love to meet her

Heyeon jun sighed and leaned back on the chair and rested his arms on his thighs . Finally! One more new person added to his life . His P.A , Ms.Ji Yun .

This idea wasn't his but his parent's , His mother to be precise. She wanted someone to look after him and accompany him . He had freedom to choose whoever he wanted , but in two day training that person will be taught well .

He felt as if a load has been lifted from his shoulder . He picked his phone and dialed the number to his mother.

Call connected ..

"Good evening , Mom .."

" Evening son , so how do you call your lonely mommy ?"

"Mm , just wanted to tell you that i had selected my PA, would send you her profile. Remember you have two days , she is good at fighting and i am sure of it . She is not even interested in me , also she also knows how to cook ."

" you seem to know a lot about her ... ahaa."

"Mom, stop it . Just wanted to tell you . Will see you on Monday in office ."

"Hah ! Ok well just send me her profile , also i would love to meet her first time on monday so i would let Min shinze handle things ."

" Dont tell dad yet , tell him that on Monday itself. I'd like to see his reaction."

"Hmm ok ! "

" mum , love you."

"Love you too!! son see you."

Call ended....

Heyeon jun quickly emailed Ji yun's profile to her . He then arranged some other things before heading back home early .

He was tired today , interviewing weird people all day long .


7:30 pm

Ji yun's apartment.

Ji yun was sleeping soundly on the couch .

Two hours ago ..

After her interview she went to a Street food shop and ate her favorite bowl of Red sauce cheese Pasta .

[ well , i love that one .. haha ! Dont mind it please but i love it and had to add it in. I love eating my favorite food when i am sick!]

Ji yun then headed back to her apartment and took a bath before throwing herself on the couch to watch Tv . Her phone was lying on the side tabel and she fell asleep .

Maybe she was tired.

Present ..

Ji yun's phone rang and unfortunately it was on full ringer . She lazily picked it up and answered in a sleepy voice.


"Hello! Miss- Ji -yun ?" Heyeon jun answered with a stiff voice .

[note guys , following convo. Is between Ji yun and Heyeon jun on the phone ... basically i found a new way of writing dialogues , actually i read this in one of my favorite novels ,,,,, xoxo! Sorry]


"Its Heyeon jun."

"Hmm... wait who?" Ji yun came back to her senses and cleared her throat.

"Heyeon jun."

"Yes , Mr.Heyeon jun ?"

"I am sending you a location , come there tomorrow by 7am. Sharp!"

"Wait , what ? .....Why ?"

"Hah! Didn't i said you have training classes?"

"Like hell ! Damn .."

"Whats this way of talking to your boss?"

"Whatever it is , right now you are not my boss and anyways thats what i have to tell you .."


"That you won't mind if i am not formal with you .. i mean i don't pay you much respect when there's no one around."

"Wait , hahahaha . What the fuck ! You do have some guts to say this .."

"Trust me , i mean it."

"Well .. just come to the location tomorrow, i'd text you."


Call ended..


Heyeon jun ended the call but there was a weird expression on his face , she said she won't be formal but she said 'sir' . Heyeon jun shook his head slightly .

He was sitting on a couch In the living room with a bowl of popcorn and a can of beer . He was just chilling watching a movie alone . He just got a call from his mom to forward the location . He already had her personal number so he directly called her but surprisingly she was asleep .

His body became a little stiff when he heard her sleepy voice . Ofcourse it would effect him as every guy loved hearing it just as every girl wished to hear a guy's sleepy voice .

[ i comfirmed before writing this fact. So never mind.]

He couldn't help but think of her for a while . She was just like a twig in a river . His brain was like a river . Twig came its way but soon it was lost and was found no where .

He forgot about her and just enjoyed his movie.


Ji yun was surprised that Heyeon jun personally called her . But she shook that thought away and checked her inbox which had no text from him .

She thought ,'did he forget about sending the location. Fool.'

She texted him on his number

,"Send me location .."


Heyeon jun frowned when his phone buzzed.

He checked the notification and saw it was from Ji yun .

He thought ,'I already send her loca....wait I didn't."

He quickly forwarded her the location . And also replied.

'Don't disturb me without any reason.'

He also got a reply ,'what do you even think of yourself, who even thinks of texting you ?'

He didn't reply back but mentally made a note ,'so fast at texting back ! Hacking skills though !'

He knew everything about her . Her past and present except her . He didn't knew what kind of person she was but he was somewhere sure that she was lonely , just like him . He didn't wanted to think about her this way but he did .

He diverted his attention back to the movie.


Ji yun had an annoying expression on her face . She checked her inbox , there was only one person in it , it was him . She had two phones to be exact and she had not given her personal number to anyone yet . She was disappointed that he got her number.

But however its fine , she is going to be his bodyguard in some way .

She knew she would have to fight a lot being with him . She somewhere liked it . She knew her life was going to get interesting. She loved thrill from the start .

She was so happy about it . But when she checked the location her eyes widened. The Heyeon manor ? She gulped , never in her dreams she thought she would visit it .. but she was the type to accept what was in front of her so she calmed herself down . Afterall she is P.A of Heyeon jun .

She then headed to her room , she opened the door to her closet . She was worried what to wear .. but what she didn't knew was whether she should wear sports wears , a dress , or suit ?

She was So confused . She used her brain which wasn't working . She didn't even know what kind of training would she get ? She picked her phone and took a deep breath before dialing Heyeon jun's number .


Heyon jun who was watching the climax scene of the movie with so much interest got annoyed seeing his phone buzz . He frowned when he saw Ji yun's number . He picked it up .

"Why the hell are you calling me ?"

"Listen its a very serious matter ."

"What ?"

"Actually i dont know what kind of training you are talking about so i also cannot decide what to wear .. help me !"

