The party (part-1)

Xia mansion ,


5pm .

Dong Heon was standing in front of Xia Mansion , waiting for her . They needed to go and Get the rings for tomorrow.

He was wearing a loose hoddie with jeans and some white sneakers , making him look young and handsome . Hot , ofcourse!

Xia Ri entered his view wearing a white floral dress reaching her knees paired with white sneakers . She smiled at Him and waved . She came running towards him .

Dong Heon teased ,"Oh , looks like someone is eager to get married."

Xia Ri rolled her eyes ,"Yes I am ."

Dong Heon kissed her lips lightly and He opened the door for her and said ,"Hop in ."

Xia Ri blushed and replied ,"Why you kiss me so unexpectedly ?"

Dong Heon sighed and said ,"Cause i like seeing you blush."

Xia Ri rolled her eyes .


Dong Heon and Xia Ri were sitting beside each other as they tried on the rings . Xia Ri had choosen the pair which had two very small but beautiful infinity signs on them . Dong Heon agreed with her and asked the manager to send them to his adress .

The manager asked ,"Anything else , Mr.Dong ?"

Dong Heon nodded and said ,"There that pendant, I want that to be packed too ."

Xia Ri didn't say anything as she was busy in her phone texting her secretary about something.

Dong Heon smiled and tugged at her sleeve ,"I need attention too."

Xia Ri shrugged and said ,"All my attention is on you." She put her phone back in her pocket said,"hmm so , lets go get some ice cream ."

Dong Heon rolled his eyes and nodded . They exited the store and just then his phone rang . He smiled at the screen and picked it up ,"Long time No see Mr.Min."

The voice on the other end replied ,"I have a dinner party today at night, I know you can spare time for me . Afterall I am leaving tomorrow."

Dong Heon replied ,"Ofcourse , but why so hurriedly?"

Min shinze replied,"I ll tell you everything and do not forget to bring Xia Ri , i might not be able to attend your wedding ."

Dong Heon sighed and said ,"see you!"

The call ended .

Dong Heon looked at Xia Ri and said ,"My friend is having a dinner party today and We need to go . "

Xia Ri pouted and said ,"I will miss you ."

Dong Heon sighed and flicked her head slightly saying ,"I said 'we' not 'I or Me'."

Xia Ri made an 'O' face and nodded .

Dong Heon grabbed her wrist and said ,"Lets go , get you some ice cream."


Heyeon jun's apartment.

Heyeon jun , Song Chui and Heyeon Xia were sitting while having a nice talk . Heyeon Xia had just given the injection to Ji yun who was fast asleep in her room .

Heyeon jun asked ,"So , how do you know Ji yun ?"

Heyeon Xia Rolled her eyes and said ,"Ugh ! Didn't you know that she had been admitted in the hospital for two to three times and at that time I had made friends with her and she shared a hell lot of things with me . We are a kind of besties . She lost her best friend so.."

Heyeon jun asked confusingly,"You never told me about her ... you always tell me about all your friends ."

Heyeon Xia rolled her eyes and said ,"Aah , you jealous?"

Heyeon jun backfired ,"Why would i'd be jealous , I am already her boss and Even she makes me food everyday ."

Heyeon Xia smirked and said ,"Why don't you admit she is my sister in law ? "

Heyeon jun gave up and said ,"what the hell !!" He stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Heyeon Xia looked at Song Chui who was looking at Her with relaxed eyes . He was so handsome and good looking . She moved right next to him and looked at him in the eyes . He was still staring at her .

Heyeon Xia inched closer and pecked him on his lips . Song Chui didn't budge and was still staring intensely at her . Xia Ri sighed and said ,"why .. I mean why are you staring like that ."

Song Chui blinked and said ,"Cause I love you . And I love your smile and whatever you do ."

Heyeon Xia's blushed . She had heard this before but everytime he said this , he made her heart skip a beat . His intentions were so pure and were visible in his eyes . Her best friend loved her and she loved him too and ... she was the luckiest .

She smiled at him and kissed him lightly on his lips again . Song Chui wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer as she closed her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder. Heyeon jun who watched the full scene smiled . His sister has found her man . His eyes then met with Song Chui's as he winked at him and Heyeon jun winked back .


Min shinze hugged his wife from behind and asked ,"everyone might be coming babe , its almost the time ."

His wife was drinking water and she placed the cup on the dining table . She turned around and said ,"You never called me babe before ." She frowned and smirked .

Min shinze said ,"Cause I ... I wanna confess something."

She froze . Is something wrong ? She looked at him seriously and nodded . Min shinze took her face in his hand as he said ,"I ... I love you . Li Ahana ."

Li ahana blanked out for a couple of seconds but then her eyes started to tear up and she looked at him blankly . Min shinze smiled and said ," l love you for your patience and care and love you have given to me since we were married. I love you for the time you have spent alone just because you loved me .. I am greatful."

