What a long day (part-3)

Ji yun went straight to the kitchen and Heyeon jun went to the couch . He turned on the TV and started watching news as always.

Ji yun was confused what to make so she asked Heyeon jun what he wanted to eat for dinner . Heyeon jun replied with a surprisingly calm tone ,"just some veggie soup."

Ji yun then decided to make some soup with boiled rice .


Heyeon jun switched to different channels only to see that if there was something interesting to watch . He usually like to watch movies or sometimes he played vedio games but with Ji yun arround it was not possible .

How could he let her know he plays vedio games ? Ever thought 'A COLDHEARTED CEO PLAYING VEDIO GAMES.'

This won't be good for his image .

Definitely not !!!

He just turned on some movie named 'the devil's den .'

He had watched this movie earlier. It was just a thriller and action movie . Also the main character was really good looking accompanying the female lead who was so good to be true .

Heyeon jun really wanted to have a girlfriend who could have fighting skills like her . Haha ! He didn't noticd looks but skills .

He wanted to drink water so out of habbit he walked up to kitchen without thinking much . Just as he was about to step in , his attention was caught by Ji yun who was busy chopping vegetables. Never had he ever seen a woman cook for him except his mom .

[Especially a beautiful one .... lol ! ]

Heyeon jun realized how Ji yun was just so good at everything she did . But she isn't perfect. She might be like one of the other girls right ??

[of course not ! Fool! ]

Heyeon jun stepped in and picked up a water bottle from fridge . Ji yun breifly looked at him over her shoulder and then turned around to ask him if he could pass her a bottle too .

"Can you give me one too ?"

Heyeon jun didn't say or even flinch his brow . Just passes her water bottle and left without another word . Ji yun sighed . Aloof jerk! She screamed internally.

After about half an hour the dinner was ready .

Ji yun prepared really just a bowl and a half of sowl and two bowls of rice .

She didn't feel like eating and didn't wanted to waste food . She just served it for Heyeon jun .

Heyeon jun didn't insist her on eating dinner this time . Ji yun was disappointed . He should atleast ask me .. shouldn't he ?

Heyeon jun took another serving finishing everything that was made . Ji yun was surprised. She commented internally 'gluton!'

Heyeon jun had finished his food so Ji yun cleaned the kitchen and did the dishes .

Heyeon jun was still watching TV . Ji yun checked the time it was 8:30 , she had to head back hurriedly . She went to Heyeon jun and said ,"I may take my leave now sir . Would see you tomorrow morning."

Heyeon jun just nodded .

Ji yun put on her coat and let her hairs fall over her shoulders as she swayed them slightly. She didn't notice Heyeon jun staring at her .

Heyeon jun said ,"Your car is parked outside , keys may be with the gaurd."

Ji yun looked nodded and bowed slightly before leaving hurriedly.

Heyeon jun turned the TV off right away as he headed back to his room .


Just as he picked up his phone .

He noticed he had three misscalls from Dong Heon . He twitched his lips before ignoring it and going for a shower .

After about half an hour after changing into his pyjamas he fianlly called back .

Call was answered after three rings :

"Hello!" Said Heyeon jun calmly . Waiting to Listen to Dong Heon's words .

"So you finally got a girl who matched your level . You both look good together . I'm jealous. Haha !"

"Whom are you talking about?" Replied Heyeon jun even after knowing he was talking about Ji yun .

"The luck who was lucky enough to have got an opportunity to have a photoshoot with you and get appointed as your personal secretary."

Heyeon jun's lips curved upwards as he gave a slight chuckle . No matter what Dong Heon said , Heyeon jun always laughed . His cousin was weirdly funny .

Dong Heon also laughed at the other end of the phone as he said ," I met her in the lift that day , trust me she didn't even blink once . I wondered who she was , she seemed interesting.. Hmm.. No doubt she is your P.A also who emmits same aura as you ."

Heyeon jun replied," She is really rude . Dont flatter yourself."

Dong Heon fake coughed and said ,"you already know so much ?"

Heyeon jun knew where this conversation was going . He backfired him ,"What about you ? You have been stuck in a forced engagement just because your father promised someone?"

Dong Heon replied honestly ," Hmm . You are right , i am in a worse condition than you . Well i am also marrying Xia Ri , guess what ? She isn't as clingy and fake I thought she'd be . She keeps everything real , i really appreciate that about her but there is also something that is interesting about her . She is unsually distant and cold sometimes with her father and even with others. I wonder if thing aren't good between her father and her ."

Heyeon jun's ears perked up . The person that came to his mind was Ji yun . She was the abandoned daughter of Xia's . Heyeon jun even knew that the night he met her , she was being attacked by her Father's men .


Dong Heon was standing at the reception of Blue moon hotel as he was here for some business purpose . Blue moon hotel was owned by Dong's .

When he finished talking to Heyeon jun about Xia Ri , a figure who had just entered the lobby caught his attention. Xia Ri ?

What was she doing here ? He wondered! But afraid that he might catch her attention he turned his back on her and sighed .

Heyeon jun didn't miss his sigh and asked ,"what happened?"

Dong Heon said ," I just saw Xia Ri ."

Heyeon jun let out a laugh as he said ,"Did you fell for her ? Young master Dong ? You are hallucinating already ? Haha !"

Dong heon internally rolled his eyes which never left Xia Ri . He even noticed she pressed the button to Sixth floor . He hurriedly took the stairs as he said all seriously ,"Heyeon jun , i am not kidding ! I am at blue moon hotel , i wonder why is she here ? Does she have a boyfriend?"

Heyeon jun's ears again perked up on Hearing 'blue moon hotel.' Isn't this Where Ji yun lived ? What if Xia Ri went there to meet her ? He didn't wanted to interfere but he didn't know why he couldn't stop himself either .

He replied,"Can you please tell me the room number she enters . I might help you find out ."

Dong Heon said ," I'd text you wait ."

He ended the call .


Dong Heon was standing in the stairs breathing heavily. Just as he saw A figure pass corridor he quickly sneaked in and hid his face not to be caught .

Xia Ri being totally unware of him rang the bell to Ji yun's house . Her luck definitely wasn't with her because there were only two apartments on this floor and Dong Heon had seen her enter the left one .

He quickly sent the room number to Heyeon jun .