Brushed their nose

Day continues..

Once the door opened to the top floor , she felt her heart skip a beat . It was her first time on an interview. She breathed in and out calming herself. She walked up to the reception, where a young boy was standing looking in her direction. He said ," are you also for interview ?"

Ji yun just nodded . Her reserved and cold expression was back . The guy said ," ok ! This way please . You might be Ms.Ji yun . Cause you are the last one ."

Ji yun nodded again . Ghe guy said ," hmm, best of luck Ms. Ji yun ."

Ji yun looked up at him this time , smiled a little and nodded yet again .

She always liked to appreciate people who atleast tried to be nice to her . She also treated them good unless they didn't have any bad intentions.

She kept a low profile , so basically she was a normal and sweet girl . Today was an exception , she would have to created this image so it will cause less trouble in future . Even if she is not selected.

Ji yun entered the corridor with almost 50 candidates waiting . She sighed . Everyone turned their head to look at her . She was different from all of them . No smile , just a cold stare . Ji yun took a seat beside the glass window on empty bench . She sat their with an aloof expression. The sound of murmuring filled the corridor.

Some of them were guys and mostly girls . Ji yun ran her eyes on the crowd and she noticed, some girls were full of nervousness, some were overconfident with short skirts and heavy makeup. Some wore decent clothes and were reserved just like ji yun . Ji yun sighed , seems like a tough competition.

After hearing the devil's change of plans Ji yun didn't wanted the job because she owed him , but because it was about her self respect now . She sighed .

She checked the time , it was 11:30 . She mumbled," aah its gonna take too long ."

She crossed her leg one over the other . Kept her profile on her lap and got her phone out . She started checking emails .

She was busy and didn't notice how time passed . She replied to some emails about collaborating with her cafe and some were about hacking offers . She will see that later . She just kept typing , scrolling and tapping .

Soon she heard the , murmuring stop suddenly and she instantly turned off the phone and put it inside her pants in a swift movement. She looked up to see that there were only about half candidates left .

Her eyes then turned towards Heyeon jun who was heading out of the office. Everyone stood up , so did she but the difference between everyone and her was 'eyes' . She had coldness in them , others had the admiration and fear but she had confidence.

She looked straight into his eyes as he walked past her . She then looked at Mr.Min who slightly smiled at her . Before he could walk past him , ji yun said in a low voice ," did the interview got cancel ? Is there another change of plans ?"

Mr.Min looked back and saw her looking at him with her lips curved upwards in a smirk.

He fully turned around and cleared his throat. He said ," Mr.Heyeon is taking a break for half an hour . meanwhile , you all can also go and enjoy food at cafeteria.10th floor."

His voice was calm but his eyes had a meaning full look . Ji yun knew his words were directed towards her . She didn't say anything. She sighed .

Suddenly she felt her cramps again . Her flow today was pretty good , so she was having normal cramps. But suddenly her cramps became painful . Her face held a frown , not much change in expressions .

But from inside she wanted to break someone's head . She looked around only to see everyone leave the corridor. Some taking stairs while few taking lift . She picked up her profile , and when no one was watching , she slid it under the staircase on a side . Very casually . She knew that if by any chance someone messed with her profile, she won't be able to take this job .

She followed some girls so that she can reach cafeteria. Walking casually, calmly but her aura screamed coldness , attitude and made her unapproachable. She didn't seem to be a candidate but a worker .


Ji yun was sitting on a bench in an open space . It was on the tenth floor itself . One part of cafeteria was indoor , the other was in open , having wooden benches and a gardern like feel with some flower pots on the sides .

She was exceptionally the only one who was sitting there with a cup of hot honey water.

It was relaxing for her cramps . She had requested a girl to get her this because obviously it wasn't in the menu .

She checked the time , 15 minutes had passed . That means she has five minutes more to waste here . She quickly finished her honey water and headed inside . She could feel the strange glares she was receiving from others .

Most of them were men , and some were girls . She ingored it and hurriedly took the lift . After reaching the top floor she went to staircase and picked up her file . She sighed but froze when she heard someone clear his throat. Ofcourse it was a man . Ji yun turned around and saw the receptionist. She sighed and said ," forget it , i mean think it never even happened."

Receptionist chuckled . He extended his hand and said ," Dong ji." Ji yun hesitantly took his hand and said ," Hope you keep it a secret." With a slight smile and left .

Dong ji followed her till the corridor and said ," Nice meeting you , you are interesting."

Ji yun laughed lightly and said ," what do you mean interesting? I am just a normal person.. "

Dong Ji shook his head and said ," Give me your contact , so even if you don't get the job , i would love to meet you again ."

Ji yun knew where it was going but she saw Heyeon jun , who had heard Dong ji . Without hesitation she denied him saying ," Nice try . Bye . Mr.Heyeon jun is here , look behind you ."

Dong ji made a weird expression and turned around. Seriously Heyeon jun was standing behind him . Heyeon jun glances at him and said ," stop flirting around with girls , i offered you this position cause i thought you deserved it not because you should act like a waste . Get on your duty otherwise send me your resignation letter ."

Dong Ji nodded and quickly left . Heyeon jun glanced at Ji yun and left without another word . Ji yun had a slight smile on her face . She was happy cause Dong ji got a lecture .

Ji yun took a seat on the same bench . Mr.Min hurriedly ran towards the office leaving a confused Ji yun behind . She had a weird expression as she looked at his running figure .

Soon everyone was back . Ji yun had undifferentiated look on her face . Her cramps were making her feel tired.

She rested her head back on the wall and closed her eyes .