Li Ahana leaned in and kissed him softly before saying ,"I have always loved you Min shinze . And I always will."

Min shinze pulled her even closer supporting her back with his hand saying ,"Lets start our new married life from now onwards " as he kissed her .

Suddenly they hear clapping sound and they looke outside the window seeing everyone standing there clapping and cheering for them . Li Ahana burried her face in his chest as she blushed and Min shinze smiled widely at his friends.


Min shinze let everyone in and asked ,"You all came at once . Thats cool . Now this party feels like an adult party , we all are couples right ?

Ji yun choked and coughed and So did Heyeon jun . Min shinze let out an awkward laugh and said ,"ooh ! We have two singles too , umm why don't you two pair up as a couple for tonight."

Dong Heon and Song Chui also said ,"Yes , yes its a great idea Juni."

Heyeon jun awkwardly looked at Ji yun and Ji yun looked at him . She pursed her lips as mumbled,"Should we ?"

Heyeon jun looked around at everyone and then everyone including Li Ahana , Heyeon Xia and Xia Ri cheered them up .

Ji yun's face turned slightly red as Heyeon jun said ,"Fine ! We will but just for now ."

Ji yun nodded with an awkward smile . They were all sitting on the couch . So Heyeon jun next to Ji yun . Xia Ri next to Dong Heon . Heyeon Xia next to Song Chui . Li Ahana next to Min shinze.

Min shinze asked ,"You all came at once hugh !"

Dong Heon replied,"Yeah ! Coincidentally we did come together. I mean Me and Xia Ri came at the same time as Heyeon jun and Song Chui. Chui texted me that they both will come together so .. "

Min shinze nodded and said ,"Ok ok ! Well first lets start with introducing ourselves because we see there are two new members here , Ji yun and Xia Ri , so lets start."

Li Ahana said ,"Oh wait let me get some drinks first . And some nachos with some spicy salsa sauce."

Heyeon Xia Said ,"I will help , Ahana."

They both left .

Min shinze looked at Xia Ri and said ,"So you are our beautiful sister-in-law hugh ? I heard you both are collecting marriage certificates tomorrow? Oh my god I wish If I could witness that but we are leaving early . "

Xia Ri smiled widely at Min shinze and said ,"Thankyou for calling me beautiful. I have heard about you from Dong Heon Mr.Min , its really sad you won't be able to attend our wedding . Dong Heon had been continuously complaining about you leaving tomorrow ."

Min shinze looked at Ji yun and said ,"I know you both already know each other . But please introduce yourself again to each other , POLITELY PLEASE!"

Ji yun nodded as her eyes met with Xia Ri . Xia Ri smiled slightly saying ,"Myself , Xia Ri ."

Ji yun nodded and said ,"Ji yun , your sister."

Xia Ri's eyes widened . What did she say ? My sister!? What the hell ? Did she just call her sister ?

She looked at Dong Heon and asked ,"Sister ? Did she just call me her sister ?" Her voice filled with surprise as if she heard something unbelievable.

Dong Heon's lips curved upwards as he nodded . Heyeon jun looked at Ji yun and he smiled too . Ji yun bit her lower lip . She had decided to give her a chance. Maybe it will work out .

Xia Ri excitedly screamed as she ran to Ji yun and hugged her . Ji yun's eyes watered as she felt her warmth . Something in her heart melted . Her lips curved upwards as she hesitantly wrapped her hands around Xia Ri .

Xia Ri let go of Ji yun and said ,"Thankyou !! Yun ."

Ji yun nodded and said ,"Don't do something to hurt me again."

Xia Ri raised her pinky finger as she said ,"Pinky promise ." Ji yun chuckled and crossed her pinky finger with Xia Ri as she giggled .

Heyeon jun and Dong Heon shared a meaningful gaze . Heyeon jun winked at Dong Heon and he blinked twice . Then their eyes landed on Song Chui who looked firstly at Heyeon jun and then at Dong Heon and then at Min shinze. His face had a weird expression and he announced ,"I need to know a lot of things !"

Three of them chuchled and Ji yun and Xia Ri also went to the kitchen.



Song Chui : I was fucking confused bro ! I was like oh my god I don't know anything!

Heyeon Jun : yeah , but dude I still remember Mr.Min's confession . He was so sincere and even Ahana blushed like a fool . I still have that picture we secretly clicked .

Mr.Min : you have a picture ? You didn't send me you bastard its been ten years !

Heyeon Jun laughed : Its in my laptop , I forgot .

Song Chui : where is Dong Heon ?

Everyone looks at Dong Heon who is flirting with his wife . Author rolls her eyes ,"Get back on the topic . Lets continue."