WebNovelSolo Hunt82.93%

34. Eavesdropping

The results of the test examinations were still pending due to the sudden occurrence in the examination. Jin was already sure to pass the examination so he felt he had all the time in the world and explored the campus.

"I'm kinda hungry, let's see if I can find food here." Jin began scurrying around the place and saw a small digital post with the entire map of the university. He searched through the post and found the nearest cafeteria which was just a kilometer away from him and a quick dash, he arrived.

"As expected of the greatest university in the world, a cafeteria is as big as a supermarket!" Jin exclaimed in awe as he stared at the cafeteria. With his sharp sense, he could see through the thick reinforced walls the students going around as they go and ate at a fine dining table which some were lined up in the base and some fancy tables were located at the top floor which he could only assume as a dining hall for the royalties. With a heavy sniff, he could smell the aroma of food he had not tasted for a long time lingering in his nose. It was Adobo, a chicken marinated in soy sauce and seasonings for a long time and cooked to get that tender meat texture.

The scent was definitely to die for and Jin felt his tummy rumble and his watery mouth as he gulped the saliva and proceed to enter the cafeteria.

Unfortunately, he was blocked by the gate as he needed a student pass to enter the cafeteria and since he was still an unofficial student, he couldn't enter the building.

"Dammit! And here I was expecting to eat some great food." Jin contemplated but he couldn't do anything, he could enter by force but he wanted to avoid commotion that may result in getting expelled. Suddenly, his attention was drawn to nearby students who were watching footage on. their digital watches.

Note: Any personal gadgets are banned in the school and instead, the students are given a digital watch which works just like a phone, monitor but better and more advanced.

From what they were watching, they seem astounded and in disbelief but Kal could tell what they were watching, from the faint reflection of the video shown in the hologram, it was the footage of Jin's one-sided fight against Kaze.

"Do you know who this guy is? To be able to one hit Kaze like that, he must be at least an A rank!" The student exclaimed.

"From the clothing, he's wearing, he must be an examinee." Another student spoke.

Jin continued to eavesdrop on the students and felt good listening to their praise but as he enhanced his hearing he realized that almost every student in the vicinity was watching and talking about the same video.

"News sure spread fast. Let's leave before I can cause a commotion." Jin quickly vanished in thin air.

"It's him! Wha- he disappeared!"

"Stop with your unfunny jokes, the examination he's partaking is a mile away from here."

"I promise I saw him just now!"

"Just shut up!"


Jin activated [Stealth] right after getting noticed and left the area. Although he was savoring for some delicacies, he couldn't risk any commotion so he decided to hide on top of a nearby building's rooftop and ate some snacks he brought in his inventory.

"They are still not finished evaluating the scores so let's check my status window, I wonder how strong I've become?"


[Name: Jin

Class: Lonely Sovereign

Level: 101 (34%)

HP: 77800/77800 {+1400}

MP: 12800/12800 {+400}

[AGI]x2: 854

[STR]x2: 889

[VIT]x2: 778

[INT]x4: 1280

[SWD]: 10

[ISO]: 10

Status pts: 380]

"Since I'm level 101, I should be Lord Rank now. Maybe if I just show it to the world right now, I might become super popular and hunters won't look down on me at all. After that, I'll have the association trace the hunters who had made me suffer and let them taste their own medicine! That'd be great but my story would just end that quick, and I might take notice of the other majesties. I'm confident with my powers and I can say that I'm pretty much the strongest on Earth but knowing the existence of Gods, I must take Gabriel's warning seriously. I still have a lot of unused status points but for now, let's save them unless an emergency arrives." Jin muttered to himself as he stuff himself with Toron (Toron is like an egg roll except the inside is not meat but ripe banana which is then coated with caramelized sugar.)


"President! Have you seen this viral video? Kaze, a viscount from the 2nd division Royal class had been beaten by a single punch from an examinee!" A student officer said to the school president. The school president, Sasha Lang is a gorgeous, cold, strong, and upright third-year student and was a role model for every student in the university, especially for newcomers. She gained popularity due to her unnatural beauty that could straighten a gay man with just her looks. She was a rising star and with her family background connecting to one of the most powerful families in the world, no one could block her path of success. In just her freshman year, she immediately gained the title of Princess, although lots of students found it unfair she proved her worth with her prowess being in the level of an elite B-rank and skills of an S-rank. In her second year, she became a royal officer and representative to the 1st division Royal class and the third year, she became the youngest School President and gained the title of Queen of Valor and the top 3 of the S-ranks in the school and top 23 in the worldwide ranking. She was an inspiration to every student and hope to be the next person to follow in her footsteps.

"Kaze? I don't know who is that and if I don't know the person, then that person is just dust in my eyes." She said cold-heartedly. Despite being perfect, the drive of being considered perfect, her personality was quite awful. Although she acts like an angel in front of the public, to her close peers, she was nothing more than a demon in an angel's clothing.

