You look like a perfect couple

Madam Heyeon entered the study with her phone in her hand . She acted surprised to see Heyeon jun when she already knew he was there.

"Aah! You are already here , Juni ." Mrs.Heyeon exclaimed happily as she walked to him . Heyeon jun stood up and hugged his mom from side and said ,"What's so important that i had to come all the way here .."

Mrs.Heyeon smiled and said ," Oh ! I would talk to you about that later . But first i want to have a picture of You and Ji yun together ."

Ji yun who was drinking her tea peacefully choked and started coughing furiously. Heyeon jun also had a weird expression. He looked back at her and said ,"well ! May i know the reason mom?"

"Your aunt Geon asked for it , saying that she wants to see you and your P.A's photo . Please juni , can't you even do this for your mom ?"

Heyeon jun was speechless but his mom was his weak point so he gave up and just said ,"ok!" He looked at Ji yun who was glaring at him . Her message clear in her eyes ,'couldn't you say , No!'

Ignoring it , Heyoen jun said ," what are you looking at , hurry up . It won't take much time ."

Ji yun looked at Mrs.Heyeon and seeing the wide smile on her face she relaxed a little and stood up smiling back at her . She came and stood next to Heyeon jun but at a distance of two steps .

Mrs.Heyeon frowned and said ," why ? I mean why you standing so far away ?" she looked at Ji yun . Ji yun took one more step closer towards Heyeon jun .

Still not satisfied Mrs.Heyeon pulled Ji yun with her arm and pushed her into Heyeon jun . Ji yun froze when her back touched Heyeon jun's chest . She subconsciously looked up at him .

Heyeon jun knew how clumsy his mother was , but he didn't expect this . He also subconsciously looked down at Ji yun . He became a little stiff . He looked straight into Ji yun's eyes .

Ji yun blinked several times and gained back her senses . She cleared her throat and looked at the camera with a straight face . She was stiff too . She adjusted her hairs a little and then again looked at the camera . Heyeon jun also looked in front .

Madam Heyeon didn't leave any opportunity to click their picture when they were looking at each other . But since, this time they both had straight face she was irritated. She said ," hey! Juni Smile. You too Ji yun ."

Ji yun smiled slightly and so did Heyeon jun . After the photo was clicked, Ji yun silently went back to her seat . Heyeon jun said ," lets discuss business in your room mom."

Mrs.Heyeon suddenly became all serious and nodded . Both of them left . Ji yun mumbled,"My life is getting weird since i met Heyeon jun . I have never clicked a picture with anyone and yet ..well .. I don't know!!"

Ji yun was silently sitting of the couch having her tea and cursing Heyeon jun . She received a call from an unknown number but it was not on her personal number. She picked the call and said ,"Hello!"

"Aah ! Is it Ji yun?" The voice on the other end of the phone sounded a little shrill but it was calm just as her . It was a woman's voice .

"Yes! May i know who is this?" Ji yun said nonchalantly sipping her tea .

"Its Xia Ri ."

Ji yun froze . Her face turned dark instantly. Why was her step sister calling her ?

She didn't know what to do because she had never met her step sister . But why was she calling Ji yun ?

Ji yun said coldly,"oh! Why did you call me ?"

Xia Ri replied with the same tone ,"I want to meet you somewhere, you tell the place."

"Why would you think i'd agree?"

"Why won't you agree? I just want to meet you and clear some doubts."

"I haven't ever met you , what doubts could you have ?"

"You will know once we meet ."

"Ok! Blue moon hotel , floor 6 , apartment no.35 . 9 pm "

Call ended..

Ji yun smiled coldly. If it was her father's plan then she would definitely beat him again this time .


Meanwhile Heyeon jun and his mother headed to her room . His mother closed the door and her face turned ice cold in an instant.

Heyeon jun said ," so?"

"It was all a plan from the Zhaos."

"Ok so ?"

"Your sister , has a child of Zhao Han. Only way to escape from this situation is marrying him or Marrying Li Heon. Your sister hates Zhao Han to the core of her heart so obviously she has to marry Li Heon . "

"Mom, what about her ? Have you even asked sister ? She had already suffered a lot ."

"Whose fault was it ? Mine ? I always warned her that Zhao Han was just unsing her for profit but she loved him so much that she couldn't even see that . She even broke her relationship with me so that she could live with him happily . What did she get in the end ? Betrayal? A broken heart?"

Madam Heyeon continued with a brief pause .

"This is the last chance i am giving her to come back . I still love her the same , afterall she is my daughter . But , this time I promise I won't listen to anyone , not even your father. Its for her betterment. Her child could also get a secure future . She is already thirty this year . Li Heon is also looking for a wife , he turned Thirty three this year . He is not old yet , still in his prime age . He is even more powerful than the Zhaos . Afterall , he is your business partner. Even the Li corporations have 10% shares in our company. Your father is in agreement already . So , its final."

"How would you let sister know about this ?"

"Its your duty ."

"Why ? Me !! You know sister but still ?"

"She listens only to you , its your turn to take over the duty as a brother and be a little strict with her . She needs this , i am not asking her to come all the way from the hospital to here to get married tomorrow. She has a time of two to three months. Fair enough!"

Heyeon jun sighed but he was cursing from inside . He had to deal with this Zhao before talking to his sister about marrying Li Heon .

