start their adventure. They moved to the next kingdom, the Diamond Kingdom which was the last kingdom in this continent so it was the last drake needed to be found.

Jin had let Sebastian do the work for him so he could see what he could do. His prowess was comparable to Scar so this was something good. He could also hide inside Jin's shadow which would be handy when making surprise attacks and he had very useful skills.

They continue to head on to the next hunting grounds with Sebastian doing most of the work. Sometimes Scar would interfere Sebastian that would lead to them to fight but Jin would just stop them.

Finally, after finishing the level 50 hunting grounds, they had managed to find the last drake, the Magma Drake.

Though from the clearing of the hunting grounds Jin didn't receive any level, seeing that both of them became stronger, he was already satisfied with the additional S-rank items he had received from the boss raids.


They fought off the mountain drake and Jin purposely dealt the last attack that killed it so he could receive the benefits.

You have leveled up!

He received a level from the magma drake and all the points received was also place in vitality.


You have Slain the Fire Drake!


+20 to all status

Fire drake's wisdom

Fire drake's hidden key

Fire drake's Wisdom: Every attack will deal an additional explosive damage that is equal to 50% of the user's damage.


You have acquired all the hidden keys needed to open the final door for the boss!

Finally, it was time for the last battle that Jin needed to finish so he can go home.

Name: Jin

Class: Lonely Sovereign

Level: 63 (8%)

HP: 53800/53800 {+1400}

MP: 10000/10000 {+400}

[AGI]x2: 734 (+120)

[STR]x2: 769 (+120)

[VIT]x2: 538 (+240)

[INT]x4: 1040 (+240)

[SWD]: 10

[ISO]: 10

Status pts: 0