Time passed very slow making ji yun bored . She wanted to go home and rest . It had been two hours and still 5 more candidates else than her were left .

She almost fell asleep for an hour . She woke up and still there were candidates left . She took out her phone and checked the time .

It was 3:30 . What do they do in the interview to take such a long time .

She was lost in her thoughts when a girl came out crying. Ji yun looked at her up to down , short skirt barely covering her thighs ,High heels , heavy makeup, thin shirt more like a see through one . Ji yun raised her brows and thought ," well , deserved. Haha !"

She sighed and crossed her arms over her chest. Ji yun's mind was wandering indicating that she was tired . Her back was paining specially sitting like this for hours and moreover she was on her periods .

Ji yun closed her eyes again and calmed her self down . Another hour passed and ji yun's turn finally came .

She was resting in the same position when she heard someone call her name . She opened her eyes and stood up . She looked at Mr.Min who was standing there with a slight smile .

Ji yun didn't smile back because she felt frustrated, her face was slightly pale because she had skipped meal . She was hungry but right now she just wanted to give her interview and go back home .


Heyeon jun was frustrated . From the morning he kept on having interviews but no one matched his standards . Everyone had atleast two to three things lacking in them . Mostly girls were here because they wanted to be around him , they had not taken the job seriously . Some were serious but there IQ or ruthlessness level was less .

[ He needs someone compatible . Ok ? And that compatibility level can only be matched by Ji yun ;) xoxo]

Heyeon jun sighed when he knew finally it was the last one . To be honest he didn't have any high expectations from Ji yun either but he had seen her records in her university. She had got her certificates all from famous schools and universities. He knew that her skills might be unbeatable. But he thought its better to not to expect anything.

Ji yun entered the office with a nonchant expression. Heyeon jun looked at her from up to down , for the first time he noted that she was wearing a suit , like no other girl . Most of them were wearing tight skirts . She also looked exceptionally tall with her black heels . He thought ," dressing ok!"

Then he noted her way of walking and sitting opposite to him on the chair . It seemed professional and elegant . Her face held coldness . Exactly what he was looking for .

He again thought ," Aura ok."

Ji yun said nonchalantly ,"Good evening Mr.Heyeon jun."

Heyeon jun replied ,"evening. Well lets start with interview . "

Ji yun nodded . Heyeon jun asked directly ," what would you do if someone attacks me and i am not aware ."

Ji yun looked up at him and saw him all serious .

Ji yun thought for a moment before saying with a slight smile ," obviously i would stop him first , then scare him to death and get some information out , if he is of no use then i would kill him ruthlessly."

Heyeon jun's lips curved up at her smile as his eyes shone with a devilish glint . He nodded and looked at Mr.Min who was in a shock obviously. Mr.Min gave a thumbs up . Heyeon jun thought ," little devil . Ruthlessness level Ok."

He then said ," how can you make porridge intresting ?"

Ji yun pursed her lips holding back her laughter . But her eyes said it all . She thought for a moment again and said ," add some favourite vegetables."

Heyeon jun nodded and said ," well .. what do you think , would you get this job ?"

Ji yun finally smiled and said ," I don't know . Up to you ." Heyeon jun nodded nonchalantly.

He thought something before picking up Ji yun's profile in a slick move . Ji yun was slightly shocked . Her face held a calm and composed look . Heyeon jun just went through the file . There was complete silence in the room .

Ji yun noted it had been Seven minutes since she was inside . 'The time passed quickly inside.'She thought .

Ji yun was patiently waiting for Heyeon jun to ask some questions. Heyeon jun looked at Mr.Min and said ," Excuse us."

Mr.Min hurried out . Heyeon jun got up from the seat . Walked towards ji yun . ji yun was looking at him all the time . But from inside she was really pressured , what was he doing ?

Heyeon jun stood in front of her towering her . He was so tall . Almost 6'1 . Ji yun looked sideways . Her neck would hurt if she looks at him . Heyeon jun all of a sudden bend over and kept both his hands on the arms of chair . His face just in front of ji yun .

Ji yun surprisingly looked up brushing their noses .

Ji yun's eyes widened at the realization. Her heart had skipped so many beats and was pounding inside her chest . Her cheeks instantly turned red . No men has ever dared to be so close to her . This bastard even brushed their nose together. She gathered all the courage and looked staright in his eyes and said ," what the fuck do you think you are doing ?"

Heyeon jun looked at her closely and realized that she had clear skin and her eyes were hazel . He smirked and whispered ," what do you think?"

Ji yun said nonchalantly ," you want to get kicked in the balls?"

Heyeon jun's face darkened a little but he was happy too . He thought ," Not interested in me .. well Ok."

He backed up and went back to his seat . Ji yun was so surprised. If looks could kill she would have mudered him million times .

Heyeon jun said nonchalantly," i was testing you , well what do you thought i was going to do ? Pervert ."

Ji yun's face was red with anger and embarrassment. She didn't even think once that this could be his way of testing her .

Heyeon jun smiled slightly and said ,"you are assigned the duty of being my personal assistant."

Ji yun forgot everything and just smiled slightly before nodding. She realized something , personal assistant? Wasn't it secretary? She looked at him with a confused look . He said ,"Same thing ."

Ji yun was speechless , was he a mind reader ?

Heyeon jun said ," well i am ."

Of course he wasn't, just guessing from her bewildered expressions.

Ji yun stood up and said ," I'd meet you on Monday sir ."

Heyeon jun said ," You'd meet me tomorrow cause you will have two days of training for some things ."

Ji yun looked at him with squinted eyes . She could only say ," yes, sir."

And leave the office . She felt dizzy .

She was hungry..