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35. Taking Responsibility

Traveling in an expensive vehicle was a luxury but Jin felt uneasy with how the ride went by. It wasn't that the two were annoying him they had minded their business after greeting Jin so the ride was smooth. What made it uncomfortable was the ride itself, he was sitting in a silky seat and everything smell fragrant, although it was supposed to be comfortable, Jin felt itchy.

'The last time I rode a car was decades ago and I get nauseated by the smell inside but now that I don't feel nauseous, the ride doesn't feel right. I feel like it's better for me to just run to the destination."

Jin said to himself. He was trapped in a frozen world where means of travel does not work so the only way to go place by the place was by foot and Jin had been so used to it that sitting still was unbearable and foreign. His muscles and legs were tingling like he wanted to just run as fast as he can but Jin had to control this feeling for the sake of respecting the once-in-a-lifetime ride.

30 minutes passed, Jin had dozed off to remove the unsightliness, after the limousine arrived at the destination. The doors opened which revealed a giant mansion that could only be seen in medieval times.

The three students got out of the vehicle and stared at a grandiose mansion in awe. In reality, Jin wouldn't be surprised by the mansion since back in the frozen world, he had seen countless more beautiful and Grand mansions since he had traveled to every kingdom.

'I've seen better mansions but it's amazing to see one in the modern era!'

Jin exclaimed to himself. Soon the gates opened and maids and butlers lined up in the entrance to greet the new students with a white banner, in words written in an abstract font "WELCOME TO THE 3RD DIVISION ROYAL DORM".

"Oooh!! We've finally arrived!" Ali exclaimed in excitement.

"This will be the start of my goal to become Sasha Lang's fiance!" Roberto spoke as he hand comb his silky blonde hair.

"..." Jin on the other was silent and just smiled in response which they simply didn't care.

A young Butler accompanied by three beautiful maids greeted the three students.

"Congratulations on entering the royal academy, my name is Jack Stauber and I'll be your guide. I will state your name and come forward to receive your uniform and smartwatch, you will then proceed to your respective rooms and after you have finished placing your items in your room and putting on your uniform, proceed to the dining hall where your seniors will be waiting." Jack bowed and brought out a scroll in his spatial inventory. He then read the contents of the scroll.

"Roberto Guzman. Age- 20, Level- 52, Mid-level B-rank, Job Classification- Silver Knight. Rank- Bronze Baron. Please come forward."

Roberto then walked forward with a huge grin on his face where the maid gave him the folded uniform, along with a bronze Baron badge and a metallic brown smartwatch. The maid then walked inside the mansion behind followed Roberto.

"Ali Mustafa. Age- 20, Level- 53, Mid-level B-rank, Job Classification- Royal Bowman. Rank- Bronze Baron. Please come forward."

Ali walked forward and received the same items from another maid as he raised his thick eyebrow to Jin as if he was showing off or looking down at him. He then proceeds to enter the mansion with the maid.

"Jin Nietes. Age- 21, Level- 57, Mid-level B-rank, Job classification- 1st-rate Soldier. Rank- Commoner. Please come forward."

'What? Abraham told me that he will deal with the paperwork but why did he choose a class that's not even in my expertise? He could've chosen the bandit class and I won't even be angry but why a warrior-specific class? A fuck, I forgot to tell him, my class! Damn it! Why am I such a pushover!?' Jin exclaimed to himself and gritted his teeth.

Jin walked forward and the maid gave him a royal uniform and smartwatch, since he was only a commoner, he didn't get any badge. The butler looked at Kal and spoke.

