Cute but seductive

Xia Ri was sitting on the bench , on the see shore . The wind carrased her skin as she was lost in her thoughts. She was confused whether she should tell him the truth or hide it making an excuse ?

Dong Heon who was walking upto her with a paper bag and coffee in his hand was somewhat confused. He was kind of pitying this girl who had cried so much . But what if it was all to fool his and hide truth ? But she also did meet Ji yun . Its sure ..

wtf ? What should he do now !

Dong Heon called Xia Ri's name . Xia Ri blinked twice and looked up . Dong Heon handed her hot coffee and a chicken wrap from subway .

He bought one for himself too .

Xia Ri looked at him and said ," why are you doing this ?"

Dong Heon ,"What am i doing ? Just treating my fiancé as i should treat her . You want me to act all psychotic and throw you out in anger ?"

Xia Ri chuckled. This guy is awfully funny .!

She said ," ok ! I get it . So from where should i start ? Umm answer my question first ."

Dong Heon was just staring at her and for tge first time he noticed her beautiful features and her red cheeks and nose .

He nodded.

Xia Ri asked straight forwardly ," Would you believe me and help me ?"

Dong Heon hesitated slightly but ended up nodding.

Xia Ri replied ,"ok so .. basically, I went to the hotel to meet my step sister. I am sure you already know about her." She said with a questioning look .

He nodded truthfully. What could he do under her so serious and seductive look .

Yes seductive . She really had some looks .

Imagine a girl sitting with her hair tucked behind her ears and red cheeks and nose . Her eyes slightly puffed and red . Her lips plump and red . Of course cute , but seductive vibe is obvious.

Dong Heon was staring at her but he was internally cursing himself as he thought why was he drawn to her ?

Xia Ri continued ," So , i had never seen her before as i was in the states before . As you know i cam back an year ago . In this year i have already learned her struggles and i know what it feels like to live without parents but it had been more hard for her as she couldn't even keep in contact with them . I had my own ways to find out how she lived , what she did . " she paused looked at Dong Heon whose was still staring at her . She bit her lower lip slightly. She was subconsciously Trying to controle her lips from curving upwards because he looked so cute and handsome. Xia Ri shooed the thought away and continued.

Dong heon didn't miss her change is expression and how she tried to supress her smile . His lips subconsciously curved upwards . She was trying to be serious?

"I to be honest always found mom's death strange . After her death dad's behavior as if had really changed . He is dominant and cold . Always odering me around . He doesn't even treat me like a daughter. Then after a weak or two he took Mother's company under his Name. Now he has both the companies , Ji yun's mother's company and my Mother's company . I found it weird. So i looked into Ji yun's Mother's background . So basically aunty Ji shared some common things with mother. Most importantly they were both the Only Rich heirs to royal families . No siblings means the property and shares won't be divided . "

" aunty Ji loved my dad , according to the information I received she fell in love with him in the college years . Mr.Xia was just a boy from middle class family . Same goes for my mom . But she fell in love with him after the college year . Guess what ?"

Dong Heon was listening carefully till now and he had already made up a conclusion to the story . He said ,"Your mother died a few days after she signed the papers to transfer the shares and company under Your father's name and same goes for Ji yun's mother ?"

Xia Ri was surprised but she was happy too , this man has really High IQ. She had her mouth slightly open but no words came out . Was she supposed to nod .

Dong Heon smiled seeing her reaction,"i'll take that as yes . But seeing that she was still looking at him he said ," Aah , i know i am handsome but that doesn't mean you will stare at me like that . I am nervous." His face held a slight smirk .

Xia Ri was again amazed to see how this man in front of her teased her . Wait did he just tease her ? She pursed her lips and squinted her eyes and backfired him ," if staring at someone means you find them attractive then let me tell you , that you have been staring at me for past five minutes. That means i am beautiful? I am but do you find me beautiful." She said with a raised brow .

Dong Heon ," Thats a misconception, you were gawking at me and i was listening to you ." His smirk didn't leave his face .

Xia Ri gave up , she had to continue ,"So what you said was true . but thankfully my mother had kept 30% of the company's shares for me . While i looked into the Ji corporations, Ji yun's mother had saved 50% of the company's shares for her . But Ji yun is not aware of that . Half of the company is hers . She can take it over if she wants ."

"But she is currently working as Heyeon jun's P.A ." Dong Heon voiced out his thoughts.

