Boss acting strange

Same day ,


Heyeon jun's office

Heyeon jun was sitting in his office with his one leg crossed over the other . He had closed his eyes and was leaning back on his chair . In front of his desk Mr.Min was standing with a confused look .

His boss was acting strange, after he came back after paying visit to Ji yun , he was unsually cold . Though he was cold and ruthless most of the time but he was calm and relaxed when he was alone or around Mr.Min . But today he was cold and definitely not calm at all !! He was acting weird.


When his boss entered his office he was shouting at everyone and even he couldn't concentrate on his work . He wasn't relaxed instead he was making fuss about small mistakes.

Though Mr.Min knew About Miss.Ji yun being appointed as Mr.Heyeon jun's new P.A , but what he was confused about is that why out of everyone , Ji yun ?

He had just asked this question to his boss , but instead of replying him . Heyeon jun leaned back on his chair closing his eyes .

[ lets look into Heyeon jun's mind a little. ]

Heyeon jun was pissed earlier because of his own behavior. How can he let a girl affect him like no one can ? How can he smile at thought of a stranger ? How can he compliment someone? How can he be polite to a stranger? He was supposed to be ruthless, arrogant and rude .

He definitely wasn't going to let this change take place . His mind was messed and He was trying to convince himself that he is not affected. That is the reason he couldn't concentrate on his work .

Mr.Min just came in his office and asked him why did he choose Ji yun . He had diverted his mind from that topic through a lot of effort but he was reminded again of it . It annoyed him . That is why he closed his eyes and leaned back on the chair . He was disappointed with Mr.Min . But however he has to answer him .


Heyeon jun opened his eyes and said in a cold tone ," because she owes me her life , i want to take advantage and even if she dies doing her job , it won't affect me .."

Mr.Min said relaxing his eyebrows ," aah ! Now i get it . Its ok then , i checked her record . She is an amazing fighter though ."

Heyeon jun nodded and said ," leave if there is nothing else."

Mr.Min left and closed the glass door behind him . Heyeon jun's office was big , it had a huge glass window which led the sun directly reflect its rays on him during the golden hours of evening, making him look more handsome.

Heyeon jun loved this hour , specially just after the rain . The sky looked blue and beautiful . The day was cheerful . In his lonely and cold world , these were the moments when he felt warmth .

He looked outside and his lips curved in a broken smile , no one has ever seen this smile , not even his parents.

He hid this side of himself from the world . He was just a lonely person in the end who needed to be understood. He is already surrounded by hundreds of people , starting from next week , one more would be added to them . That won't make any difference though , he would still be a lonely person.

His thoughts came to an end when his phone rang . He picked it up and smiled , it was Song chui . He picked up the phone and said ," hello Dr.Song , how come you call me ?"

" hmm .. lets go out tonight .. lets have a drink .. "

" are you sure , Dr.Song ? Drinking is injurious to health .."

" shut up ! It isn't .. just pick me up at seven."

Heyeon jun chuckled and said ," ok dude , chill ."

Call ended ..

Heyeon jun sighed and started digging himself in the left work . Just 30 minutes before Seven , he left his office and soon he was at the hospital in his Black BMW .

He was standing outside waiting for Song chui . Song chui came out after five minutes and said nonchalantly," lets go !"

Heyeon jun suspected that his friend's mood seemed a bit off . He would usually be loud and smile wide but today he looked aloof .

Heyeon jun got in the car and started driving.

Song chui was leaning back on the seat . Throughout the drive no one spoke . Song chui was pissed and Heyeon jun knew that Song chui liked staying quite when pissed .


Star bar , top floor .

On a round table two men were sitting beside each other . One had a glass of drink in his hand and other had a glass of water .

Heyeon jun liked to be sober , his alcohol tolerance was good but it made him extremely calm . The more he drank the more sober he became. He started seeing things the way they actually were and would feel sadness developing inside him .

Heyeon jun said ," did you have a fight with my sister ?"

Song chui looked at him and said ," no , Your sister had a fight with me and this time i'm really pissed .."

Heyeon jun clicked his tongue and his face held a weird expression mixed of annoyance and irritation . He said ," its the third time this month . You both aren't even in a relationship. Why do you keep fighting like a couple ? Why don't you admit it that you have feelings for her . She would stop fighting."

Song chui replied ," she already knows , And i am hundred percent sure she has too . she is Just being too stubborn to agree and accept it ."

Heyeon jun's face became dark . He said ," see , you would regret it , if its too late . Also let me tell you .. its not that difficult to say .."

Song chui laughed ," hah ! You don't know cause you don't love someone .. the deeper the feelings , the harder to express. If you would have been in my shoes you would have distanced yourself from her . Haha ! "

His words somehow made Heyeon jun feel bad , but he didn't mind it . Cause its true , Heyeon jun was indeed the type to distance himself.

Heyeon jun didn't wanted to be that way , but with time he had created walls around himself . The one who could see through these walls and know his trueself would be his woman . He sighed at the realization.

