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36. Impression

Kaze arrived in a beautiful mansion with a look of fear and trauma. His eyes were opened wide and sweat poured on his forehead. He walked inside the mansion with his head looking down on the ground, in his head as he recalled the fight a while ago.

'Who was that man? Even with my speed, I couldn't see his movements and after he ambushed me in my behind, I felt like death was looming over me. His punch was nothing I've felt before, it was like I was being slammed with the weight of a cruise ship, no a mountain would be the correct personification.'

Every time he recalled it, chills course through his spine. A woman, dressed neatly in a white T-shirt greeted Kaze and saw the pale look on his face.

"I can't believe you got humiliated by an examinee. Even if your fast, if you don't even distribute some points in defense and face the same situation, I'm not so sure you'll survive."

"Shut it! Do you think I don't know? The students are now looking down on me because of what happened and if I see that guy again, I'll make sure to get my revenge." Kaze gritted his teeth as he clenched his fist in anger but in the back of his head, he was scared.

"Yeah, go plan your revenge, Big Man and the boss of your gang is currently inside the main office and they asked me to find you."

"Big man and boss is c-calling for me?" Kaze gulped in nervousness.

"Hehehe you're so dead." The woman sneered and laughed at Kaze as she pats his back.

Knock Knock

Kaze knocked on the door in the main office as he wipe the sweat on his face.

"Come in." A cold voice of a man echoed in the room.

Gulp! Kaze swallowed his nervous saliva and slowly opened the door. He was then met by a powerful pressure to weaken his knees as he fell to the ground.

"Stand up." The man spoke and Kaze immediately forced himself to stand up despite the force pushing him down. He was carrying the weight of a ship and if he doesn't use his power, he might get crushed to death.

"Urrrgghh..." Kaze's nose began to bleed and he felt dizzy and ready to fall to the ground yet he manage to stand up.

"I saw the video. From the state you are in, I'm pretty sure you are thinking of revenge and honestly, I'd want you to personally deal with it yourself but since you are also a member of Tokyo Ravagers, I can't make the decision myself."

The man who spoke was Big Man. His real name was Cole Oliver, a giant 7 footman who has a huge buffed body and bald head. From a normal standpoint, he looked like a mafia boss and that was what he was, he was the son of a former mafia boss and now leads the mafia group, Ogre Mane. He's a Golden rank Duke and an elite A-rank Hunter, his class, Iron Chief, gives him a powerful authority to control his subordinates that buffs him greatly and his subordinates. His class was considered a support/tank type due to the buff effect but in reality, it was a stacking type of power which means, including his speed and damage, his power was quite high.

"Kaze, you're one of our promising rookies but due to your actions, you've strained the reputation of the Tokyo Ravagers and the 2nd division. You know what happens right? Well, I don't need to explain it to you since you know quite well."

"Gulp, yes..." Kaze swallowed his nervous saliva as he stared at another bald 7 footman. The boss of Tokyo Ravagers, real name Jason Clay, was another Elite A-rank Hunter who's also a Gold level Duke. His class was Captain Basher, a tank/damage type that specializes in stun and crowd control. The two of them consider themselves as brothers despite Cole being white and Jason an ebony man, they share common traits and have great synergy with each other. Cole was wearing a white suit and held a golden staff while Jason was in a black coat and suit as he held a silver staff.

"But luckily, we'll give you an exception since that person that did it for you is a new member of the 3rd division."

"The 3rd division!?" After hearing Jason's words, Kaze's face turned red in anger. Everybody knew the relationship between the 2nd and 3rd division since they had been rivals for almost a decade but now that Tokyo Ravagers is supporting the 2nd division, the gap between the two had increased by a wide margin and the 3rd division couldn't be considered a worthy rival anymore, in fact, the 2nd division was now aiming for the 1st division.

"We've already sent them threats and if they don't bring the person who did this to you, they'll have to pay 10 folds."

