Truely a rude jerk .

The next morning, 

The sun has risen for long. Ji Yun finally  gained her consiousness. She tried to open her eyes but the bright lights and sun rays stinged her eyes. She looked around and realized she was in a familiar place. She was in the hospital. She closed her eyes again and started thinking about the night before. 

How she asked Heyeon Jun for help was vivid in her brain not to mention  being carried in his arms. She opened her eyes abruptly. "Heyeon Jun!" She muttered. She was regretting it already. Her hand propped on her hand as she sat up. 

She then  let out a sigh. "Wait,  why am I so nervous?  He is Heyeon Jun, if he meant harm he might not have brought me here.. right?" She asked herself. 

She clearly remembered that she had given him her word.  She promised she would  compensate him. 

Thinking of Heyeon Jun, he was the CEO of 'Heyeon Corporations' but Ji yuan was the one to keep a low profile. He was famous and fierce, she was young and  no body. 

Even though, Ji Yun was no one but an abandoned child she couldn't be underestimated. She  had got her property shares, from the company being the biological daughter of her mother. Ji Ahna, who was the CEO of Ji corporations (one of the top 100 companies in the world ).He then gave Ji Yun some shares and abandoned her for life.

Ji Yun was an orphan , though her biological father was alive, He had cut all ties with her. She lived alone from last seven years. She would turn 24, coming month on 20th April.

She runs a cafe named ' Sunny side' and worked as a hacker at night. She had a simple profile but she lived in big ass apartment in one of the finest hotels in the city. She lived her life to the fullest. She had studied business and IT.

She could easily take any job with her abilities but she didn't want to. She was a lonely person and working in such an environment with so many people around was not her type of job. She was usually cold and aloof but her outer appearance was bubbly and simple. Lets say she was an amazing devil disguised as an angel. No no! She was an angel disguised as a devil.

Even if Ji yun was a little doubtful about him she still was greatful to him for bringing her here and saving her life. Her life was at risk last night, and if not for him she would have died and if she dies, how exactly would she ruin her father's life?

How would she take the revenge for her mother? She smiled at the thought. "I really owe Heyeon jun my life.. hope he doesn't have any bad intentions though." she mumbled to herself.

Just then the door opened and a tall figure entered the room closing the door behind him. Ji Yun recognized him in an instant. 'Think of devil and the devil comes. Hugh!' She sighed.

Heyeon jun walked towards the bed, swiftly grabbing a stool. His presence changed the whole vibe of the room. The fain fragrance of his colonge reached her nostrils. She could sense the mascualinity in his energy and aura. Even though she was not the type to gawk at someone's handsomeness, in this case she wanted to.

She bowed slightly .

"Hi, Mr.Heyeon jun, before you say anything I want to thank you and tell you how greatful I am to you for saving my life. Indeed I would compensate you any way possible because I owe you my life. Though from my tone I may sound cold and a bit calm as I don't mean these words but I sincerely am greatful to you and I hope you don't have any bad intentions and I sincerely am sorry if I offended you in any manner now or last night. Thats all I have to say.."

She said all in one go, and sighed at the end. Though Heyeon Jun looked seious, he was amused at her reaction.

Heyeon Jun stared at her intently with a cold look in his eyes. Ji Yun who was looking back at him and could feel the nervousness that was building up in her heart. His brown eyes, seemed as if they would suck her soul out of her body.

His eyes were cold but there was something in them that was hidden behind the coldness. She stared back at him, both of them not giving up. Heyeon Jun tilted his head slightly.  "You are indeed not worried about yourself? Are you?" he commented. His voice deep and sexy. That could send chills down one's spine but at the same time it could also make a woman fall head over heels for him.

Ji yun subconsciously blinked a several times before averting her gaze to the window.  "What do you mean?" Heyeon Jun sighed audibly and slightly shrugged before saying," if you know you know." Ji yun glanced at him before averting her gaze again.

Heyeon jun continued," well running on your periods isn't a good idea as well. I dont think you have any plans of conceiving a child, do you?"

Ji yun's body stiffened, she pursed her lips but when she heard his words 'conceiving a child.' She looked at him with her mouth wide open, where did this topic come from? out of nowhere...

She blinked several times. Her face had a hint of blush and her eyes too...

She was so dumbfounded but still managed to say," well... I...ummm... I don't know what to say, anyways its none of your business too..." and she regretted her words instantly.

She closed her eyes shut and covered her face with her hands. Heyeon Jun frowned, did she dare talk back rudely to him?

He would let it go, since actually he was acting weird.

