Talking all business

Dr.Song thought they were leaving without collecting reports so he ran towards them . He knew he surprised ji yun who in turn surprised him by grabbing Heyeon jun's sleeve .

Dr.Song could see Heyeon jun whose eyes were fixed on his sleeve , his face was cold . Does Ji yun want to die ? To save her he had to divert Heyeon jun's attention.

Dr.Song cleared his throat getting their attention. He said ," ah ! I am sorry for what happened just now . But however .."

he paused . Heyeon jun's attention diverted towards him , he realized he was dazed out so he quickly shrugged Ji yun's hand away .

Ji yun again felt as if she was wronged . She twitched her lips and said somewhat coldly," continue." said," so the thing is that you were on your regular menstrual cycle and you did a lot of running which can also be fatal . I know that you are also aware of it . However you still ran like a miniac to a point where you could have hurt yourself so badly that it could take away your chance to be a mother. I understand that it was important for you to run to save your life but i may warn you that it shouldn't happen again ."

"Also , you may suffer from swere cramps from now on . You can take medicine but my best advice is not to take a medicine. Here are your reports about your internal organ and every precaution you need to take is already there written here . In any case you feel as if your menstrual cycle is disturbed , make sure to pay a visit . Thats it for now , rest well and don't run ."

Ji yun felt guilty about herself. She should have taken precautions. Her hand subconsciously reacted as it went to her stomach. Though She never thought of having a child yet , but she knew it was an important part of a woman's life. She knew one day she would have a person she would love and have kids with .. well maybe . Even thinking about this made her feel too chessy but it was reality.

She nodded her head and said ," thank you !" And she started walking towards the elevator. Heyeon jun looked at her before looking at Dr.Song ," Don't you dare assume something ! Ok ? However I'd meet you today evening. Take a shift off . " and slightly smiled at his friend before following Ji yun .

Dr.Song smirked at him and blinked twice as if saying ,"ok" . His friend was weird. They had been best friends since their childhood and he knew his friend the best . His friend may seem a rude and cold jerk but to his loved ones he was a sweet , cheeky and simple guy . He never cared about his image when it comes to the close ones . He would always smile at them wherever he meets them . But sometimes when he was pissed he would maintain his aloof personality.


Heyeon jun sat opposite to Ji yun who was staring blankly out of the window of her own cafe . They were sitting on the side table beside the glass window. There were clouds outside . Thundering , as if laughing at her .

She sighed . Heyeon jun said ," Miss Ji Yun , it's already been ten minutes, you are just sitting here thinking.. you said you need some time before i start speaking, .. sorry I can't give you anymore time . I am already generous enough to give you ten minutes."

He sounded so cold that Ji yun's patience level reached Its peak and her face turned cold . She looked at him and said ," Mr. Heyeon jun , i am sorry for wasting your time , but i want to tell you that you are a little too rude . I understand you are used to talk to everyone like that , but understand that i have same temper as you and I don't like someone talking to me rudely . I have been so polite from the start , please be a little polite , just a little . I ..." she paused and sighed . She said ," i give up , please be yourself. I am so so sorry. Please tell me how would you like to compensate you ."

Heyon jun was taken back at her sudden outburst. No one has ever dared to talk to him like that . He was actually at a loss of words but he was pisses to the core of his heart. He sighed to calm himself down .

He doesn't want to get angry . There was something inside him telling him not to kill her . If it was someone else they would have been regretting their words . Oh actually they would not have dared to say them !

Heyeon jun said plainly ," I want you to be my secretary. And you have to agree ."

Ji yun was calm . She looked up and said ," why ?" Heyeon jun said ," you may have seen the form online , about appointing my secretary..." She nodded .

He continued ," so you know what i am looking for , so i choose you because even if you die ,I won't regret . You owe me your life anyways ." His words were cold and sharp . Ji yun looked up at him and let out a chuckle of self mockery. It was indeed a wrong decesion .

Just a while ago she was thinking of having her own family but now it seemed that it was just a waste of time .

Heyeon jun smirked at her . He thought inwardly ," i said i'd make you pay to waste my time . Well i had hit two sparrows with one stone ."

Ji yun then said ," oh ok , do i have to come to interview tomorrow?" She knew that the interview would be taken tomorrow as she had indeed read the form which was posted online on the special site and even every new channel had also promoted it .

She always used to keep an eye on the business world . She loved that world , she could also keep a check on her father too . But mainly Heyeon group was in the headlines because it was one of the top ten groups of the world.

Heyeon jun nodded ," Be prepared with a file . Don't worry you would be interviewed properly."

Ji yun smiled but from inside she was crying. Everything was overwhelming for her . A day hasn't passed since she met him , and the table has been turned. She sighed and nodded . She said ," do you want to eat something? Please don't go without eating something fron my cafe , I won't feel good ."

Heyeon jun slightly raised his eyebrows and nodded with a smirk . He picked up a small menu placed on a table like a mini book . He asked the waiter for a coffee and a piece of cheesecake.

