WebNovelSolo Hunt80.49%

33. Hunter's University

(I'll remove all the effects related to cooldown reduction to give a nerf to the MC)

"What school am I entering? Is it the school that I previously entered?" Jin asks.

"Those schools are third-rate and I'm pretty sure you wouldn't learn anything useful, here." Abraham said as he gave a poster to Jin. He looked at the poster and saw an advertisement for a prestigious school that seems to have been sponsored by well-known and powerful hunters.

"Hunter's University? What is this?" Jin asks with a confused look.

"As the name says, its a school for hunters and not just any school, its the most prestigious school in the world."

"Hunter's University", the sole university that nurtures promising hunters for the next generations to come. Located in the US, its influence has spread out around the world.

Well, there are countries that promote their own schools for hunters but it was incomparable to Hunter's University.

Most of the current rankers graduated in Hunter's University and is widely known for its strict policies, outstanding teachings, academic achievement, and wealth. The size of the whole university was two times the size of Disneyland.

Not only was it known for basic reasons, such as mentioned above. The reason why it had become the best university in the world is that every year, only a few geniuses that could be called the best hunters graduates, and this few could be counted in one hand.

Even if you are from a wealthy family or a child of an excellent hunter if you can't even pass the entrance examination, all efforts would be gone.

"But it's located in America, and it's like countless kilometers away. Are you saying that I should enter this school?"

"Yes, and I'm sure you'll graduate and get your hunter's license with ease, so what's the problem?" Abraham said.

"First of all, I'm asian and pretty sure students would treat me differently and might act racist towards me also, I can only speak basic English. How do you suppose I should do?" Jin complained but Abraham couldn't help but laugh out to Jin.

"Puhaahahat!" Abraham wheezed holding his stomach as if he had heard the funniest joke ever. Seeing how Abraham responds, he wondered what was so funny that he had to laughed out loud.

"Oh, s-sorry! Have you ever heard of the skill, [Diverse Communication]?"

"What's that?" Jin asks.

"It's a skill that lets the user speak and understand foreign languages by using a small amount of mana. Though this only works for humans, it's a pretty useful skill knowing you'll have to work with different people in the future."

"Woah! How can I acquire it?"

"Simple, just try to secrete a bit of mana and try to understand the words I spoke."

"It's that easy?" Jin said.

"Yeah okay now, focus." Abraham began speaking in Arabic. Jin focused his senses and slowly secrete as minuscule mana as possible, shortly after that, the words coming out of Abraham's mouth became understandable as if he was speaking in the native dialect, he was then met with the system interface.


You have learned a new skill!

[Diverse Communication] lvl.MAX (Buff): Let's the user translate human language with 100% accuracy.

Mana Cost: None

"Cool!" Jin exclaimed.

"Now, is there anything you want to complain about?" Abraham asks.

"Oh, one more thing. How will I enter the University?" Jin asks.

"Oh, that." Abraham opened his spatial inventory and retrieved an envelope. He gave the envelope to Jin.

"That is an application form and it should be enough for you to be able to participate in the entrance examination."

Jin opened the envelope and read the certificate. Seeing that it had special mana imbued to every word written in the paper, he believed it was a legit form.

"Where did you get this?" Jin asks with a curious look.

"Well, the higher-ups scouted me due to my good merits and gave me that form if ever I wanted to become a teacher and I thought it would be a good sideline but in the meantime, I am more focused on hunting so you can have that since it's more useful for you."

"I see... So when should I go to America?"

"Right now."

"What?" He couldn't understand if he was serious or not but for sure Abraham was dead serious since immediately he did all the paperwork in just a minute.

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and change in a proper attire and pack your bags. You'll be leaving at 7:30 am sharp so you can arrive just in time for the entrance examination."

Hastily, Jin moved packed his bags and changed. He grabbed his luggage and went outside, Abraham was waiting in the car and saw Jin with the two luggage in his hands.

"Do you think that luggage can fit in my car? Put that in your spatial inventory."

"Oh yeah..." He didn't know it was possible to put his heavy bags in his inventory and immediately placed it inside removing a bit of a hassle and entered the car.


They arrived at the airport and what he thought was an airport baffled him in surprise.

"I don't see any planes?" Jin said as he looked around.

