Just a waste of looks

Ji yun clutched her stomach and closed her eyes tightly when waves of huge pain went through her body .

Heyeon jun noticed this and suddenly he felt like he would kill this girl . How can she be so careless about herself. Without thinking anything he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. Ji yun opened her eyes surprisingly and looked at him , before she could say anything he shut her up with a cold look and ,"shut up ! "

He took her to a room that was located near the operating room . Ofcourse it was waiting room for VIP .

He made her sit on a single bed . He said ,"You should never forget about yourself even if it's an emergency."

"Hah? Are you kidding me ? Look at that lady she was in such a critical condition , How could i think about myself ?"

"Hmm... well I think you should head back now , you have training tomorrow."

"No , i'll not go until i see her after the operation. The new baby and that lady too."

"Its ok , i am here."

"How did you know she was there though? Like who is she ?"

"My sister."

"Oh! Still I won't go before seeing your sister and the baby . Hah ! Don't worry I have had enough rest . Its you who needs rest . I'd go out , have some rest ."

"How much do you even know me ? How do you know i need rest ? "

"Its written on your face , i'd give you a call when doctors come out . Byee."

Ji yun waved her hand and before she could even open the door , she heard him say ,"stop!"

Ji yun looked back at him over her shoulder with a raised eyebrow.

Heyeon jun said ,"You should atleast not walk around too much , you yourself are not well and later I don't want to take any responsibility , so its better you come and sit here silently and have some warm water . Don't force me to be rude."

Ji yun didn't know whether to cry or laugh . She was surprised but at the same time confused . She thought ,"is this his way of showing gratitude?"

She went to the bed , beside it there was a table on which there was a small water dispenser. It had two options of hot water and cold water . She saw some papercups lying beside it . She picked it up and filled two cups of hot water . Heyeon jun's eyes was fixed on her.

She went to him , handed him a cup of water and she sat On the corner of couch . She said ,"have it! It helps you relax ." Heyeon jun just stared at her . Lost in his thoughts. She noticed how he didn't even move .

She looked back at him , pulled his sweater sleeve and forced him to sit beside her . She said ," i know i am beautiful but that doesn't mean you'd stare at me like that."

"Hmm..indeed." Heyeon jun said nonchalantly still staring at her . He was actually trying to see through her .

No one has ever dared to talk to him like that , pulling his sleeve was way far.

But she didn't seem to be doing it for some special reason , its just the way she was . When she said she was beautiful he agreed because she really was . And maybe he was too tired to disagree.

Ji yun froze . She looked at him with slightly wide eyes and her lips curved up subconsciously. She shook her head and said ," i'd take that as a misconception."

Heyeon jun realized what he did . But hearing her words and seeing her smile , his lips curved up slightly.

He took a sip of warm water and leaned back

on the couch resting his head back and closed his eyes . Ji yun looked at him and then her eyes went to the cup he was holding. She looked at his face again . He was handsome, but he was rude . "Such a waste of looks" ji yun mumbled .

Heyeon jun heard her so he said ,"what do you mean?"

Ji yun froze . She slapped her forehead slightly . She had a bad habbit of speaking her thoughts out loud. She said ,"you are so rude sometimes, it doesn't suits your looks . Hah! However you were polite enough just now . Now don't throw a comeback. I am already having a headache ." She said in a low but shrill voice.

She suddenly took his cup from his hand . Her fingers slightly brushed against his hand which was lightly holding the cup . Heyeon jun's body stiffened at the sudden contact. Ji yun casually kept the cup on the table and leaned back too .

She sipped her warm water unknown to the storm that was building up inside Heyeon jun's heart and mind .

Ji yun finished her water . She kept the cup on the table , she felt better . Even her cramps minimized after drinking warm water .

All of a sudden her all attention diverted towards Heyeon Ri. She folded her hands together and closed her eyes . She started praying for a successful operation.


Heyeon jun was controlling himself from strangling this woman to death . Did she do it on purpose? His face might have looked calm cause his eyes were closed but his insides were on fire .

He adruptly opened his eyes and looked at Ji yun . But his anger vanished when he saw her praying with her eyes closed. He didn't know why , he always felt she was a little hard to understand.

He didn't know what to say about the situation. His anger vanished completely, how is this possible?

He opened his mouth but no words came out . He closed his eyes again and crossed his arms over his chest .

Ji yun just prayed to god that the baby and mother both were safe. She knew what a miscarriage felt like ....

[umm , are you guys confused or i write way too interesting story? Haha just kidding.]

After about ten minutes Ji yun opened her eyes and without any word she headed out silently. Trying her best not to make any sound . Heyeon jun fell asleep without him knowing , or maybe on purpose.