Heyeon jun was dumbfounded, his face darkened. Has she gone crazy ? Why did she call him for this ?

"Why the fuck did you call me then , ask your friends ."

"I don't have any, but anyways you know what kind of outfit i should wear .."

Heyeon jun's face slightly relaxed when he heard that she doesn't have any friends but still he was mad ..

"Wear suit."

He cut the call and threw the phone on side.

His movie was spoiled by her . He didn't feel like watching it anymore.

He would make her pay for this . He picked his phone and dialed her number. The call connected .

Before he could say anything he heard a loud ,"thank you !"

"Listen Miss.Ji yun , you spoiled my movie and now please tell me how would you fix it ?"

"Umm .. what did i do ?"

"You spoiled my movie and my mood ! Fuck!"

"Hey it was important."

"Not more than my movie .. "

" its not like you were with your girlfriend "

Ji yun said as a matter of fact . Heyon jun's mood darkened further .

"What if i was ?"

"I know you weren't ."

"Tell me how you'd fix it ?"

"I ... don't know .. i.."

" leave it , i'd tell you !"

"Heh ?"

"look into someone's computer for me .."

"What ?"

"Yes "

"I won't do it from my computer, cause i need yours for it so i would directly transfer all the information into yours without leaving a trace behind ."

"Ok! I'd tell you when . And you dare call me once ..i'd make you pay!"


Ji yun looked At her phone and said ,"what the fuck is wrong with him , he never leaves an opportunity to make some profit in any case .. bastard!"

Ji yun then selected a black suit for the next day with red heels. She then prepared her dinner .


Heyeon jun was sitting in his room on his bed . He had his one leg crossed over the other. On his lap was his laptop and in his hand was his phone. He was checking some documents on his phone and he was making some important notes for his upcoming projects on his laptop .

His phone ringed , he frowned . He picked up the call ,"what?"

"Jun ,where are you ?"

The voice on the other end of the phone repiled with a low but broken voice .

Heyeon jun's face expression changed to a worried one . It was his sister . He tried his best to be calm .

"Why ? I am at home."

"Aah! Jun i think its time , please come and take me to the hospital... there is no one around . I am in a park , near the blue moon hotel , its already midnight , hardly there is anyone .. please come."

Heyeon jun panicked, his sister was Eight month pregnant. Even if he arrives there , it would take 10 minutes of speed driving . He ended the call and dialed Mr.Min's number . Mr.Min picked up the call .

"Where are you ?" Heyeon jun tried to sound calm .

"I am out on a date with my wife , why?"

"Fuck! Leave it!"

Heyeon jun's mind bell rang and he dialed Ji yun's number Meanwhile he ran downstairs and picked up his car keys . Ji yun picked up the phone on second ring as she was heading

Out of her hotel for a walk .

Though she was confused why would he call her at such time .

"Where are you ?" His voice was panicked.

"Just stepped out of blue moon hotel ." Ji yun's expression turned confused and her voice calm.

"Please go to the park near the blue moon hotel with a car and there is a lady , she is eight months pregnant, .... she needs help."

Ji yun's face turned pale , pregnant? Needs help? She heard him say ,"hurry up! Dont end call , go to her .."

Ji yun ran towards reception first and said ,"i need a car ready near the park there , a pregnant lady needs help."

She ran towards the park and in about half a minute she reached the gate . She entered the huge park and spotted a woman sitting on a side bench . She hurried towards her . Woman's face was covered in cold sweat , she grabbed hand of Ji yun hurriedly and said ,"help!"

And ji yun also panicked . She said ,"come take slow steps and lets reach there , there is a car waiting for you !"

Heyeon jun calmed a bit . But he was driving furiously.

He bit his lower lip , he wad anxious, he loved his siter more than anything in this world . She needed him .


Ji yun used all her strength to support the weight of this lady and take her to the car . She helped her sit inside and snatched the car key from the driver .

She put her phone on speaker and said ,"Don't come here , go to the hospital and make all the arrangements . I'd take this lady to the Song hospital."

Heyeon jun agreed and turned his car around and drove furiously to the Song Hospital.

Roads were mostly empty so she was driving all smoothly . She was also making sure that the lady didn't stop talking . She kept on asking her some things and also yelled time to time ,"dont stop speaking and don't close your eyes , keep on speaking anything you want .."

Heyeon jun who was on call finched every time she yelled . He just couldn't say anything in this situation. He made all the arrangements with Dr.Song and asked him to be ready with everything.

Ji yun reached the hospital in about fifteen minutes. She informed Heyeon jun side by side on the call .

To her , at this moment she couldn't just recognize his sister , because she herself was panicked.

Heyoen jun helped his sister , Heyeon Ri to get out of the car and the nurses took her inside with a stretcher.

Ji yun also locked the car and headed inside with Heyeon jun . Her cramps taking over her body . She ran again , that is why she was being like this . But right now she only cared about this lady . Heyeon jun was worried , once Ji yun was inside the operating room . He calmed down a bit .

He only then noticed the pale faced Ji yun standing beside him . She was still looking at the closed door of the operating room blankly . He realized how quick she was to help and if not for her , his sister wouldn't have been here on time .


Ji yun was lost in her thoughts when she heard Heyeon jun call her name , she looked at him and said ,"huh!" Coming out of Her thoughtland. Heyeon jun said ,"Thank you!"

Ji yun just nodded . She felt dizzy as her abdomen ached .



Heyeon jun: you looked so cute blanky staring at my niece. But you are annoying !!

Ji yun: whatever !

Author :clears the throat .

Heyeon jun and ji yun both look at the author .

Author: Focus! Ok ?

Heyeon jun : its you who needs to focus , not us .. let us have a peaceful chat .

Ji yun: hmm... . So what was i saying ...

Author : -_-