He raised his brow slightly amused at her behavior, knowing she was embarrassed . He said ," well , i want to tell you that the doctor said , your internal organs have turned weak and if this happens again you may not be able to conceive a child in future and according to me thats the worst nightmare of a girl's life, isn't it ?"

Ji yun realised he was indeed right but she never thought of being in relationship with someone so thinking of having kids was way too far .

She looked up and said," yes, well I had to otherwise I would have lost .... " she paused , her eyes turning cold. She was looking at her crossed legs but she moved her gaze towards his face, her eyes turning calmer," well, I know I shouldn't have and trust me this was the first time... but wait why am I explaining things to you."

She frowned and squinted her eyes at him. Heyeon jun twitched his lips and said," well lets talk business but not here.. Get ready we will leave.." before Ji yun could say something he had already stood up and his aloof and dominant self was back.

He headed out of the room and soon a lady in her mid thirties entered the room with a bag. She smiled at Ji yun, who was confused.

She said," good morning miss, my name is Alina, I think you might get ready, here are your clothes and all the toiletries you would need. Restroom is right there, please freshen up and also call me when you need help. I'd be at your service."

Ji yun was at a loss of words, she nodded but her head held a frown.

She thought," hah! lol if offending the devil will turn me into a young miss from a bitch, then its worth it."

She chuckled at her thoughts and went inside the washroom. She changed into a new set of clothes, which was definitely not her type. It was a black dress which was fitted from top with flared sleeves and had a flary bottom till her knees, highlighting her smooth legs but there was a cut on her right leg which was highlighted due to her pale skin.

She sighed, it was one of her greatest insecurities, the marks on her body. These marks reminded her of all the painful memories and attacks she had gone through. She looked up in the mirror and smirked at herself. Did he do this on purpose? Well let him be.

She was slightly stunned when she noticed everything surprisingly fit her well. Though she already expected him to run a background check on her but can he also know size? I mean what? Her dress, shoes even her underwears. 

She coughed furiously on her own thoughts..

Even her tampon and sanitary napkins were the same.. she was actually speechless.

She combed her hairs and let her long and voluminous hair fall on her shoulders. Her hairs had natural waves. Her face slightly pale and she looked sick.

[ of course she was .. hugh ! ]

She applied slight lipbalm that was in the bag itself but she didn't put any makeup on. She wasn't going on a date anyway, was she?

With the devil! Hahahaha! Not possible. She opened the door and headed out. She was wearing a flat pair of sneakers, which was indeed comfortable. She headed out and saw Heyeon jun who was on a call.


Heyeon Jun who was on call, turned around . When he saw her standing there all ready , he was slightly surprised seeing her look , she looked beautiful. He covered his expressions well with his usual calm and cold look but he knew that she looked beautiful but he would never agree . He was cold , he kept his distance from women , so why would she be any special ?

He gave her an up to down glance and his eyes stopped on her legs , specifically on her right leg which had a huge mark . He looked up at her and raised a brow . He didn't know why but he sensed she was uncomfortable with this dress .

Obviously who would like to show such marks to someone. Maybe that is why there weren't any records or photos of her in any such dresses . All the photos from her childhood were in jeans and huddies .

He then thought ,' wait , its none of my business .'

He said ," lets go ." And turned around to leave . Ji yun picked up another paper bag which contained her other set of clothes . She started feeling pain again in her abdomen and pelvic area . She sighed. She walked slowly. Heyeon jun was slightly irritated. He looked back and said ," Miss.Ji yun can you walk any faster please? I am not free .. i have a lot of work to do . "

Ji yun looked up at him and said ," lets meet some other day then . I am sorry i am having trouble walking because i am having cramps ." He was indeed a rude jerk , she commented inwardly.

Heyeon jun realized that she had just been discharged but , whatever she was just wasting his time . He said ," no , i don't like delaying business . Lets go . You can take your time . You still have to collect your reports so .."

Heyeon jun stopped and waited for her to reach him . Ji yun was slightly surprised but she didn't know why she felt special..

maybe she was not treated like this before or maybe she just read too many romantic novels where the cold male leads stand and wait for the Female lead . Haha!

She ignored the feeling that was building inside her and walked to him . Heyeon jun walked at the same pace as her . Ji yun was slightly pressured due to his presence and she stealed glances at him time to time and he was looking here and there but his face was cold .

Dr. Song came running towards them and he stopped adruptly. Ji yun was surprised so she grabbed Heyeon jun's sleeve subconsciously.

Heyeon jun was also surprised a little but his eyes looked at Ji yun and he could see a frown on her face . His eyes travelled back to his sleeve which was tucked by her .