Visiting the Heyeon manor.

Heyeon jun was standing beside her car .

Ji yun was dumbfounded, what the hell was he doing here ?

She walked up to him . Still silent she just raised a brow at him . Heyeon jun said,"When next time you visit my sister bring her some chocolate cake from your cafe . That's her favorite."

He walked away without another word . Ji yun stood there with a blank look waiting for his words to register in her brain . She then realized what he said .

She exclaimed happily ," Does that mean i can visit his sister and the baby? Awww that was weird way of telling me but anyways ... i am super excited to pay her a visit maybe day after tomorrow?" Ji yun was talking to herself with a bright smile and didn't notice Heyeon jun at a distance making a weird face at her .


When Heyeon jun saw Ji yun's bright smile for the first time , he was surprised. She looked so beautiful. Wait what ?

He just said that again ? I mean he just thought that again . No way !!

His face darkened but before heading inside he looked at her one last time . But why ?

He made a cute irritated face and headed inside . He was really having a weird feeling . Why ? He then diverted his attention again to Heyeon Ri .


Standing just in front of Heyeon Ri's room . Heyeon jun got his phone out and made a call.

"Hello!" The deep voice on the other end replied.

"I want all the information about ,Heyeon Ri's assistant and her bodyguards . How the fuck , was she alone there , i want each and every detail till morning otherwise you are dead. "

"Why the fuck should i die , just because of you . Ha ! Stupid."

Heyeon jun was irritated now . He ended the call right away.

He sighed and he also decided to rest after informing his younger sister about Heyeon Ri's delivery. She was currently out of city for a vacation.


Ji yun woke up next day by 5:30 in the morning . She washed her hairs and dried them . She had naturally straight hairs so why bother about them .

She didn't wear makeup today just applied some lip balm and she was done . Why to waste products and time . Haha!

She headed out of her apartment and took a lift straight to the parking lot . Her hairs were straight falling over her shoulders . She wore black suit with a white shirt underneath. She had a gold wrist watch and red three inch heels in her feet. She looked elegant and noble . Indeed she was a noble person only if her father hadn't abandoned her .

She looked around once she reached the parking lot . Her phone was in her pocket and she wasn't carrying her bag since it was always in her car . She went to her car . It was a black Mercedes.

She got inside the car and started the engine driving it out if the parking lot . She checked the time , 6:30 . She missed her breakfast today . She thought inwardly and drove casually and slowly to the Heyeon manor . It was about half an hour away from her apartment.

She thought inwardly ," isn't it too early for training? Whatever!!"

Ji yun was driving slowly . She didn't know why she was getting a vibe her training was going to be canceled.

She still managed to reach Heyeon manor just a minute before 7am. She looked at the huge iron gates which were not opened yet . She looked out and saw a bodyguard walking towards her . She waited patiently, the bodyguard looked at her and said ,"who are you ?"

Ji yun clicked her tongue,"Ji yun . Mr.Heyeon jun's P.A"

The gaurd bowed his head before signaling other gaurds to open the gate .

The huge iron gates opened showing Ji yun way to the huge castel like manor . On both sides there were huge fountains and gardern .

Ji yun gulped at the site before driving her car in .

She stopped the car when she saw three people standing in a line to welcome her . Ji yun was impressed . But to behave all elegantly, she didn't even blink . She knew what to do .

She picked up her bag , stepped out of the car and passed the keys to a chauffeur who was standing with his head bowed .

Ji yun then reached the three people . According to her knowledge , she didn't knew any of them .

She bowed slightly and smiled . They were two men and one lady . All old . Ofcourse she knew who Madam Heyeon was , but she didn't knew any of the three . The old lady said ,"Miss.Ji yun right ?" Ji yun nodded slightly.

The lady looked at her from up to down once very slickly and nodded at the other two men . Both of them left and Ji yun was left with the lady .

The lady said ,"you can call me Ms.Xi ."

Ji yun nodded but her face was looking cold and distant. Xi Heon , was actually impressed with this girl already. Its very rare to see such girls .

She said ,"follow me."

Ji yun silently followed Ms.Xi . Her eyes wandered around observing her surroundings but in the end she was in an awe . How could she not be ? Such a beautiful place to live in , Ji yun thought .


Madam Heyeon was sitting on the sofa in the big living room with her one leg crossed over the other . She was waiting to see Ji yun . Just like her son , she had changed her mind too . She was interested in this girl because she knew what happened last night . She had her own ways . She also knew everything about Ji Yun. Her present and past .

When she was notified that Ji yun arrived , she was impressed that on exactly 7am , she was notified .

Madam Heyeon was wearing a sweater and pants, casually . She liked being comfortable , it was her first priority.

Ji yun walked into the room . Madam Who herself was looking at her stood up instantly. The way Ji yun was walked was perfect and elegant. Her face was composed , just like it should be .

Madam Heyeon noted everything about her . She looked tall and would look good beside her son . Even Ji yun's looks impressed Madam Heyeon . She thought ,'Mr.Xia might be a fool to abandon such diamond .'

