WebNovelSolo Hunt75.61%

31: Going Home


Congratulations on reaching 600 points in the vitality attribute!


Walking Fortress (buff): Your defense and health will be enhanced by 30% for 30 seconds.

Mana Cost: 700

Cooldown: 10 minutes

"Finally! We're here!"

Jin cried out. After Jin had accumulated the 4 hidden keys, the system map gave the location destination of the last boss.

It was back at the Iron Kingdom, in a plain land in which a giant sinister door appeared in the meadow.

The giant door had engraved a dragon pattern and in its center, there reside 4 doorknobs with different colors: blue, red, brown, and white.

These doorknobs had keyholes each and residing with the different colors meant the different types of keys.

Jin couldn't wait and unlocked the doorknobs.











"I knew it was a dragon!"

Jin exclaimed. It was too obvious seeing that all of the hidden bosses shared something in common, they're all connected to the existence of dragons.


The giant door began to slowly open making creaking sounds that reverberated around and as it fully opened, the three of them were being pulled by a furious gale forcing them to enter the gloomy area inside.


After they entered the lair, the giant door bangs close leaving them inside with only themselves to protect.

"Is this the lair of the final boss?"

Jin asks. Seeing that the area was very gloomy, they couldn't help but be wary of every step they make.

"Let me check, [Sun Light]!"

Scar raised his sword above the air and chanted his skill. The sword began to emit a bright ray of light that brightened the surroundings and just after the ray of light reach its maximum length, they saw the giant mythical creature resting from its slumber.

"There it is!"

"Yeah, it is truly big! Bigger than the drakes like a lot!"

"My liege, let me take care of it!"

Sebastian dashed towards the dragon waving dainsleif as he sprint.


When Sebastian slashed his sword into its hard scales, sparks only appeared from the dragon, and minuscule damage was received.



Sebastian was awestruck. He didn't even deal damage worthy of being called damage itself. It was just a tickle for the dragon, no it was more of dust hitting its body.

"Whahaha! See that? I thought you were stronger than this?"

Next was Scar, he dashed off from the ground and leaped up in the air. Forcibly, he struck down Burning Rapier towards its giant body slashing through its scales from above to the bottom scales.



"Kuahahaha! What a pity! My damage is even stronger than yours!"

"What did you say punk?"

"Each? Wanna go?"

"Yeah, let's go-"

"Hoops! Both of you! Don't even dare to fight."

Jin stopped them from their argue and after he went near the dragon, a window interface met his view.


Elder Dragon

Level: 200

Rank: Demi-God



Jin couldn't help but swear nonchalantly seeing its tremendous amount of health pool.

"Sigh, this is gonna take us weeks! But don't worry, we'll finish this!"

So they begin to start dealing damage, slowly but surely. They fired out their powerful skills towards the dragon and after one depleted their mana, they had to face off using basic attacks.


Heaven: Control Center

On the other side of the world, where angels reside and the place was brimming with gold and beauty, just below the 2nd floor of heaven resided the Control Center where they monitor all the system modifications.

The one who led the Control Center was the archangel, Gabriel. He was a very diligent and hardworking angel that was worthy of being the right hand of God.

Their control center was improving every time and there were no errors ever since they started doing this until an alert of another angel called him.


"Yes, what is it?"

"The door for the Elder Dragon has been opened!"

"What? How? Every human should have been back on earth and the people in that world should be in their paused state? What in the world happened?"

"I-it seems like someone has opened it."

"Who opened it? Is it one of the people that miracle moved?"

"No sir, it's a human from earth?"

"What? How did he?"

"He must've acquired the four keys needed to unlock the last boss's lair."

"He must be stopped! Immediately, delete him before he finds out the truth!"

"Uhmmm....sire there is a bit of a problem?"

"What is it?"

"The system prompted us from doing so because he is already a Majesty in making."

"A majesty? How did he become a majesty?"

"It looks like he had received it after rerolling his class."

"That chances of getting a majesty class is almost down to zero? How did this happen without us knowing?"

"Since there were no other humans receiving classes on that world, the system classification drastically changed. The chances of getting powerful classes had increased by almost a thousand folds so receiving the majesty class would be very high."

"Shit! You'll be the leader, for now, I need to take care of this myself before God finds out."

Gabriel walked out of the control center and entered the gate where they can instantly transport to any dimension.

"Transport me back to Dimension 7."

"But sire, that place is already abandoned."

"Just... Do it!"

Gabriel gave an angry stare at the angel and eventually, the angel was forced to open it.


6 days had passed after Jin and his companions attacked the Elder Dragon nonstop. They had become depleted from their mana countless times but they didn't stop.

The Elder Dragon's health had finally reached a hundred health from its billion amount of health.












"Finally! The dragon has 5 hp left! Don't attack it! Let me deal the last blow!"

"Yes, my liege."

"Go on kid."




After its hp went down to zero, its body floated up in the air and a glowing bright flash of light erupted inside its body.


It made explosive noises and as the bright flash of light emanated around its entire body, the Elder Dragon had finally disappeared into ashes.


Loot drops rained down above and piled up into a mountain of items. Seeing this, Jin's eyes shimmer in gold seeing the lustrous items piling up above the ceiling.

