What a long day !!

The door opened and Mr.Min entered the house . He could easily sense the atmosphere of the room and he knew someone was definitely in trouble today .

Heyeon jun looked at Ji yun once before saying ,"have a seat ."

Mr.Min had almost three files in his hands . He also took a seat opposite to Ji yun on a wooden relaxing chair . Crossing one of his legs over the other he put the files on the table . He picked up the first file , opened it and slid it towards Ji yun .

"Miss.Ji yun , here is the contract you need to sign . Take your time and go through the terms before signing it . You can't make amendments but i can clear your confusion if you have any .. so ."

Ji yun nodded and picked up the file . She went through the contract. She would usually look at Heyeon jun and then at Mr.Min . She knew one thing for sure . She had got herself into a mess that is definitely not easy to deal with .

What caught her attention was the residence . She was meant to stay with Heyeon jun ? In his apartment. She looked at Heyeon jun and said ,"why the fuck am i staying here ?"

Heyeon jun frowned and then looked at Mr.Min . Mr.Min nodded and said ,"these are Madam Heyeon's order . Also she is being thoughtful as it is hard for Ji yun to travel all the way here every morning. Its almost half an hour. So .."

Heyeon jun said ,"why did you made the amendments ? Just because mom said ?"

Mr.Min smiled and said ,"Mr.Heyeon i was your assistant but remember this contract is totally dependent on your mother . You said all the conditions would be hers and you would agree to that .."

Heyeon jun frowned and sighed . He closed his eyes and pressed his temples . Ji yun understood what it meant and she had the same reaction.

Mr.Min passed her a pen with a slight smile . She looked at Heyeon jun who was also looking at her . She was hesitant. She removed the cap of the pen and before the pen could touch the paper she said ,"I am disappointed .."


Ji yun was in the kitchen cooking lunch for Heyeon jun . She made some basic fried rice with some sandwiches. She was really pissed . She had to move in here tomorrow onwards.

Heyeon jun and Mr.Min were up in Heyeon jun's study.

Ji yun was utterly quiet . She was just focused on preparing her sandwich batter . Her phone rang again .

She picked it up again with a slight frown .


"Ji yun , its me Heyeon jun's mother ."

Ji yun was surprised . She said ,"oh ! Madam heyeon . How come you call me ."

"Nothing much . Just wanted to tell you that I'd be coming at Heyeon's place . I have a request.."

"Yes madam Heyeon, how can i be helpful?"

"Can you make a cheesecake for me ?"

"Madam Heyeon i don't think we would have all ingredients here .. so .."

"Thats not a problem. I'd ask someone to deliver it there . "

"Oh ok ! Anything else Madam Heyeon ."

"Thats it for now ! See you !"


Ji yun just finished making the lunch . She was a bit relaxed now . She hesitated before heading upstairs to ask both of them if the lunch should be served upstairs itself .


Heyeon jun looked at Mr.Min with a worried look .

He closed his eyes shut once before saying ,"buy it ! Final the deal ."

Mr.Min sighed and said ,"Hope for the best ."

Suddenly they heard a knock on the door . Heyeon jun said ,"come in."

Ji yun entered the study with a flustered face . She said nonchalantly,"lunch is ready ."

Heyeon jun looked at her from head to toe . She wasn't weaing a coat over her shirt . She had her hair tied in a ponytail. He said ,"we will have it downstairs."

Ji yun bowed slightly before leaving. Before closing the door she entered again and said ," ah ! Yes ! Madam Heyeon is coming."

She closed the door right away and headed downstairs.

Heyeon jun looked at Mr.Min and said ,"I think you should leave now , make sure to inform me right away , once everything is settled."

Mr.Min nodded and they both headed downstairs.

Mr.Min was about to leave when suddenly Ji yun called his name from behind . He turned around. Heyeon jun was also looking at Ji yun to know what she was about to say .

Ji yun picked up a sandwich wrapped in butter paper . She walked up to Mr.Min and handed the sandwich to him saying ,"I prepared one for you too . Take it with you . Please don't say No as i am really thankful to you . Take it as compensation."

