What a long day (part -2)

Heyeon jun closed the door behind him and walked to the balcony. He unlocked his phone and dialed his mother's number.

The call was answered after the first ring . "Good afternoon son ," his mom said in somewhat happy voice.

Heyeon jun sighed and said ,"I am sorry Mom , don't come home today . Please visit some other day . Its already hectic for me . There's a lot to deal with ."

Madam Heyeon's lips curved upward slightly as she said ,"I just wanted to pay you a visit , however its fine . I'll just ask someone to deliver Ji yun's car at your place . She'd be moving in from tomorrow onwards . I have already texted her everything she needs to know . Also i am sending you some pictures and a text . Don't call me now , i am going to apply a facemask . Bye son love you !!"

"Love you too mom." Heyeon jun replied before ending the call .

He opened his inbox only to see that his mom had sent him his and Ji yun's pictures . There were total of three pictures .

In the first one , it was a close up of just their faces . Heyeon jun and Ji yun were looking in each other's eyes as Heyeon jun held her shoulders. Heyeon jun's expression was really weird. His mouth agape as he looked at the picture. This picture screamed 'Romance!'

They looked like a couple . More like who were in love . Ji yun looked really pretty in the black suit . He noticed for the first time that even there suit color was matching. He knew that his mother might have clicked the picture when Ji yun stumbled into him .

He looked at the next picture. This was a little zoomed in , In this picture Ji yun was looking in the camera while Heyeon jun was looking at her . Heyeon jun was caught staring at her ?

Heyeon jun remembered how slickly he looked at the camera right after Ji yun . His mother indeed was quick to capture this one . He didn't know weather to cry or laugh . These photos were literally amazing. But it made them look like a couple .

Third one was the best one . It was shot from a distance. Both Heyeon jun and Ji yun were smiling . Ji yun had her hands crossed in front . Heyeon jun had one hand in his pocket. Heyeon jun was standing behind Ji yun . But their height difference was still clear . Ji yun's hair were open , falling over her shoulders as she smiled highlighting the mole she had near her lower lip .

Heyeon jun selected the photos so that he could delete them but in the end he just pressed,"cancel." And sighed .

He then read his mother's text . It was basically about Ji yun shifting to Heyeon jun's apartment and how would she shift . It said everything . His mother had arranged everything already . He sighed and put his phone back in his pocket .


Ji yun was busy in her work . She was really just busy in making report . It wasn't easy she had to go through the files again and again reading and understanding graphs . It was really hectic . She didn't even once check the time . She had removed her coat and had tied her hair in a messy bun . That's how you work when it's hectic . Don't you ?

Heyeon jun slowly enter the study and went to his table . He didn't even look at Ji yun . Cause he was mad at her. Hahah ! Sorry !

Because it was none of his business .

Ji yun also ignored him completely and just dug herself in work .

Heyeon jun was checking emails and replied to them . It took him a lot of time . He also had to make plans about upcoming projects and Deal with the underworld stuff . Someone was messing with his company. There was something wrong .

Two hours had passed since they were working.

He just noticed that there is someone who was exporting internal documents to the rival company. The Gu's . He had already made a guess who the person was . It was Mr.Kim . The head manager .

He turned around to look at Ji yun . He froze . noticed that her hairs were tied into messy bun . She had one of her legs crossed over the other and she was making notes and typing something on the ipad that was lying on her lap . Heyeon jun's heart skipped a beat . Never in his life he saw a woman in his study working . He looked at her for sometime before clearing his throat.

He called out her name in a calm yet distant voice ,"Ji yun."

Ji yun was engrossed in her work so she didn't notice how he called her 'Ji yun' and not Miss.Ji yun . Heyeon jun himself didn't notice that .

Ji yun looked up at him . Heyeon jun said ,"Two hours are already over . What about report ?"

Ji yun replied with a slight pout ,"actually , its my first time in all these years and i need about half hour to complete it ." She bit her lip and looked down preparing herself for getting ready to bear the warth of this COLDHEARTED CEO.