"Air transportation today has become useless ever since mana appeared, now we have artificial portals connected to every country making the supposed to be 12 hours flight into mere seconds."

"Woah! Humanity really evolved in such a fast-paced." Jin said with sparkling eyes.

"Well, its all thanks to mana and the system, anyways, hurry up, it's almost 8 am."

As they entered the transportation station, giant portals could be seen aligned in the long trail. The portals had their destination names written above and to avoid any spatial disruption or sneaking citizens, there was a mana barrier that only lets official passengers passed through.

"US should be in the 50th portal." Abraham and Jin quickly they went towards the 50th portal and saw crowds of people lining up in an endless line.

"This might take us forever to arrive at the front." Jin pondered looking at the long line of people but Abraham didn't stop walking and went immediately to the front with ease. He talked to the guard of the portal and called out Jin who slowly walked towards him as he looked at the angry gazes of the people who had been patiently waiting in the line.

Unfortunately, all they could do was flash gazes towards Jin since he was being accompanied by an A-rank hunter.

'So this is a hunter's special authority.' Jin said to himself as he looked at Abraham with admiration.

"Okay then, its settled, oh here. That's your allowance for a week." Abraham said showing a light smile. He gave Jin 10 silver coins which was placed in a small pouch. Jin still didn't know the currency here in earth so he didn't had any second thoughts and accepted it.

"Thanks for everything. I should be going now." Jin said as he wave goodbye, he entered the bluish portal and disappeared.

'Don't be reckless Jin.'


Jin warped out and as he opened his eyes, he was met by an american attendant that guided him to his destination. Jin didn't talk much and only listened to the attendants words and hurried to the university.

'If I ride a taxi, it might take me fifteen minutes to arrive at the university and i don't want to waste money for now so I should just sprint to the school.' Jin activated [Flash] and sprinted to the highway, his speed was as fast as sound so the passerby could only see a blurried object flashing through their eyes.

Even though the land he was stepping in was still foreign to him, he had already located the whereabouts of the school since the size of the whole university was comparable to a land mass of a small country.

In 5 minutes of running, he had arrived at the front gate of Hunter's University. Since he was transported in Washington, right now, he was in Baltimore that was 36 miles away so it meant that he was running 36 miles per 5 minutes which was absolutely mind-blowing.

"Finally, I arrived!" Jin sighed in relief. He looked at the giant gate that was protected by a thick transparent barrier. There were multiple guards equipped with a long spear and wore modern medieval armor from outside the gate and Jin could see students wearing the University's uniform and from a close look, the uniform had mana imbued in it so meaning it had protecting barrier for magic and physical protection to the wearer.

'Wow, as expected from the best school in the world.' Jin said to himself with high expectations. He then leisurely walked towards the gate but then, the guards waved their spear towards Jin as if saying to seize him from making another step.

"Unauthorize personnel are not allowed to enter. Show us your identification card so you will be allowed to enter the school premises." The guard said to me with a loud tone.

The school really had a strict policy for security on which Jin was also expecting so he gave the application form to the guard.

The guard inspected form and with just a few glances, he could already tell that it was a genuine form so immediately he called out the guards to seize their weapons and let Jin pass through.

"Sir, your entrance examination will be held in area B gymnasium and will start in 8:00 am." The guard said just before Jin entered.

"Ah!" Jin shout as he looked at the time. It was already 8:05 am so hurriedly he entered the entrance and sprinted to area B. Fortunately for him, Abraham gave him a map for the university so he wouldn't be lost but the problem was that area B is 10 miles away from the entrance. He was afraid he might get late so he unconsciously activated [Thunder Clap] and dash through the way even though it was unnecessary for him considering his high movement speed that couldn't be exaggerated as the fastest in the world.

Not wasting any time, immediately he arrive at the huge gymnasium where he heard banging noises that may have came from two objects clashing to each other.

He entered the gymnasium and saw crowds of students equipped in light armor. They held different types of weapons and sat on a bench. In the center of the gymnasium, two students clashed with each other. From the looks of it, both had learned knowledge of combat but their ability lacked too much.

Jin looked around the stadium and saw that most of the students on the bench wore fashionable clothing showing how wealthy they are.