"Again with that attitude of yours, what if people hear you?" The officer said with a disgruntled look.

"I'll just kill them, you can just hide the evidence for me right?" Sasha began twinkling her eyes but the officer just let off a disgusted look.

"Yesterday, you just disintegrated a student into ashes because you didn't like how he acted in front of you."

"I was mocked by how he acted so it's only normal for a lowly scum like him to die." Sasha scoffed.

"He had Parkinson's disease for god sake! He can't control that incurable disease-"

The officer's words were immediately cut after Sasha suddenly halted his steps and began drawing out her power around.

"Someone's watching us." Sasha coldly spoke.

"What!? Who is it? Did the person hear our conversation just now?"

"Most likely, yes. I can't feel any mana coming from the person but I can feel his presence. From his presence, he's a man in my age but something's quite off."

Sasha immediately jumped above the open window and quickly arrived at the rooftop of the building where the man resided but as soon as she arrived, the presence of the man disappeared in thin air.

"He disappeared. Hm?"

Sasha noticed sugary crumbs on the floor and began inspecting them.

"From its texture and shape, this must be a sugary snack and it is still fresh."

Sasha draw out her Mana on her fingertips and grabbed the crumbs as she placed them on a sealed plastic bag. The officer arrived momentarily with a confused look on his face.

"Where did he go? What did you find?"

"He disappeared."

Sasha responded and handed over the sealed plastic bag containing the crumbs to the officer.

"What's this?"

"Give that to madam and trace the man's whereabouts."

"Madam!? You know I can't just casually go to her place without any reservations!"

"Tell her it was an urgent request from me."

"Argh! Fine!"


A few minutes ago. Jin who was delightfully eating his Toron felt a powerful presence nearby and immediately heightened his senses to check out who the person was and to his surprise, it was a beautiful woman that seemed to be in her twenties but exuded an aura of a mature woman on her thirties.

"Who's this baddie?"

Jin was curious about the woman's identity and she felt succumbed to her beauty that he began daydreaming of wrecking the woman like a bull but he quickly cut his perverted mind and listened to their conversation.

"So She's the school president, no wonder she was such a beauty but damn, I was gonna fall for her but who knew she had a shitty attitude."

Jin felt dismayed. Suddenly, he could feel the woman's Mana spread around the area so Jin quickly fled the scene before he got caught

"That woman is sharp, even with my mana concealed, she can sense my presence. Thankfully I escaped before she could get me."

Jin sighed in relief and returned to the examination hall. He found a giant hologram being placed in front of the hall which showed the names of the examinees who had passed and as expected, his name was written in the hologram.


Jin Nietes - None

Roberto Guzman - Baron (3)

Ali Mustafa - Baron (3)


Baki Monogatari

James Corden

Jose Mari Chan



"What's this? I don't have any title but the other two have one? And why are there only a few people who passed when I was sure that I made all of the students who spectated get passing remarks? Did he broke his promise? If he did, there should've been an alert from the system." Jin was confused but didn't think of it deeply after he was seen by the students that gathered nearby.

"It's the guy who punched Kaze!"

"Oooh! It's him!!"

Students began to crowd Jin and began taking pictures with the camera in their smartwatch. Before things could escalate roughly, Jin's eyes caught sight of two vehicles, one was a gray school bus that had the word "PASSERS" written on the sides and the other one was a golden limousine with the words "ROYALTY" glittered in silver on the hood of the vehicle.

"That must be the vehicle that'll bring me to my dorm." Jin quickly dispersed from the crowd and went to the limousine. There he found two other students, Roberto Guzman, a Spanish Caucasian guy, and Ali Mustafa, an Indian guy already inside the limousine drinking some fine wine.

"You must be Jin right? That average-looking guy who one-punched the so-called speed-o-sonic?" Roberto asked in a clear monotone English accent.

"You're already getting popularity despite being a commoner and not even getting a title." Ali also spoke.

'Are those words of praise or an insult?'

Jin couldn't understand them so he replied with a light smile.

"Yes, it was me."

Jin entered the vehicle and the door was automatically closed. The limousine started moving as Jin sat awkwardly while the two fixed their gazes on him.

"Do you want some wine? Well, I guess you'd want it knowing that you had never tasted such expensive wine before."

"If it's foreign for you, we have here a great drink for you." Ali handed Jin a glass of clear liquid substance.

"Is this vodka or something?" Jin asked.

"No, that's just water, ohohohoho"


They began to laugh expensively (How rich people laugh) and made fun of Jin but despite that, he just drank the water and smile at them.

'You're better than this Jin, this is nothing compared to the things those hunters did to you."

Jin forced a grin.