"I heard that you passed the examination by betting against a senior but since you didn't do the correct procedure, you were not given a rank that's why your title is only of a commoner. I saw the video and how you beat Kaze in a single punch. Kaze was a speed-type Hunter so he didn't put much status in defense and I assume you've invested most of your stats in strength that's why you were able to defeat him in a single punch. I'll give you tips if you don't want to fall. Don't mess with seniors importantly the seniors in the other division. Since you're only a commoner in the royal academy you have to work 10 times harder and contribute as many points to get a Baron title if you want to survive. Befriend powerful students and never let Kaze find you. I'm sure he's furious right now and he'll call for his seniors to find you. You're already in a pickle on your first day in the university so if I were you, and if you adore your life, drop out of the university and hide. I know it may sound offensive, I'm just telling you this for your good." Jack said in contemplation. Hearing his words, Jin revealed a soft smile.

"You're a good man. Thanks and don't worry." Jin responded and proceed to follow the maid.

"Listen to me, Kaze is a member of one of the most notorious gangs in the school, Tokyo Ravagers, they will not stop until you'd either end up crippled or dead." The butler exclaimed to Jin. Jin simply walked away but in his head he was glad.

'Although the world has become shittier, it seems there are still good people in it.'


Jin arrived at his room which was located on the third floor of the mansion. His room was as big as an apartment. It had its living room, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a bed. It also had an AC which was neat considering that the weather was quite hot since it was Summer. It has basic appliances like microwave, oven, stove, fridge, heater and such. There was also a flat-screen TV and telephone.

Although the exterior was medieval, the interior had a modernized look so that students could still feel at home.


The telephone rang and Jin answered.

>In five minutes, you must be here in the dining hall your proper uniform, your seniors have already arrived.<

On the phone was Jack who called so Jin immediately wore his attire which felt nostalgic since it had been such a long time since he had worn clothes manually.

(Since most of Jin's clothing was categorized as an item, so it was automatically worn without needing to wear it traditionally.)

Jin went down to the first floor and the dining hall was located on the left side of the mansion. As soon as he arrived, the first ones he found were the other two students who looked like soldiers in the way they were standing still.

"Oh, it's the commoner who beat up Kaze. Man, I'm such a big fan! You have balls of steel to charge on a 2nd division senior and a member of Tokyo Ravagers." A broad tall man said as he laughed at Jin.

"It's to be expected of a commoner who does not know about the world. In the end, they're nothing more but cancer to society." A gorgeous European woman said as she delicately eat on the table like a true royal.

"You two, take a seat. You freshman, on the other hand, stand in the wall. Don't move until I tell you so." The one who spoke was a stoic man who had spiky-haired glasses. He had a sleek figure but due to his tight shirt, his muscles could be seen bulging despite looking slim. He had the perfect body of a man and added with his handsome face, he was the perfect image of the main character.


Jin didn't refute his orders not because he was a pushover but he felt like he did something wrong and stood still while they eat. Everyone started to eat including the other two who were hesitant at first but immediately swallowed a spoonful of food in their mouth.

The dining table was a very long table in which two sides had ten chairs and the other two sides, the front and back had only a single chair. Including the other two, there were about 18 people there and 4 chairs are vacant.

They continued to eat silently while Jin stood still. Jin began to scan the people eating with [Mana Awareness]. He could see the Mana capacity of a person even if it conceals it and as he was scanning, Jin's eyes slightly grew wide.

'So the spiky four eyes is the leader of this division since he has the highest Mana capacity and next to him is this little kid who looks like a high schooler.'

Jin was looking at a girl who was wearing a female uniform. She had the golden badge with the symbol 'M' in it which one could tell was a Gold level Marquise. That was not the only surprising thing about her, her Mana core had 4 circles spiraling in it which could only be found from mage class.

'With such concentrated Mana core, she should be an A-rank, and considering she has 4 circles, she could be a candidate Arch-mage. The spiky four eyes should be a swordsman specializing in the wind element due to the thick callous in his hand and rippling wind the flows with his Mana which surprisingly, he spreads all his Mana to every nerve in his body. That should put a strain on his body if he keeps that up continuously since he's forcing his Mana to flow like blood.