Ji yun sat on a bench in front of operating room . Dr.Xi came out after half an hour follwed by Dr.Song.

Ji yun stood up and immediately went to them . Dr.Song saw the worried look on Ji yun's face and said ,"its a baby girl."

Ji yun's face brightened up in an instant, she said ,"how is both of them?"

"Heyeon Ri is fine but baby girl is a little weak , but lets hope for the best."

Ji yun's face turned black hearing his words .

Before leaving Dr.Song said ,"baby is there in that room, you can see her from the glass window."

He pointed towards the room which was right next to the operating room.

Ji yun nodded . She went to the glass window and when she saw a small little girl lying inside a machine with oxygen mask . Her eyes teared up . She said ,"you need to be strong to live in this world . And i know you are strong enough ." Her face had a broken smile .

All the painful memories of her childhood flooded her mind .


Seven year old , Ji yun was sitting on her bed in her room. She was drawing a photo of herself,her mother and her soon coming sister . Her mom was eight month pregnant. Her daddy was home too . She was so happy .

Ji yun went to her mother's room to show her the same drawing she just made. Her father was standing right beside the door locking it from outside . Ji yun saw him and hugged him from behind . She said ,"daddy ! Are you going somewhere?" Her father patted her head and said ,"hmm .. everyone is going .. you too go to your room."

Ji yun was stubborn since her birth . She did go back to her room but right after she was sure her father left , she went to her mother's room . She opened the door and saw her mother lying on the bed and breathing heavily.

She went to her mother and started screaming for help. Her mother held Ji yun's hand and said ,"yun go and bring momma a towel and and a tub from there."

She pointed towards the washroom.

Ji yun hurriedly went in and got out towel and tub using all her strength to pull a mini tub out . Ji yun's face was filled with tears seeing her mother cry and in pain . Her mother sat on the bed and hardly kept the pillows behind her back to support it . She held ji yun's hand and said ,"ji yun go out , come in when i call you... just go .. "

Ji yun went out worried that if she didn't do what her mom said , her mom would be in more pain.

Ji yun didn't know what was happening inside but she knew that when she went back in she saw a baby covered in blood lying beside her mother . Her mom was still breathing heavily.

Ji yun Went to her mother and said ,"is it my baby sister ?" Her mother nodded .

Her mother asked ji yun to bring some water . Ji yun handed her mother jug of water .

Her mother dipped the towel in it with great difficulty. She then picked the baby in her hands and started cleaning the baby with utmost care and gentleness .

She noticed that the baby didn't cry . She kept her trembling hands on baby's chest but the baby's heart wasn't beating. She tried patting the baby it still didn't move or cry .

Tears formed in her eyes as she looked at the baby . She knew what it was , but how could she accept the fact that she had given to a lifeless baby .

She felt dizzy and fell unconscious.

Ji yun panicked she ran out to call for help . There was no servant in this bigass house .

Where were all ? Ji yun the saw her dad enter the house and she ran towards him and said ,"daddy ! Mommy and baby ...." all of a sudden she fainted and what she remembered after that was waking up in her room .

She was later told it was a nightmare but she knew it was not a dream but truth . Her mother became silent after the incident. She changed completely. Ji yun did agree with everyone that it was a nightmare but she still remembered it wasn't . Since , then she is sensitive towards pregnant ladies and babies. She knew what a baby meant for a mother .

Back to the present....

Ji yun was in a daze and didn't notice Heyeon jun standing beside her staring in the same direction as her . Heyeon jun could see the tears in her eyes and the blank look on her face . He was really confused.. why ?

He called her name twice but she didn't respond. He also patted her shoulder hesitantly but she still didn't reply. He furrowed his eyebrows . He shook her slightly by holding her arm .

Ji yun gained back her senses and she looked at him slightly surprised. Her words were stuck . Heyeon jun said ," You should go back now , you have been staring at my niece for quite a long time."

Ji yun nodded dumbfoundedly cause she didn't know what else to do . She left without another word . Her footsteps leading her to the operating room . Heyeon jun who was watching her frowned and mumbled ,"what the hell!"

He followed her and saw her staring at his sister from a distance with a worried look . His sister was Sleeping , Ji yun acted strangely. He had never seen her look at someone like this . She was bubbly but distant at the same time .

Ji yun was also relieved that Heyeon Ri atleast got facilities and Ji yun was sure that they would surely be healthy in coming days .

Ji yun was assured so she decided to leave , anyways she wasn't Heyeon Ri's family .

When she turned around she saw Heyeon jun who was standing with his hands in his pockets. Ji yun glanced at him once before walking out of the door without any other word .

She was sad . Her loneliness taking over her . She walked slowly one step at a time . When she reached her car , she saw Heyeon jun standing right beside it .