"This is also a perfect moment to completely demolish the 3rd division once and for all." Both of the giant men grinned and in Kaze's head, he was grinning wider than the men.

'Whoever you are, you're so fucked now!'


Jin was currently running in the busy streets of the university. Due to its size, three cities had been built around, Diamond City which was the capital is home for the royal academy in which where Jin is located, Emerald City was a neutral city, this was where most of the gates and hunting grounds resided so this place was the center place for businesses, lastly was Platinum City, it was where the regular academy was located, although it was the normal academy, it had the most resources and wider landmarks so many guilds fight for land to own in the city.

"So this is the 2nd division's base, it's more spacious than the 3rd division's. No, the 3rd division doesn't even compare." Jin wondered why there was such a large gap in the resources of each division but since it wasn't in his mind to think about, he removed that thought in his head and jumped inside the gate.


After Jin jumped inside the base, a loud voice echoed in the area. Guards who were posting in the area quickly checked out the cause of the alarm and held their weapons as they go to find the intruder.

"Who in the right mind would enter this place without any permission." A guard said.

"Some guy must've lost his way inside." Another guard responded.

Soon they arrived at the entrance gate where they found a student who looked confused as he began to look around and the guards sighed at the sight of the lost student.

"Hey, you! State your business here or get lost! You've entered the premises of the 2nd division and Tokyo Ravagers' base!" A guard exclaimed as he pointed his spear at Jin.

"I was asked to go here. It seems that nobody was aware of my arrival." Jin said in a blunt tone. One guard closely inspected the face of the man and instantly recognized the student.

"You're the guy who beat up senior Kaze!"

"Oh yeah, and from the three buttons on your uniform, you're a member of the 3rd division."

Immediately hearing the word of the 3rd division, they rose their weapons higher to show that their ready to attack at any time.

"Be careful, he has a very high strength attribute, fighting him from a close distance is dangerous." The guards retreated a couple of steps back to distance themselves to Jin.

"Huh? I'm not here to fight you guys, just bring me to your leader or something."

"Silence bastard! Anyone from the 3rd division is an enemy of the 2nd division!"

"You're gonna fight me? You sure?"

"Although killing is prohibited in the university if it's the 3rd division, it's an exception."

"Killing you will not only be good for our division, but we'll also be rewarded by our seniors!"

"You might have a high power output but with your other attributes lacking, you're nothing more but a sandbag. [Whirl Shot!]" A guard threw his spear towards Jin at a speed of a bullet. The spear was coiled with the rush of wind and went straight to Jin's head.


Jin caught the spear with his hand before it could reach his heart and broke it in half.

"What!?" The guard was startled and walked a few steps back.

"He caught it with his bare hand and even broke it in half, how strong is he?"

"Don't be startled you fools! He's unarmed and alone and we outnumbered him by 10 and we're armed, we just need to attack him in a distance where he can't reach!" A guard exclaimed and the other guards quickly surround Jin with their weapons. Two guards held a bow and shot arrows towards him but Jin simply grabbed the arrows coming at him with his hands and broke it like twigs.

The guards were yet again startled but this time, they attacked in unison. They thrust their swords, spears at the same time to leave no room for Jin to try and defend it but this time, Jin did not Dodge or defend the incoming attack. He simply stood there and let the attacks hit him and as soon as the tip of the weapons reach his skin, they broke like glass that dumfounded the guards.



They were too stunned to speak. What happened was something they were not expecting. Their weapons had been broken from their power and Jin's body didn't even show any signs of cut or piercing, he looked fine except for the uniform that had been tattered from the blades.

"Now will you bring me to your leader or will I have to force you?" Jin said with terrorizing gaze.


"Good." Jin briefly replied and walked with them with a cold look on his face but deep inside, he was jumping in joy.

'Seeing their reactions felt great! So this is what being able to impress feels like!' The feeling was

similar to one getting his first salary. Jin is now slowly reaping what he had sowed.