'It seems everyone here came from a rich family, as expected from a high-end university.' Jin said to himself smirking. A young woman wearing a white robe with green lining and glasses approached him. She held a book in her arms and had a shy expression on her face.

"Uhmmm...mister, are you one of the examinees?" The young woman asks.

"Uh, yes." Jin shortly replied and gave his form to the young woman. As the woman read the form her face gleamed.

"Ah, you have been supported by an A-rank hunter! Please follow me!" The woman as he walked through a small room. There where various types of armory and weaponry laid on a weapon rack. From the looks of it, they were F-rank weapons.

"Please pick your desired armor and weapon, you'll be having a duel with one of the examinees and if you win, your form will be accepted."

"Eh, it's that easy?"

"Yes and if you win, you can place a duel with another examinee and if you again win, the chances of you being put in a royal classroom will increase." The young woman said with a sparkling expression.

"I see, but what is a royal classroom?"

"Ah? You didn't know? Its a classroom for geniuses and your academic lessons there are more complex and giving you more knowledge, also at the end of the school year, guilds will scout students from the royal classrooms. The better your performance, the higher chances you'll be hand-picked by powerful guilds."

"Woah, that sounds pretty neat," Jin said.

"Yep! And if you can become one of the school royalties, you will be assured of a reserved part in a guild. Well, if you can be one of the royalties, but that's near impossible considering how powerful the royalties are." The young woman said with a depressed expression.

"Is something wrong?" Jin asks.

"Ah! No, no. I'm fine. Hurry up, and pick your weapon."

"Oka-"Jin's words were cut off when a student slammed open the door with a vague expression in his face as he gasped for air.

"Ji Rah, Speed-o-Sonic is here and his taking over the examination." The student exclaimed.

"What!? This is bad! Jin, I'll be leaving you here, for now." Hurriedly, Ji Rah hurried her pace and went running back to the stadium.

"Speed-o-Sonic? Who's that?" The name sounded a bit flashy so Jin hurried back to see what was happening.


"Khie khie khie! Is that all you got shrimpy?" The youngman grin wryly as he one-sidedly beat the student and chuckled at the look of its pity face. He had pointy hair, and an arrogant attitude, his attire resembled a playboy look of a student and from his facial features and skin tone, he was Japanese.

"Please.....stop." The student begged but the young man didn't stop beating him with his fist. His fist was super fast that he couldn't even defend a single blow. His cheeks became swollen while tears pour out from his blacked eyes.

"Begging for mercy ey? Well then, I'll give you mercy! One hit with my fist should leave you unconscious and will end your suffering! Khie Khie Khie!!" The young man then threw the student up in the air and as the student was about to fall, the man charged up his fist that would hit his abdomen that could mean fatal.

"Stop it, Kaze!" Ji rah shout out to the young man and canceled his attack. Immediately, Ji rah cast a magical barrier to catch the unconscious student from falling in a long height.

"Khie, khie, khie! If it isn't Yura's lapdog?" Kaze said with a sly grin in his face. Ji rah, on the other hand, ignored Kaze's taunt and went to check the beaten up student. She healed the bruises on the student's body and moved him to the bench where the students were watching.

"You seriously ignoring me Yura's lapdog?" Kaze continued to taunt Ji Rah and this made her clench his fist and her expression stiffened. Jin who was watching from the crowds of examinees observed the situation.

"Kaze, don't you something better to do? I was ordered by Yura to take care of today's examinees, you shouldn't interfere with other business." Ji rah said with an angry tone. She was entirely different from the shy girl she was just a moment ago.

"Khie, khie, khie! Shouldn't you show courtesy those who have higher authority than you! You know that i can take over this examinee however i want but if you refut with my orders, we can settle this with in a Monomachia." Kaze said with a laugh.

"What's a Monomachia?" Jin asks one of the students in his side.

"Monomachia, literally means Duel. Its a tradition here on Hunter's University held between students. It allows students to settle debates and arguments through a formal 1 on 1 fight. They will first form a conract by Zecro which must place a wager that can be equal to what they are debating and if anyone of them can no longer fight, lose consciousness, receives a fatal wound or surrenders, the winner takes all." The student answered Jin's question.

"Oh, so it's like gambling but with fists." Jin said.