Heyeon jun thought for a moment , it wad reasonable for her to take some time . Should he give her a quick tip which can be quite helpful.

He walked up to her . He didn't miss her being all anxious. He was also slightly amused . She was usually acting bold , what happened ? Hahahah !

He took a seat next to her and picked up her ipad going through her report. He noticed that she was trying her best to make no mistakes and being perfect . She was getting a little too detailed in some aspects .

Ji yun was surprised , is he going to check it ? Its goung to be embarrassing! (-.-!)

ji yun patiently waited for him to say something.

Heyeon jun was quickly changed into an ROLE MODEL . He was calm yet cold . He pointed at something and said ,"Read that out ."

Ji yun hesitated before Reading out what was written . She herself realized there wasn't much need to define such points and it was pretty useless to do that in a report.

When she ended up reading that .

She looked at him . Heyeon jun raised a brow and asked ,"you see , thats why it takes you so much time to make report. Avoid it . "

He then pointed out some other mistakes and gave her an example by completing the rest of the report.

Ji yun was stealing glances at his handsome face time to time . She didn't wanted to but she did . Even when Heyeon jun would look at her sometimes while giving her any advice , her Heart would skip a beat .

She really was astonished even by his skills . He didn't even take ten minutes to bind up the report. He then explained her some other points . Ji yun was just sitting beside him either nodding or asking him questions.

After about an hour Heyeon jun finally stopped and walked back to his chair to read the report once again before emailing some things to Mr.Min . Meanwhile Ji yun went downstairs to make coffee for both of them .


Ji yun checked her phone and noticed she got another person who texted her . Who ?

She had the same reaction as Heyeon jun but when she read the texts she thought Madam Heyeon was just being thoughtful not knowing she was causing a problem. But she would never voice out her thoughts.

She had also recieved the pictures. Ji yun loved clicking pictures whenever she visited somewhere new . She was a freak ! Her phone had a lot of her photos clicked by strangers on streets to tourists in foreign countries .

When she looked at her photo with Heyeon jun she didn't know why she felt happy !!!

Omg ! She looked so beautiful and Heyeon jun , he looked like a model . Ji yun really liked the pictures but the problem was she can't post these on her account otherwise people would make it trending on news channels.


Ji yun entered the study while Heyeon jun was talking on phone to someone. Heyeon jun was not serious instead his face held a mild smile .

Ji yun once again was mesmerized by him . She ignored her thoughts again and handed him his coffe while she went to the couch again . She was reading about important ptojects and members of the company.

She didn't notice the glances she received from Heyeon jun .


Heyeon jun was talking with Heyeon Ri , he was so happy that finally his sister was relieved after baby's health stabilized .

He was drinking coffee and realized it was perfect . How come she knew what does he like ?

He was passing strange glances to Ji yun as he was talking to his sister.

He blinked a few times when she saw her sitting with one leg crossed over the other and sipping her coffee as she read the documents he asked her to read .

He ended the call and checked the time , it was 7:30.

Ji yun also switched off the document tab and put it on the table . She stood up and said ,"I'd go and cook some light dinner for you ."

Heyeon jun followed her downstairs. He was done for the day . he would deal tomorrow with leftover stuff .



Ji yun : i was so anxious when you followed me ..

Heyeon jun : aah babes , I didn't mean to . I was just heading to the living room to take a break .

Author : whatever ! Focus guys , tell me what happened next .

Heyeon jun : (looks at author) How bold you are , i would have fell in love with you too if i met you .

Author : Laughs !! You are not my type .

Ji yun : (laughs with author but glared at Heyeon jun afterwords)

Heyeon jun : aww , Yun is jealous!! I am happy

Heyeon jun hugs Ji yun tightly as she struggled in his arms . He laughed and said,"i was just making you jealous."

Ji yun stops struggling as she kissed him on his cheek surprising him .

Heyeon jun smiled foolishly .

Author : i would love to put this in the story . ;-)