Day of moving in (part-1)

25th march , 20XX

Sunday .

Ji yun as usual woke up at 6 am . She had to move in today , she had already set a reminder. She took a bath and then started packing her clothes and a few other things she thought she would need . She had packed a bug suitcase and she didn't have to move in all of her things . Since she had to come here and live just in case .

She had packed all of her new suits but her shoes , i mean heels and everything she bought a couple of days ago also needed to be shifted . She asked the hotel management

To take her luggage to the car .

She informed them about her situation but didn't mention Heyeon jun's name .


On reaching the Heyeon jun's apartment. It was already 7:30 pm . She asked the gaurd to help her with the luggage . She was standing in front of the door as she took a deep breath before entering the code . The door opened as she stepped in looking around if there was Heyeon jun around . He wasn't.

She shifted all her luggage in . Thanking the gaurd . At this point Ji yun was confused , where was her room . She hesitantly dialed Heyeon jun's number.


Heyeon jun was doing his daily workout. He usually did one hour workout but on Sunday he would usually do double workout . Otherwise how can he maintain such a body ? Huh !

[come back to realistic world ! How can he be so fit without hitting the gym . Hmm ? Its not gifted .]

He had attached his phone to Bluetooth speaker and played some rock songs to give him a boost .

Suddenly his phone rang . He was doing push-ups. He sighed . He checked the ID . He sighed .

He picked it up , the old Heyeon jun was back . He said ,"what ?"

Ji yun replied in a unusually low voice ,"which one is my room ?"

"Left to the kitchen."

He ended the call right away as he continued his workout.


Ji yun sighed and looked at the door of the guest room . Who thought it was going to be her room ?

She entered the room and saw that the room was spacious. It had the same black , grey and white theme . With just a brown wooden study table and study for files and books .

There was slide in wardrobe on one side and another door leading to the washroom .

A huge window on the right wall , in front of the bed which had a view of backyard . It was pretty. She started taking everything in and started arranging everything as she wanted to . She even saw that there was 'Mac book air' lying on the table with some files . She knew who the person was .

[obviously Heyeon jun. ]

She took out her laptop and placed it on the table too . She needs to buy some stationary like books and pens too . Ha !

When ji yun was done with setting everything she made a list of some things she needed to buy . She looked and found that there was a nail on the wall . Probably for hanging a photograph . Ji yun looked at the photos she bought with her .

It was her photo in a big frame . She was wearing a black gown , her hands had net knitten gloves . Her face had makeup . Her hair tied in a messy updo . She looked beautiful. She had got this photo when she had visited london and attended a ball party for the first time .

She loved pictures as i said . So she had got this photo clicked by a professional photographer. Her hands were in her front , crossed . Her face held a smile as she looked at it .

She picked it up from her suitcase and hung it on the wall . Just then she heard a knock on the door . She said ,"Come in."

She closed the suitcase and placed on a corner of her wardrobe. Her wardrobe was already flooded with clothes before she placed her suits in . She was thankful for everything but worried at the same time .

Heyeon jun entered her room and the first thing that caught his attention wad her photo on the wall . He looked at it carefully , mesmerized by it . She looked just like a noble young miss . He turned his eyes to her and said ,"I never knew you were such a photography freak." Heyeon jun raised his brow .

Ji yun raised her brow as she said ,"You know nothing about me yet."

Heyeon jun smirked . Well , true af! But soon i will !

Ji yun saw how hus expression changed after seeing the photo. She said ," I think i should go and make breakfast." Heyeon jun was blocking the way for the door didn't budje .

He said ,"Firstly tell me , you met Xia Ri last night ?"

Ji yun froze , she looked at him , heyeon jun said ,"I don't wanted to lie to you so being straightforward i am telling you that i know you met Xia Ri yesterday. Just wanted to say that if you need me to look into something i would ." He left without another word .

Ji yun was left there dumbfounded. She somehow managed to gather back her senses and walked out of the room . She looked at the digital wall clock which was hanging on the right side of the Door opposite to the kitchen. It was 8:30 in the morning. She opened the fridge which was stalked with everything she would need for a perfect British breakfast.

She decided to make scrambled eggs with toast . She first prepared her special veggie mix of eggs and some very finely chopped veggies . Then she started toasting the bread . Side by side she prepared freshly brewed coffee .

Heyeon jun had already came downstairs. He was standing near the kitchen shelf with his arms crossed over his chest . Watching Ji yun carefully . He looked at her as she slid the cup of coffee towards him without even looking at him , clearly avoiding him . She poured the mixture she prepared in a pan and started to stir it . Soon her scrambled eggs were ready . She placed two bread toast and kept her scrambled eggs on top of it .

She picked up a fork and knife and slid the plate towards him . She looked at him and said ,"I want you to look into Xia Ri . I want to know everything. I would tell you about that later."

Heyeon jun's stare finally diverted as he sighed . He said ,"what will i get in return ?"

Ji yun looked at him again with a questionable look . She was confused, she already had too look at someone's computer for him but now what should she do ? She can only cook him a cheesecake because that was her Cafe's secret recipe.

She said ,"fine ! I would cook you a cheesecake."

Heyeon jun frowned. Is she kidding me ?!

But seeing her all serious expression he understood that she wasn't joking . He wanted to laugh but supressed it . He said ,"ok!" And left with his coffee and plate .

Ji yun sighed but when she realized ,'he agreed so easily ? 'She thought . But then she decided to cook another serving of her scrambled eggs for him .

As soon as Heyeon jun placed the scrambled eggs in his mouth . He closed his eyes . The taste was perfect and so homely cooked . For her the food he was eating was something he had never had before . He was used to eat bald food . And the idea of eating such a food daily made him happy .

Ji yun placed another serving of scrambled eggs on his plate before preparing two omelette from the same mixture for herself.

At the table Ji yun started explaining to him everything. How she met Xia Ri , what happened . What Xia Ri said or not . She even spilled what she thought and why . So basically Heyeon jun knows everything about Ji yun's situation now .

Ji yun then decided to the dishes while Heyeon jun ordered someone to look into Xia Ri.

Ji yun decided to visit her cafe atleast once. She hadn't visited it since yesterday. She was worried.

She went to Heyeon jun who was standing beside the huge glass window lost in his thoughts.


Heyeon jun who was lost in his own thoughts didn't hear Ji yun call his name . But he looked back at her when she slightly tapped his shoulder.

He looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

She said ,"I have to take leave for now , I'd come back by 1 pm ."

Heyeon jun though 'if i ask why would i look desperate?'

He nodded but Ji yun herself replied ,"I have to go and look after cafe too . Also do you want me to bring something for Ms.Heyeon Ri ?"

Heyeon jun relaxed a bit as He nodded and said ,"I'd text you."

Ji yun left . Heyeon jun dialed Dong Heon's number and said ,"You are late as always."

He ended the call right away . Knowing that his cousin will be here in five minuted Heyeoj jun silently walked to his study .