"What's the matter? You can't settle it with a Monomachia? Khie khie khie,! As expected from a third-rate support!" Amused by the situation, he continued to ridicule Ji rah but she couldn't spat out a word and only clench her fist tightly. She knew she couldn't defeat Kaze no matter what he does since he was not only her senior, he was on par with her leader, Yura.

"Uhmmmm...can i participate in this Monomachia?" Jin called out from the crowd while raising his hand.

"Huh? Who are you supposed to be?" Kaze said with an annoyed expression.

"Im one of the examinees." Jin responded cool-headedly.

"Khie khie khie! A mere examinee dares to wage with me in Monomachia!? Kid! Don't make me laugh!" Kaze burst out laughing.

"It's okay." Ji rah said in a low tone but Jin refused.

"No, it's not okay. Also, I'm not doing this for your own good, I'm doing this because I want to." Jin replied to Ji rah that made her utter in silence.

"Be careful, Kaze is known for his fast attacks and high agility, he is also a Viscount so be careful." Ji rah gave his warnings to Jin and was responded by a light smile.

"If you are really serious? What can you wager?"

"This." Jin removed a small mana crystal from his spatial inventory.

"That-" Kaze had his eyes widened. From his surprise, the mana crystal that was the size of an apple, luminescent a pure bluish glow. Not only was he in a state of shock, but also the students watching him were mind blown even Ji Rah couldn't help but be in awe.

"As you can see, this is a small mana crystal with an A-rank purity. If you don't believe me, you can check it for yourself."

"An A-rank in purity!?" The crowd couldn't believe it. They wanted to find out if Jin was telling the truth so Ji Rah went to appraise the mana crystal and she herself couldn't believe what she had just appraised.

"It's true! It's an A-rank mana crystal!"

The crowd began to exclaim in surprise. This made Kaze grin greedily. He was smiling knowing that he would easily get a powerful mana crystal into his hands so he chuckled in amusement.

"Khie khie khie! And what will be your condition?" He asked.

"My condition is, first all the examinees here including me will automatically pass, second I must be placed in a royal classroom and lastly, you must never dare to talk to her again."

"Khie khie khie! Its a deal!"

They began to form a Zecro. A magical circle appeared infront of them and both of them imbued their mana in it to activate the official contract. Zecro was a contract between two person, if anyone breaks the contract, they will be amplified by a powerful curse that will slowly kill them inside so it was not something to be done lightly.

Monomachia also had a condition, if ever the other side receives a fatal blow and loses, it will not kill the person but only finished the battle and all their wounds will disappear as if their had no fighting that occurred.

"Now, I won't go easy on you! [Flash]!" Kaze rapidly sprinted towards Jin and aimed his fist to his head.

"Kaze..." Before the fist could hit Jin's face, he heard him say his name. His fist then collide to the target but in his surprise, Jin had disappeared in thin air, and quickly he looked around, a chilling fear course through his spine.

"It's your loss."


Jin appeared in an instant into his back and before Kaze could respond and evade, Jin's fist collides through his abdomen balsting the organs and all the living flesh on impact into a spray of blood that spurred through the walls.

"Bhwaaak!" Kaze puked out blood. He didn't understand what had happened and he could only feel coldness into his body. He knelt down and collapsed on the ground leaving a cold corpse of his.

The crowd fell in a deafening silence. Only then they had return to their senses when the ringing noise on the system determined the fight.



-All the conditions of the contract has been fullfilled!

The cold corpse of Kaze returned back to its normal state and was still in a complete shock of what had just happened. Everyone was still silent and couldn't utter a single word. They were worried that wether they should thank Jin or fear him. They all just remained silent but one spoke to Jin with gratitude.

"Thank you! I am in debt for you for the rest of my life!" It was Ji Rah, she bowed in a 90-degree angle to show his utmost gratitude.

"It's okay, it was my own way of thanking you for guiding me in this place. Well then, since everything is settled, Kaze won't be bothering you now and I'll be able to enter the royal class." Jin said and walked away. Immediately all the crowds of students gave him a path he could walked on.

"Uhmmm...I haven't known your name yet mister!" Ji Rah called out to Jin and responded with a smile.

"Its Jin."