The strongest one in the dining hall excluding Jin was the spiky four eyes, he was an A-rank and a Silver-level Duke next was the mysterious girl that has a concentrated Mana core, next was the woman who acted like a true royal which was an A-rank and had the strongest affinity to an element which is fire and she also had callous in her hands that one could tell she was a swordsman, the next one was the broad guy in a ponytail, he was an early A-rank and his body was also reinforced with Mana and he also spreads his Mana around his body but not to the extent of straining it. The next one was an A-rank petite female that was a marksman, which specifically handles the bow and also has the wind affinity, the next was a black man that had dreadlocks which is an elite B-rank that specializes in the warrior-spear type, and then so on and so forth.

After 20 minutes they were all done eating and left only bones and leftovers. There was not a single food on the table, Jin was flustered but didn't show his aggression and continued to stand still. Then one by one, the people left the dining hall leaving only 5 people, The spiky four eyes, the little girl, the royal woman, the broad tall guy, and the petite girl.

"Let me ask you. Do you know what wrong have you done?" The four eyes asked.

"I made a bet with a person and won?" Jin said.

"This bastard...let me deal with him." The broad guy gritted his teeth and stood up from his seat.

"Settle down. Yes, you are right, but that was not just any person you touched, it was a member from the 2nd division and Tokyo Ravagers. What you did was a huge problem."

"What do you want me to do, drop out? But I don't want to." Jin replied.

"Watch your mouth, you filthy commoner!" The royal woman pointed a butter knife at Jin.

"I said settle down!" The four eyes slammed his fist on the table which cause the entire table to tilt up and quickly fall back. Everyone was then silent and the four eyes spoke once again to Jin.

"We have no valid reason to order an expulsion but we can force you to drop out but that'll make things more complicated. But if you don't drop out, your problem will also become a problem for us since Kaze is a member of the 2nd division and if you didn't know, our rivalry between the 2nd division will spark another bloodbath since you've done something gravely to their member, not just that, the Tokyo Ravagers gang will call out their men to support the 2nd division. Dealing with two dangerous groups is a huge burden to us and we can't afford violence in such an early start of the first semester." Four eyes explained

"We've been getting threats from the gang and division and if we don't hand you over to them, well face the consequences." The petite girl said.

"Now that you understand the mistake you have done, I want you to take full responsibility for it." Four eyes seriously said.

"What if I don't want to?" Jin said in an arrogant tone.

"We'll simply throw you to their mouths. You're just a freshman and you're not even an entitled royal. Nobody will care if a commoner suddenly becomes bones overnight, that'll simply be forgotten by everybody." The petite girl said.

Although their words were kind of harsh, realizing the direness of the situation. Jin knew he was guilty and should take responsibility for it so he was not in the right to make excuses. He thought of it in his head and had a final answer.

"So what will you choose, the hard way, or the hard way?" Four eyes asked.

"I understand now. You're right about everything so I'll choose the easy way." Jin said with a light smile.

"There's no easy way, only a hard way." The broad man said.

"Okay, then I'll choose the easy way. Give me the location to the base of the 2nd division and the Tokyo Ravagers' base, so I can do what is supposed to be done." Jin said.

"So you're choosing an easily hard way, I understand. I'll give you the coordinates in your watch. For now, you'll be banned from entering the premises of the 3rd division's base until we got a note that everything has been settled." The four eyes sent the coordinates into Jin's smartwatch and Jin left the mansion to do his job.

"I'll be back in 30 minutes," Jin said as he waved goodbye.

"Be sure to bring the promissory note." Four eyes replied.

After that Jin departed on the mansion to go to the base of the 2nd division and Tokyo Ravagers' base.

"Do you think he'll run away?" The little girl asked.

"Most likely, yes." The royal woman said.

"I can't believe, we had to deal with such a problematic freshman, I'm thankful that he's gonna die. Do you think he'll survive?" The petite girl asked.

"Most likely, no. If he did, he'd probably spend his life as a vegetable." The four eyes responded.