Mr.Min smiled and nodded his head and accepted the sandwich. As he was turning around to leave , he didn't miss Heyeon jun's dark face . He smiled internally. Seems like someone is jealous. Hugh ! Hahahahha !

Ji yun smiled back but when her eyes met with Heyeon jun she froze .

Was I supposed to not to give it to Mr.Min ?

Heyeon jun said ,"please serve the lunch." With a cold and distant voice .


When Heyeon jun saw how Ji yun smiled at Mr.Min , he didn't know why he didn't feel good . And when she handed him a sandwich to eat on his way , he was surprised .she could be so polite to any man except him ..

Heyeon jun's mood darkened. He thought,'does she even know he is married ? Is she interested in him ?'


Ji yun served the food for him . He was sitting on the dining table . She just stood next to him to listen if he had any comments to pass . Its first time she cooked for a man .

Heyeon jun looked at Ji yun and said ,"Don't tell me you haven't prepared lunch for yourself. I mean isn't it commen sense .. like would you go all the way back to your apartment to have food everytime ?"

Ji yun replied ,"i did prepare food for myself as well ."

Heyeon jun said in a cold tone ,"go get it then ."

Ji yun was slightly dumbfounded and surprised too . Can she eat with him ? Like what ? won't he mind ?

She headed to kitchen and got herself a bowl for rice . She sat next to him and served herself with a bowl of rice .

She looked at Heyeon jun who was eating his food silently. She hesitated a little before saying ,"is it good ?"

Heyeon jun just gave her a weird look and continued to eat his rice . Ji yun was disappointed so she twitched her lips and squinted her eyes at him before digging herself in the food .

Heyeon jun said in between adruptly ," Can you make Mr.Min's wife a cheesecake ? She loves them .."

Ji yun looked at Heyeon jun surprised,"Is Mr.Jun married ?" She was really surprised she didn't know that .

Heyeon jun said looking at her with a raised eyebrow ," Ofcourse . Are you surprised? why ? You were interested in him ?"

His face darkened with each word .

Ji yun shook her head as her face neutralized a little and said ," Nah ! Who is interested in him . Its just that He looks pretty Handsome but i never thought he would be married?"

Heyeon jun's face realaxed when he heard she was not interested in Mr.Min but when he heard her next words his mood furthur drakened hearing her praise Mr.Min .

He didn't say anything else and Just dug himself in his food .

Ji yun finished her food first because she didn't eat much . She went to kitchen and started doing the dishes .

Heyeon jun was also done with his food so he decided to keep the dishes in the sink. He went to the kitchen and kept the dishes in the sink . Ji yun was also standing right beside him so when he bent his upper body it brushed on her back . She looked up at him subconsciously . Heyeon Jun was really close to hers , He wasn't looking at her . For her time as if stopped . She for the first time realized that how handsome he was . His sharp Jaw line really made her gulp . Her throat felt dry .

She averted her gaze quickly. Heyeon jun didn't notice how stiff Ji yun became . He went back to the study after that . ji yun was left thinking about that moment . Her face red . Why was she even thinking about him ?


Ji yun was distracted the whole time . She was silently sitting on the Chair when she received a text from Heyeon jun to come upstairs In his study .

She sighed as she didn't wanted to see him yet . Because she was slightly embarrassed.



Ji yun entered the study silently. Heyeon jun was sitting on a chair near a big wooden table . He had his one leg crossed over the other . He looked at her briefly with the same cold look and said ," I have transferred an email of stocks from last two weeks . I need report ready by Monday."

Ji yun nodded .

"Also here are two files of the upcoming project of The Australian branch Of Heyeon corporations. Analyse and make a report . You have two hours."

Ji yun's face changed into a disappointed ones . This Report needs time .. how can she do that in just two hours ? But however she ended up nodding. Heyeon jun pointed at the couch and said ,"sit and work."

He went out of study after giving her the work . Ji yun cracked her fingers and neck before taking a deep breath in . It has been a long time , since she used her skills .