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39. Graduation

Ji Rah sat on a chair to study in a library, she was reading the book about classifications of monsters. While reading the book she couldn't help but recall a recent memory in his head as she saw a mysterious man stand up for her with his monstrous strength.

'That guy, he said his name was Jin. His name sounds Korean but he doesn't look like it. But that random guy, despite saying he wanted to do it for himself, I can see in his eyes that he's helping me. Now that I think about it, he is quite handsome. Wait, what am I thinking? I should study! School is already starting!'

Ji Rah removed the thought in her head and focused on her studies but she couldn't help but blush. A beautiful student went inside in the library and as she walked the aisle, the onlooking students immediately felt her glamorous presents that made the silent library resound with an awe.

A brunette with fair skin, tall stature, and voluptuous body, any man would go over heels for her. With her breast cleavage showing and skimpy attire, she most looked like one of the hottest girls on campus and that's she was.

As she arrived at an aisle of tables, she immediately fixated on a shy girl reading and went near her.

"Ji Rah you nerdy bitch! Kaze was humiliated because of you!" The brunette pinched Ji Rah's ear and it began to bleed.

"Aah! I'm sorry! It hurts!" Ji Rah moaned in pain as her ears slowly get torn from it's skin. Tears poured on her eyes and she looked pitiful yet the onlookers nearby didn't dare to help her as they seemingly stood silent, watching the sight.

"It hurts? Do you know how much Kaze suffered!? Even without any physical damage that has done to him, his mental and emotional health is definitely hurt! Can this compare to what you have done?" The brunette exclaimed angrily as she continue to pull her ear.

"Aaarrrgh!" She continued to moan aloud but the students only look at her with sympathy and no sign of helping her.

"Poor girl, she shouldn't have messed with Kaze now his girlfriend is gonna torture her."

"She should've just avoided him from the first place. That's what you get for not knowing your place."

The spectators watch the sight with dreary eyes, some looked at it with sadness and the others looked satisfied. Her ears were now almost completely pulled off when the librarian appeared and stopped the brunette from doing anymore damage.

"This is the library, both of you have been really loud and I ask the two of you to leave the premises before I'll put you both in detention." The librarian said in a cold tone. He didn't care about their quarrel even though blood had spread all over Ji Rah.

"Tch, I'll be waiting for you outside bitch." The brunette hastily stomp her feet and left the library leaving the bloody and crying Ji Rah as she held her near-falling ear.

"Clean that blood in the table and knowing your a healer, you should be able to heal that would by yourself." The librarian spoke coldly as he slowly left the vicinity. Ji Rah simply nodded and used [Heal] to heal her wounded ear. The process slowly healed the ears and in a few minutes, the ear returned to normal. Tears still flow out of her eyes as she started to clean the blood stains in the table with a towel in her inventory.

As she finished cleaning she left the library by the backdoor fearing that the woman could be waiting for her.

Fortunately, the woman didn't follow her and she was able to return to her dorm safely, the 1st division.


"Oh, honey! Where are you! It's okay, I'm here now!" The brunette had arrived back at the 2nd division base where she opened the mansion and saw two members fixing the broken tiles and walls.

"What happened here?" The brunette asked.

"Watch this." A member transmitted a recording from his watch to the brunette's watch and there she watched a man she had seen a hundred times on the holographic screen.

"That guy went here? Was he asking to die?" The brunette scoffed and laughed but her demeanor was quickly cut off by one of the member's words.

"Quite the opposite of what you said."

"What?" The brunette was confused so she resumed the video and watched.

After she finished watching, her eyes almost fell out of their sockets and her jaw fell on the floor as she couldn't believe what he had just watched.

"So you're telling me that, this man is so powerful that he manage to rip off Big Man in half and even made the Ravagers' Gang to plead for mercy?" The brunette said.

"If you had seen it personally, you'd realize how terrifying he is despite his pushover look. He easily hand out potion that could heal someone in the brink of death and give out high quality resources like it was pocket change." One of the members said as he sighed recalling the scene in his head.

"S-so what happened to Kaze?" The brunette asked with a pale expression.

"See for yourself." A member replied as he opened the door to Kaze's room.

She slowly walked inside the room and saw what could only be described as vegetable. Kaze had a broken jaw, very swollen and bloody eyes, a disheveled mouth and toothless teeth with tongue cut off as a result, he could only mumble noises. One hand is completely cut off the other has all the fingers broken. Not to mention his leg was torn in half the other was crushed from continuous bashing.

He didn't look like the Kaze she once loved. No, she was disgusted at him.

"Ohh..Oahhh.Oooaam.." Kaze moaned out noises of happiness as he smelled the fragrance of his lover. He was delighted seeing her on his side as he wanted nothing more but to have her care wrapped around him. Expecting a passionate hug from her, he was given words that he wished he never heard.

"Watching your state is just awful. I can't even imagine a relationship like this! Let's stop this. I don't like how pathetic you are, how weak you are. In fact I've already found someone worthy to be my boyfriend." The brunette woman grinned as she removed the ring in her finger and threw it at Kaze. She looked at the paused footage on the watch to see a close up image of Jin reflecting the hologram.

'You'll become my man! I'll make sure that nobody else can get their hands on you.' She licked her lips and left the room.

"Oaah...Maa.Moaaah!" Kaze moaned in pain and sadness. Bloody tears fell on his swollen eyed and lost all hope in the world. He was now alone and regretted all his actions.


Back at the 3rd division base, everyone was busy renovating the run-down mansion and expanded the land around as they built new infrastructures in the place. The two leaders of the 2nd division and Jae Dong-Soo held a meeting on a newly made marble tavern where they put a sound barrier to stop anyone from Eavesdropping them.