But before that, a window panel blocked his view.



You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!









• Elder Dragon's Heart

• You have been immune to all types of CC, Debuff, Curse, Burn, etc.

•If health drops down to 1 digit, you will be invulnerable in 10 seconds.

•All skill proficiency has been maxed out!


Jin gleaned after reading the window panels. He had received 38 levels instantly and some powerful rewards that immuned him to all types of debuffs, short immortality, and his skill proficiency had been maxed out though the only skill that had proficiency was the steel-string, he was still about that


[Steel String] (CC/DMG) Lvl. 3 (Max)

You can generate steel threads from your fingertips. You can manipulate the movement and length of the string by consuming some of your mana. If you can construct a target, the damage dealt is equal to 500% of your STR. If your STR is multiplied by 10 and will be equal or greater than the HP of the target, the target will instantaneously die.

Mana: 20 per/meter. 10 per/movement

String forms:

1st Form: The steel strings will become thinner that will become invisible to the naked eye. The damage of the steel string will be doubled but the durability is decreased by half.

Mana Cost: 1000

2nd Form: The steel strings will become thicker and its defense is tripled. Though the damage will be cut by half, its binding power has been sharply increased.

Mana Cost: 1000

3rd Form: Countless spikes will be added to the steel strings dealing increase in piercing and critical damage, the bleeding effect will have significant chances of activating.

Mana Cost: 1000

Seeing the new features of the maxed-out steel string, Jin was overjoyed.

He had also received an Elder Dragon's Heart which he didn't know of but still, his gaze was more focused on the items.

"Guys, let's get all these items!"

"Yes, my liege."

"I knew you would say that."

Just right after they were about to harvest all of the items, someone halted them.


"Jesus Christ!"

"Who's that?"

"No, I'm not Jesus."

The three of them averted their gaze on their back and saw a gorgeous man with golden hair and beautiful white wings flapping towards them.

"An angel?"

"Kayak! Master! Its glow is poisoning me!"

"Quick hide in my shadow."

Sebastian quickly hid in Jin's shadow knowing that the angel was its most dreadful enemy.

"Who are you?"

"I am Archangel Gabriel."

"G-Gabriel? So the bible was real?"

"Yes absolutely! What are you? An atheist?"

"Nope, not really, I just don't believe in God you know."

"That's what an atheist would say."

"Anyway. Why are you here?"

"I am here to tell you, do not enter that portal."

"Portal? Oh, that?"

Scar said. Seeing the brimming portal a few meters away from them made them confused. Why would an angel seize them the opportunity of finally escaping this world?

"How can we go home if we don't enter the portal?"

"Are you sure that's the exit?"

"No? Not really?"

"Sigh, here."

Gabriel activated a magic circle and a white portal appeared in front of them.

"This is the portal back to Earth."

"Oh, okay."

Jin said, when he was about to enter the portal, he almost forgot the piles of items.

"Wait! Can we at least get some items? At least 10 to 20 of them?"



"Because, you might bring havoc back to earth if you even brought one item and show it to everyone, wait a minute let me see- !!"

Gabriel's eyes widened after seeing the mana that Jin emitted. Jin was beaming with overwhelming mana and he thought to himself that this might become a big problem.

'Shit! If God founds out about this I'm dead.'

"Uh, if you want an item, here you can have this."

Gabriel threw out a silver ring towards Jin where he caught it with his hand along with the window interface popping up in his view.


Concealment Ring

Rank: Celestial

Type: Ring

The wearer's mana will be concealed from anyone even God cannot see it.

"Wait! This is utter bullshit? Why would I want this?"

"You must wear that at all times! No matter what you do, do not remove it because if anyone finds out about this, you'll be hunted by very powerful beings."

"Are you sure?"

"Since you are now a majesty, if the other majesties find out about your existence, you are sure to be dead."


Jin couldn't help but swallow his nervous saliva upon hearing Gabriel's warnings. Immediately he wore the ring into his ring finger.

"Okay then, what else do I have to do?"

"Never show off skills related to your Majesty's class, that is also a way they can track you."


"Well, that's just it. You can return now."

"Eh? Okay?"

Jin returned Scar to the necklace and entered the portal. Finally, he was going to return to Earth but his plan to become the strongest had been adjusted a bit but this didn't stop him from getting his revenge on all the wicked hunters in the world.


After Jim entered the portal, Gabriel was left in the lair sighing in relief.

"Damn that kid! If I was a bit late and he had entered that portal, he might drastically change the world."

Gabriel clenched his fist and slowly relieved himself. He opened his transmission magic and called another archangel.

"Hey, John."

>What do you need?<

"Can you monitor a human named Jin for me?."

>Why? Did a human pique your interest or did it sign a contract with a devil?<

"Well, more or less yeah."

>Okay, sure.<


Name: Jin

Class: Lonely Sovereign

Level: 101 (34%)

HP: 77800/77800 {+1400}

MP: 12800/12800 {+400}

[AGI]x2: 854

[STR]x2: 889

[VIT]x2: 778

[INT]x4: 1280

[SWD]: 10

[ISO]: 10

Status pts: 380