Ji yun odered honey water and a sandwich. She had not eaten food so she was hungry. Ji yun looked out of the window and it had started raining .

She smiled . Clouds were like her , sad , the only difference was that they could cry their heart out but she can't.

She looked down but she could feel Heyeon jun's gaze fixed on her . She looked up to meet his eyes . Heyeon jun's eyes weren't as cold as they were earlier. She fake smiled at him and said ," you are the first Man ,whom i have ever smiled at , feel special ." She turned serious looked out again .

What she didn't expect was , his chuckle. She looked at him and squinted her eyes at him and then looked out again . Maintaining her usual bubbly image because the staff was also there .

Her sadness in her eyes couldn't be hidden from him . Even her smile was a broken smile , which could make oneself pity her atleast once .

Heyeon jun looked out of the window too . What he couldn't understand was , what was the affect she was having on him . He behaved almost like his real self around her . She did not overreact instead she behaved as if she already knew him and even she wasn't afraid of him .

More like , she acted so . His lips slightly curved up at his thoughts and this time he would not deny it .


Soon order arrived. Ji yun looked at Heyon jun and said ," why ? Why did i even meet you ? I won't have ended up like this ."

Heyeon jun rested his head on his hand and said ," like you ended up dying in a pitiful state ." She replied still not moving her eyes from him ," soon i would . Hehe just kidding. "

Heyeon jun said ," i can see through people , its pretty useless to coverup truth when it comes to me ."

Ji yun smiled slyly. ," oh god ! I am caught . I regret it ." She said nonchalantly as she took a bite of her sandwich. Heyeon jun shook his head slightly and heard another comment from her ," you aren't as arrogant and dangerous I thought you would be . "

Heyeon jun said ," seems as if , being nice doesn't work sometimes. And i must say you really have death wish don't you ? " his voice instantly turned cold .

Ji yun clicked her tongue and said ," i .. Nevermind. Please drink your coffee ."

Heyeon jun and Ji yun had there food in silence . Ironically the silence was not awkward.

Ji yun was lost in her thoughts. Thinking about her upcoming life . Little did she know that when she would meet Heyon jun as his secretary he would definitely be ruthless. Just then she realized that she yet had to fill the form and also had to read everything that is needed to prepare her profile .

Heyeon jun stood up adruptly ready to leave .

Ji yun said ," wait , umm I haven't submitted my form z.."

Heyeon jun said flatly cutting her in between," I ll take care of that .."

Ji yun nodded her head and stood up too . Heyeon jun left without another word . Ji yun mumbled ," bye." She then went inside the cafe kitchen .

Everyone inside greeted her with huge respect. She slightly smiled and nodded .

She said ," I would like to tell everyone that from now on , I would be visiting cafe only on weekends . If There is any problem just email or text me . I'd come then . And for any upgrades or anything you want to make , just inform me . I know you all are surprised and want to know why ... urr .. thats because i would be having a job now . No one knows i am the owner anyways .. "

"so not a problem but however the new manager will be Miss Qin and assistant manager will be Miss Yan . Other workers would have regular duties . Make sure to look well after this cafe , we have worked hard to reach this stage . Please keep your hardwork on . Thats all I want to say for now ."

Everyone was a little too shocked that for almost a minute they just looked at each other blankly . They were previously shocked to see Heyeon jun and now they were shocked to hear this news .

Still they just ended up nodding at her .

She nodded and checked some other things and made sure everything was fine . She tasted some new dishes and suggested some other ideas for menu before leaving.

After she left the cafe , she went back to her apartment taking a taxi . She took a bath and changed into her usual set of clothes . She wore a pink huddie paired with blue jeans but she wore the same sneakers that Heyeon jun provided her . She also carefully kept the dress she received in her almirah properly , cause she really liked the dress , moreover it was in her favorite colour .

But when Heyeon jun's name struck her mind , she knew one thing clearly, whatever she thought about him and whatever is going on even if it is comfortable , its not right .

She should control her thoughts and mind her own business.


She then went for shopping and bought some formal attires for herself. She bought a lot of suits . Most of them were shirt and boot cut pants with coat . Some of them were normal suits with straight pants . She bought heels and a small bag for herself.

She was really tired and her cramps were severe so she had to rest early . But she searched for the form and checked the list of certificates and data needed for her profile. She prepared it and then had her dinner . She went to sleep after that .


Behind the scenes ;)

Readers: Isn't the story going a little too fast ? We mean that the progress between our leads ?

Author : Haha! Its just start .. even i feel the same but don't worry i have some plans for them ..

Ji yun : Hah! You ..

Heyeon jun : hmph ! You gave me feelings a little too early .. thats not fair .. she can't affect me so easily!!!

Author: whatever .. my choice !! Haha

Ji yun : laughs

Heyeon jun : gets annoyed and walks away !!