He is already 27 , his parents are worried about him . Though he had tried dating before too , but everything ended on sex . Like girls would have sex with him and then try to outsmart him .

They thought they would get pregnant and become the young miss . Because they loved his money and looks , not him . He gave many tries but in last two years he had stopped focusing on his business . He had left everything on fate . Though he wasn't much into such things he still believed that if fate thing is true , he might let it happen .


Heyeon jun entered his apartment and said ," i 'm home ." Then a chuckle escaped his mouth . Mocking himself. There was no one who would here him and say " Welcome home." He was alone , lonely .

He shook his head slightly and a broken smile took over his face . He went to his room . Removed his coat and threw it on the grey couch which was on the right side of the room .

He opened his tie and watch , kept it on the nightstand . Undid his shirt's collar and cuffs . Removed his shoes with his feet , removed the belt and threw it on the couch as well , at last he Threw himself on the bed and sighed .

His eyes closed and opened softly . His mind was almost blank . He felt lonely . He was lonely . He wished if someone could just come and hug him and tell him that they understand him , Console him , tell him that he is important to them .

He then mumbled," all i wish ... is just a wish."

He closed his eyes and soon fell asleep just like that .


Heyeon jun woke up on his usual time the next morning . Sharply at 5 am , being used to it . He woke up having a good sleep but his face was exceptionally cold . Last night he fell asleep like that , which made him more upset .

He was reminded that why he had to be cold , if people back then had not broke his trust , he wouldn't have been this ruthless and cold . He stopped trusting anyone . He knew whoever was in his life was just because of his money or some hidden motives .

He could trust himself and no one else .

He followed his ususal routine . He hit the gym for one and a half hour . After that he got ready , taking the bath , cleaning his room and bedsheets . He headed downstairs . He checked the fridge , there was everything he needed . He prepared himself some breakfast and quickly had it before leaving for the office .


He was going to interview a lot of girls and some boys too . It all depends upon on luck of Ji yun , cause devil had a change of plans yesterday. He decided to interview everyone and select the best . He had to play his cards , he didn't wanted to get someone useless as his personal assistant. He wanted someone who could really do that job , just because of some payback , he doesn't want to forget whats right . Even Mr.Min was pretty happy about it but Ji yun wasn't even informed .

[ If you are confused , whose Devil , so i wanna tell you all its nickname for Heyeon jun that ji yun and author gave him .. nice right !! :} ]


Ji yun was having her breakfast when her phone rang . She looked down at the caller id and surprisingly it was a private number. She picked it up ," hello!"

"Good morning, Ms.Ji yun . Its Mr.Min , just wanted to inform you that there has been a change in plans. You might have prepared your profile well right ?"

"Hmm , i did."

"Well thats good cause you will be interviews just as other normal candidates. Mr.Heyeon jun has changed his mind . He wants to interview everyone and wants to select the best and he doesn't want the efforts of others to go in vain .. so .."

"Ok, well Thank you for informing on time."

Ji yun said calmly but the sarcasm in her voice couldn't be hidden. She knew the phone was on speaker . She could even here the minor sounds of clicking of pen . She was always alert . But suddenly after she said the last thing the clicking of pen stopped . Her lips curved up in a smirk guessing the expressions of the devil .


Meanwhile in the devils office

Mr.Min ended the call and let out a sigh. He thought ," she is just as sharp as a sword with her words . Just as devi... Urr Mr.Heyeon jun . Woman of a few but sharp words . Noted."

But when he looked up and saw Heyeon jun's face . He knew what was coming next .

Heyeon jun clenched his jaw and looked at Mr.Min .

He was actually disappointed in himself . He didn't know how to actually react to this woman . What does she think , well its his choice not hers to decide when and what to inform and whom to inform. Fuck! He cursed and said ," Lets start now !"

Mr.Min nodded and left .


Ji yun entered the huge building causing the sound of her heels clicking on the marble floor . Her face held a cold and reserved expression. She wore a grey suit , with black heels . Her hair tied in a ponytail. She didn't had bangs , but she still looked stunning .

Her cheeks had a hint of blush and her lips pink and plump tinted with gloss . Her makeup was not heavy but natural . Her lashes curled up .

As she passed the the corridor, everyone could feel the masculine vibe and energy this girl released . She had all the head turns to her . She knew how much attention she got but she never cared about it . There was something in her that made her look unapproachable.

She headed straight to the lift with the profile in her hand. She didn't carry anything else with her , she had her phone and her gloss in her pocket . What else does she needs ?

When She entered the elevator , there was already a man standing in it . He was about six feet tall . She glanced at him once and then ignored him . The man was using his phone more like busy in it . But strangely he looked up to see a girl about 5'11 standing beside him . He looked at her feet and saw that she was wearing 3 inch heels . He felt a little disappointed that she didn't even bother to look at him . He was interested in knowing who she was . Indeed , interesting.

The lift opened on the parking floor , and he went out . He looked back over his shoulder to see her face . He did see her face but what he found the most interesting was her cold eyes . Ji yun stared back at the man till the door closed . She turned her expression to normal one . She waited till she reached the top floor .