Mrs.Heyeon sighed and looked at her son before saying ,"you too find a girl , look at yourself . You are growing old . Also i hadn't paid Heyeon Ri a visit because i know she won't like it . I would once she recovers completely. Also make sure the security is super tight . I would go back to Ji yun now ."

Heyeon jun just looked at his mom who walked out right on his face . He was so depressed right now ! He got a lot of stuff to deal with . He also followed his mother out and was surprised how his mother smiled at Ji yun .

She never liked a girl when he was dating . Look at her now ! She was even asking Ji yun to have some more tea.

Heyeon jun said interrupting both of them . "Excuse me , what about the training ? "

"She doesn't need it." Mrs.Heyeon said smiling.

Heyeon jun's brain's bell rang as a smirk took over his face . He thought,'Its time to get even.'

He said nonchalantly,"Mom , i got a lot of work to deal with so why don't you send Ji yun with me . Afterall she is my personal assistant. She can be of a lot of help."

Ji yun looked at him with squinted eyes . 'What does he mean ? Is he stupid?' She thought .

Mrs.Heyeon was happy because she was about to do the same thing . She had already planned to send Ji yun with Heyeon jun.


Ji yun was sitting with her arms crossed over her chest and with a slight pout . She was pissed . Her job was meant to start from Monday onwards but look this devil didn't even let her rest two days .

She was sad , she wanted to spend some time with Mrs.Heyeon .

Heyeon jun who was sitting next to her on the back seat was busy in his phone , because he was checking the email he received about Heyeon Ri's assistant . His face and his eyes were cold also the temperature in the car was dropping every second.

Ji yun who was sitting quitely and looking out of the window could sense the pressure and chills . She glanced at him . His face held utter coldness.

She thought,"ah ! The devil mode. Jesus , give me some courage."

The car stopped in front of Heyeon corporations. Ji yun was about to get out but she heard him say ,"I don't need to remind you , that one single mistake in duty and you would regret it ."

Ji yun who was slightly nervous froze hearing his cold voice . He sounded so ruthless. Ji yun thought before she nodded slightly and left the car . She waited for him calmly and followed him closely behind when he started walking. She had her most practiced cold and distant face on .

Both of them excluded a musculine aura . Not only , Heyeon jun but Ji yun also excluded the same type of aura . Mr.Min who was standing at the reception waiting for them was so enchanted by them . They looked perfect together. He also smiled internally when he saw how everyone on the ground floor was staring at them .

Once Heyeon jun approached Mr.Min he stopped in his tracks making Mr.Min bow in front if him . He nodded and said ,"You look after the office for the day . I got some other stuff to deal with."

He turned around and saw Ji yun all serious staring at him . He thought,'is she coming with me ? Well yes .'

He started walking again to the car . Ji yun was so dumbfounded from the inside. She wanted to yell at him , why did he waste so much time to walk all the way to Mr.Min . Couldn't he just say that on phone ? Weird.

Heyeon jun said in a low voice ,"You will drive."

Ji yun nodded . Heyeon jun got inside the car too slightly nodding at the driver. Heyeon jun said ,"Zhao corporations."

Ji yun looked at him once but all she could do was nod and look for the directions through GPS.

On the whole way both were silent. When they reached their destination. Heyeon jun said ,"Just watch , its the first time . But for now i can tell you that Zhao Han is responsible for sister's state right now !"

His voice was cold but as soon as Ji yun heard his words she could clearly see Heyeon jun's reason for so much anger .

Even she herself could feel her blood boil . How dare this Zhao Han leave a pregnant lady all alone !


Heyeon jun and Ji yun entered the building taking everyone by shock . What everyone was thinking was ,"who was this girl beside Mr.Heyeon ."

"She looked so compatible with him". "Look at her , so beautiful and young but at the same time cold . Just like Mr.Heyeon . But what is he doing here ?" Heyeon jun and Ji yun heard someone say this but they didn't even blink . Kept walking straight to the lift .

Lift arrived right on time . Everyone in the lift hurried out and Both of them entered the lift .

On reaching the top floor Heyeon jun asked the receptionist to inform Zhao Han about his presence.


Heyeon jun was sitting opposite to Zhao Han . On the leather couch which was placed in the corner with a table in between.

Ji yun was sitting beside him with a cold face . From inside she wanted to kill this Zhao Han because he was looking at her with some strange eyes . He has been checking her out since they came inside . It also didn't go unnoticed by Heyeon jun .

Zhao han cleared his throat. ,"so what brings Mr.Heyeon here ?"

"How much does this company costs ?"

"What ? "

"Don't make me repeat myself."

"Ha ! Well thats none of your business."

" ok ! See you tomorrow."

"What ?"

"Lets go ." Heyeon jun said looking at Ji yun who responded with a nod and slight smile.

Zhao Han , looked at the back of Ji yun and thought ,'aah ! Such a rare beauty. I surely will be your first tonight.'


Behind the scene :

Ji yun : I really would have killed that Zhao !

Heyeon jun : its ok yun , author is ruthless must have thought about a karma game .

Author : i fucking write a heart warming story but you ! Aah ! Its fine , i'd take your advice .

Ji yun : smiles at author .

Authore: Heyeon jun you are really developing feelings for Yun , you just called her Yun ?

Heyeon jun : blushed as he scratched back of his neck.

Ji yun : bites her lower lip and runs away .

Author : so cute !!