Ji yun who was unaware of thoughts inside Madam Heyeon's mind was trying her best to be composed . She was always taught how to behave nobely by her mother personally . And she followed each and every rule she learnt .

Ji yun stood opposite to Madam Heyeon , she bowed on a full 90 degree.

Madam Heyeon was in a awe to see this girl . Only she knew how happy she was that this girl was going to Heyeon jun's P.A .

Still she just smiled and said ,"Good morning, Ji yun."

Ji yun smiled and said ,"A very warm Good morning Mrs.Heyeon."

It was not intentional, but it was natural . Ji yun was really happy seeing Madam Heyeon . She had heard rumors about her of being carefree and a bubbly person but today she could see it .

Madam Heyeon looked at her with her black eyes and said ,"so you are the P.A of my son , nice meeting you . I am already impressed by you ."

Ji yun was slightly taken a back with her words but she just smiled back widely and said ," Its my pleasure to meet you too Mrs.Heyeon ."

Madam Heyeon said ," Have a seat please!"

Ji yun sat with her one leg. crossed over the other and her legs slightly tilted to a side . She kept her bag on one side . Ji yun looked up at Madam Heyeon .

Mrs.Heyeon said ,"well ! Before your training i want to talk to you about something, i think we should go somewhere else. Please follow me ."


Standing on the top floor right next to madam Heyeon , Ji yun was a little anxious.

Madam Heyeon As if seeing through her asked directly,"why did you agree to work for my son ? When you know that it could cost you your life . Just because you owe him your life ? "

Ji yun was slightly stunned . She thought for a moment before replying. "Your son had a change of plans and wanted to be fair with others . So i also changed my mind , it was all about self respect this time . I have some skills and i would never let someone underestimate me and my skills. Though , its also a reason that i owe him my life but i wanted this job because it could make my life a little less boring . Sorry , if i said something that may offend you but i was just being straightforward."

Madam Heyeon stared at this girl . Unbelievable, she commented internally . Why did my son select her , she was not meant to be his P.A but his wife . She had all the qualities that Madam heyeon wanted . Madam Heyeon looked around before saying ,"You're perfect , you don't need any training . I already know everything about you . And i really feel sorry for your stupid father ."

Ji yun looked at Madam Heyeon with slightly wide eyes , she wanted to say something but what ?

She ended up nodding and smiling awkwardly. She didn't need any training? Like what ?

Madam Heyeon slightly patted Ji yun's shoulder and said ,"Don't be anxious . There is no use . Just chill , i am not a role model anyways. But atleast lets not be awkward. "

Ji yun was slightly surprised again but taking Madam Heyeon's words seriously she nodded and said ," I am just not used to ... i mean I don't have a family so i am a little socially awkward."

Madam Heyeon let out a slight laugh and said ,"Accompany me for today , trust me it would be a great experience. I won't let it be awkward, because i also feel lonely at home all day . Both my daughters are busy . My son , that bastard never pays a visit to me ."

Ji yun slightly smiled when she heard Heyeon jun's mom curse him.


Heyeon jun sneezed when he was having breakfast. He mumbled,"who dare curse me so early in the morning!"

Heyeon jun had a lot to deal with . He left early and went straight to Heyeon manor instead of Office . His Mother said that she had something important to discuss.

Heyeon jun reached the Heyeon manor in about Fifteen minutes.

He asked Miss.Xi about her mother and she told him that she was in her study .

He went straight to her study but when he entered he stopped in his tracks when he saw Ji yun sitting on the couch that was right in the corner of the study . She had a cup of tea in front of her and was sitting peacefully with a slight smile .

Heyeon jun entered the study and found that his mother was nowhere . He looked at Ji yun who was also looking at him with her raised eyebrows. He said nonchalantly,"what are you doing here ?"

Ji yun replied as she stood up ,"Same goes for you .."

"Where is mother ?"

"I don't know , she just excused herself for a minute. "

"What is this informal way of talking to your boss ?"

"What did i tell you yesterday, you agreed to it .. No one's around so what ?"

"When did i agree?"

"Well you didn't say anything so obviously it was a yes."

"Whatever , tell me what are you doing here ?"

"None of your business."

"Hah! Its my house , ofcourse i should know."

"Ask Mrs.Heyeon once she comes back .let me have tea peacefully, i am already having a stomachache ."

"Well that's a good excuse. Don't worry i would see you on Monday, and we will get even too."

"That's.... hah!" She sighed in the end and gave up . Heyeon jun sat on the couch too while waiting for his mother to come back .


Madam Heyeon who was standing behind the secret door was watching the show and was truely surprised. She didn't knew that they already had something going on .

She thought Ji yun is an obidient and sweet girl but she was surprised how she behaved with Heyeon jun , also she noticed Heyeon jun let her be . This was truely a miracle . How come he sit so comfortably on the couch same as her like he didn't care ?

This never happened before . They were also fighting, like a couple.. aww the story is going so good.

Madam Heyeon's eyes were twinkling with happiness as she thought about her masterplan that she had prepared in her mind already to get both of them together.