"Oh , its fine . She just has to take her shares back that Dad had been keeping . All i want is that . If we talk about my shares I am currently working at Father's company . I'd take them before I get married ." She said as a matter of fact . Taking a deep breath she continued.

"Father told me just a day before our engagement that i am getting married to you . I doubted it , and i still do . He had forced me into this marriage when I wasn't ready . Still i said yes . I always feel like he wants to take over another company using me . Or he is just selling me off for his sake ." She pouted at the end and looked at Dong Heon .

Dong Heon said ,"I was forced into this too. Don't worry you are not the alone one . But your father hadn't sold you off today , he had already done that years ago . When you were abroad. He had promised my father to marry you with me in exchange of a huge deal . Keeping his promise your and my father are forcing us into this."

Xia Ri nodded . She commented,"I thought you were a cold and rude jerk but you aren't."

Dong Heon chuckled ,"and I thought you were a clingy fake and sweet miss . But you aren't. I am happy atleast for this."

Xia Ri sighed , she always had a bubbly personality so she can't make this awkward between them . She said ,"we are going to marry anyhow , so why keep it awkward between us . Now that you know how hard it is for me and my biggest problem, that means i trust you enough. Please don't break this trust . I won't be able to forgive you . However, let me introduce myself again . Hello , i am Xia Ri , a little too straightforward and talkative. " she said as she smiled widely in the end . She extended her hand forward.

Dong Heon took her hand as he said ," Myself Dong Heon , call me Heon . I am a little childish and funny at times but most of the time in working environment i am cold and rude." He kissed her hand at the end.

This made Xia Ri blush as she pulled her hand back . She was flustered. She didn't look at him but anywhere .

Dong Heon chuckled noticing her actions . He just then said ," you need my help anytime , tell me . Give me your contact atleast." Xia Ri gave him her contact. He said ," let me drop you off back at home ."

Xia Ri nodded and they left .


Xia Ri entered the m mansion only to see her father throwing daggers at her . She stared back at him for a couple of seconds before heading to her room .

Her father yelled ,"Xia Ri , where were you ?!"

Xia Ri looked back at him as she said ," i was with Mr.Dong Heon . I went there to meet him . He asked me to . Call him if you want ."

Listening to her daughter's words sighed . He relaxed a little . Before he could say something else Xia Ri left .


Entering her room Xia Ri closed the door behind her . She threw herself on the bed . Her eyes drooping. She was tired . She fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes .


Dong Heon who was sitting in his car parked in front of a beer shop sighed . He had just sent a text to Xia Ri . Saying ,'rest early , gn.'

He smiled at his phone . Never did he thought that he would be stuck with his beautiful fiancé. He had always been a playboy . Never taken a relationship seriously. He had never felt like this before . For the first time he wasn't attracted to someone's body.

He had great looks appreciated by everyone. He owned a fashion brand . He and Heyeon Jun started that fashion brand years ago which had now flourished worlwide . He loved modeling, always wanted to be a model but he never could . His father had always pressurised him to watch news instead of cartoons , then studying abroad till he gets his degree .

Always alone , he had always wondered who could be someone who would complete him give him inner satisfaction. He doesn't know why he felt this way towards Xia Ri . The first time he met her he was too arrogant to admit she was beautiful and sassy . But now that he had met her , he liked how she behaved , how she looked . He smiled again at his train of thoughts .

He sighed thinking about her beautiful face . He then diverted his attention towards 'The matter between the step sisters .'

He sent a text to Heyeon jun that he would be coming to Heyeon jun's place tomorrow .

He checked the time , it was 11 pm . Still early for him to rest . He thought he should also go and do some extra office work . It would be easier for him to clear his schedule if it was needed in future .

[lol , he would surely have to make time to go and see Xia Ri .]



Xia Ri : i guess this part was pretty messy , i mean when i cried i had stained his shirt with my tears . But I didn't mention it .

Dong Heon: yes , me neither it would have been embarrassing . Also i really just loved the way she looked at me when I teased her . I wish if i could just kiss...

Xia Ri : shut up ! Its embarrassing.

Dong Heon : Ha ! Ha ! See she looks so cute .

Ji yun : aww Xiao you look cute !

Heyeon jun : look at Dong Heon, he looks as if he would eat her up ! Ha ! Ha !

All of them laugh together.

Author busy in writing the next chapter .