Jae Dong-Soo had just finished watching the recorded footage of Jin terrorizing everyone in the 2nd division. A grim look on his face was plastered and the two brothers could understand his reaction.

"Do you know who he is?" Jae Dong-Soo asked.

"We've already scanned a background check on him and we've found out that he has a family member, his mother which is currently in a coma due to Mana Shock. He is also being sponsored by a famous A-rank Hunter who was known for his guidebook back at the cataclysmic era. The only thing we could find odd was that he was confirmed to be dead 20 years ago when everyone had returned back to earth and it was reinstated just a few days ago that he was alive and well and didn't aged a year from his original return. That was what is weird about his background information." Cole explained.

"What remains a mystery is the years he was missing. So he should well over the age of 40 now. Wouldn't that probably make him a middle-age man?" Jae Dong-Soo responded.

"That's factual assumption. But let's not talk about that, I'm sure he doesn't like being talked about his past or age, the reason why we have to talk about his conversation privately is his power. We still don't know what he is capable of but I'm 100% certain that he is on the level of an elite S-ranker, maybe in the level 90s. It's also possible that he is well above that. Don't you find it weird that you don't even feel any of his Mana?" Cole said in confusion.

"Yeah, we can't say that he doesn't have Mana since the planet itself is already mixed with Mana, be it a grain of sand or air, everything has Mana in it. But he doesn't have any or we should say we can't feel his Mana. I've encountered high rankers and those who could hide their Mana is considered as one of the best but you could still feel the faint presence of Mana if you focus on that person deeply yet despite being so close and focused on him, I couldn't sense anything, it's as if he did not belong to our world." Jason replied.

"Now that I think about it, you're right. He can conjure a skill without chanting which we saw him generate a thick rope that bound my subordinates completely and the rope didn't contain any mana or we couldn't feel any mana in it at all." Jason said in deep thought.

They continued to talk about Jin and tried to put their mind on what he might be, all they know is that he wasn't someone they shouldn't mess with or even try to provoke. It was already a blessing that he had the mind of a pushover and it would've been way worse if he was a hot headed or arrogant man.

"Let's just be thankful that he wants to help rather than use us for his selfish needs. He might actually just be a goodhearted man and all he wanted is just a quiet life in the university so we must assure that he gets he wants."

Cole exclaimed. Jason and Jae nodded in agreement as they started planning for Jin's peaceful life in the university.


Back at the mansion, Jin was laying on his bedroom. A grin etched on his face not as a sign of malice but gratefulness.

"Although it was kinda harsh for them to call me a pushover which is hardly the truth and I'm still trying to get over this illness, knowing that they don't want to take advantage of me is nice to see."

He had been eavesdropping the whole time by using his Mana sensitivity that scattered as far away as he wanted. The ring given by Gabriel had been quite useful than he thought, not only did it conceals the absurd amount of Mana in his body, any skills or attacks he made also concealed the Mana. He could use it to make surprise attacks from far away since the enemy wouldn't detect his Mana or eavesdrop just like what he was currently doing without them realizing.

"Huh?" While Jin's Mana spread around the campus, he could feel every person's Mana around even if they try to hide it, he wasn't interested in those who were strong since he knows all too well that he's a lot stronger than them. He had the right to be prideful with his power. What piqued his attention was a familiar Mana presence.

"What was her name? I think it was Ji Rah. She doesn't look good, I can feel she is in a lot of pain and anger. Oh, she's healing a wound in her body. Who would hurt her? Hmmm..." Jin wanted to see more of what was currently happening to Ji Rah but his focus was redirected to a knock in the door.

'What does this royal woman want?' Jin said to himself. He could already to tell who was behind the door but he still decided to open it.

"Eeeek!" Evangeline shrieked as she was suddenly startled seeing Jin's tall stature and half-naked body. She couldn't help but blush as her cheeks go red and remove her gaze on his pecks.

"What do you want?" Jin asked in a cold tone.

"I-I'm here to apologize, I've spoken harsh words to you not realizing your power and what you can do. I'll do anything for you so I can make up with my mistakes." Evangeline said shyly as she looked down the ground afraid to look at Jin in the face.

"You'll do anything? Then let's have sex."

Jin said boldly as he raised her forehead to stare at his face. Although it was just a joke on his side, he was surprised at what Evangeline responded.

"I-if that is what you wish..." Evangeline said as she tried not to look at Jin on his eyes. Her face continued to blush in red and started to remove her clothing slowly one by one.

'Wait that was supposed to be a joke but why is she suddenly taking her clothes off?' Jin gulped in nervousness as he wasn't expecting the sudden twist.

Evangeline bit her lip seductively as he intently stared at Jin's body from up on his chest then down to his crotch. Jin was frozen still as his face turned beet red in an instant seeing that Evangeline was left with only her bikini and was ready to remove her bra.

She had such a curved body, better than supermodels, a voluptuous breast that Jin preferred, and a rounded butt. Jin finally saw her breast fully revealed in his eyes as he was pushed down to his bed vulnerably.

'Dear God, I'm officially gonna graduate. I had lots of fun with my right hand but now, I can finally experience the real deal!' Jin spread out his mana around his room to make a see-through proof and soundproof barrier.

"Please be gentle..." Evangeline shyly said. Her red lips came in contact with Jin's as they performed tongue to tongue kissing. They cuddled and Jin controlled his strength not to grip her tightly and enough to assert his dominance.

He was finally passing away his V-card and becoming the real man he always wanted.