Do you know how to knock ?

Heyeon jun looked back over his shoulder and saw Heyeon Xia and Song Chui. He raised a brow and said ,"Do you know how to knock ."

Ji yun was stunned but seeing that Heyeon didn't budge and was still holding her tightly her ears and cheeks turned red . She struggled but she heard Song Chui ,"Oh , Ji yun see your face is already red . You didn't get caught doing something wrong , you are just drinking lemonade."

Heyeon Xia added,"Though you look like a couple sitting like this but Nevermind since you my brother is so generous."

Heyeon jun pulled away and got up . Ji yun didn't look up as she was blushing hard . She was too tired to explain herself.

Heyeon jun looked at Heyeon Xia and said ,"Since you don't want me to help her , why don't you help her drink it ."

Ji yun looked up and met Heyeon Xia's eyes .

Heyeon Xia took a seat next to Ji yun and said ,"Hi!" Ji yun frowned and said ,"I never knew you would be his sister."

Heyeon Xia chuckled ,"So you still remember me ." Ji yun nodded and said ,"I never forget my partners in crime . Since you were on vacation I didn't contact you."

Heyeon Xia smiled and said ,"well its fine but first tell me how did this happen and how do you feel."

Ji yun replied,"umm , I didn't eat anything else than the cookies in lunch given by the manager of HR department. "

Heyeon jun frowned and mumbled,"Mi chan's sister ... Mi Ria "

Ji yun nodded and said ,"I know she was upto something but however I am just feeling tired and nauseous."

Heyeon Xia looked at Heyeon jun and then at Song Chui and finally at Ji yun . She said ,"Go take the pregnancy test ."

Ji yun coughed furiously and Heyeon jun looked at Heyeon Xia and then at Ji yun , shocked . Heyeon Xia smiled and said ,"Aw , congratulations brother .."

Heyeon Jun looked at Ji yun and said ,"would you say something Ji yun !"

Ji yun calmed herself down and said ,"I cannot be pregnant, how can I ?"

Heyeon Xia asked ,"why not ?" Seeing her serious expression Ji yun almost cried and said ,"Thats not possible!!! "

Heyeon jun was so confused and so did Song Chui who hasn't said a word yet but looking at Xia Ri , he knew she was upto a prank for sure .

Song Chui asked this time ,"why not ?"

Ji yun looked at Heyeon jun and Song Chui and then at Heyeon Xia before yelling ,"Because .... because .."

she closed her eyes shut and heard Heyeon jun's cold voice ,"Don't waste my time Ji yun .."

Ji yun's face turned red as she said in a low voice ," because... I am a Virgin."

Heyeon Xia burst into laughter and so did Sond chui where as Heyeon Jun didn't know why but felt relieved. Heyeon jun sighed and looked at Ji yun's red face as she was biting her lip . He laughed too and it made Ji yun cover her face with her hands .

Heyeon Xia said ,"Sorry Ji yun , I had to take my revenge from last time . But lets be serious, go and take the test . " Ji yun glared at her and said ,"Aah ! Thats so embarrassing Xiao !! "

Song Chui finally turned into a doctor and said ,"Go take the test , don't worry even if it's positive, it doesn't mean you are pregnant. I will explain later . Go !"

Ji yun nodded and said ,"Xiao help me get back to my room."

They both left leaving Song Chui and Heyeon Jun behind . Heyeon jun turned to look at him and said ,"whats the matter ?"

Song Chui replied casually ,"She is drugged dude . "

Heyeon jun asked ,"Will she make it to the party ." Song Chui's expression changed to a teasing one as he asked ,"Why , you won't attend party if she doesn't?"

Heyeon jun threw a death glare at him . Song Chui rolled his eyes and said ,"No need to worry , she is gonna be fine after an hour or so but you know what ?."

Heyeon jun raised his eyebrow and Song Chui continued,"I was about to call you that we will leave for party together and see you yourself did ."

Heyeon jun rolled his eyes and nodded .

Song Chui said ,"Come on lets see Ji yun's reaction. I love her cute reactions . My sister-in-law is so cute . "

Heyeon jun looked at Song Chui and said ,"Dare you say that in front of her ."

Song chui nodded ,"Ai , Ai !"


Ji yun let in a deep breath and looked at the test . It's positive!!!

Her face turned red , this is not how you should feel when you know you are pregnant. But she is not .

However when She opened the door and saw Heyeon jun standing there staring at her , her face turned red . She passed the test to Heyeon xia and said ,"Its positive."

Heyeon jun stepped near her and bent down to whisper in her ear . What he said made Ji yun throw daggers at him .

He whispered,"If I didn't knew you are a virgin , i would have thought you have a sugar dady."

Heyeon jun smirked at stepped back . Heyeon Xia smiled at their gestures . She said ,"Guys , If you are hiding something, tell us . What if she is really pregnant?"

Song Chui laughed and said ,"You have teased them enough, not lets be a little serious . So , you are drugged but not something to worry about I will get you another drug , which will cancel the effects . Ok ?"

Heyeon jun looked at Ji yun , who nodded but the smirk didn't leave his face . Ji yun rolled her eyes and said ,"I would get even Heyeon jun."

Heyeon jun laughed and left with Song Chui leaving Heyeon Xia and Ji yun .

Heyeon Xia looked at her said ,"He is always fooling around . Ignore and yes I think you should sleep , party is after almost two hours , don't worry . I will inject you so .."

Ji yun nodded and said ,"Thankyou xiao , I have a lot of things to share with you yet ."

Heyeon Xia nodded and said ,"Sleep first . I will come and stay with you for two days then ."

Ji yun nodded and firstly changed into a new set of clothes . And then she snuggled into her bed and Heyeon Xia just sat beside her and thought she is so lucky . She at some point had wishes to introduce Ji yun To Heyeon jun and see DESTINY !!!


Heyeon jun was looking out of the window thinking about Ji yun . Dude she looked so cute with that irritated face . He loved teasing her . And the funniest part of the day , when she was shocked to hear that she was pregnant.

Her face was hilarious, to be honest Heyeon jun was himself shocked to a point where he thought he might loose his cool and hit her in the face , he didn't have sex with her then how's she pregnant.

Heyeon jun coughed at his thoughts himself and mumbled,"Why would I want her to be pregnant with my baby ?"

Heyeon jun shook his head and mumbled ,"Such a ... argh!"

Just them Song Chui got inside the car and said ,"Thankyou for Waiting."

Heyeon jun nodded and Song Chui started the Car . He didn't miss the frown on Heyeon jun's face . It was a weird type of face expression. Heyeon jun looked at Song Chui and said ,"Hey Imma tell you something, you are doctor. So tell me truthfully without making a fool out of ne and no jokes please."

Song Chui nodded. Heyeon jun took a deep breath and said ,"So here is the case , If you can't control yourself when you see them , I mean you wanna kiss them and you know .. "

Song Chui smiled and nodded,"I know.."

Heyeon jun continued,"So does that mean you are sexually attracted to them ?"

Song Chui nodded casually still looking at Heyeon jun with a smile . Heyeon jun frowned and asked ,"what the hell you looking at ?"

Song Chui's smile turned into a smirk as he said ,"You need a release man . You have been fucked up."

Heyeon jun rolled his eyes and asked ,"When was the last time you hit that shit ?"

Song Chui nodded and said ,"With your sister a few days back."

Heyeon jun's face darkened and he warned ,"Over the limit .."

Song Chui laughed and replied ,"Sorry dude , I hadn't had one since last three years from when I had been in love with your sister. I swear to god . Wait ... you talking about Ji yun aren't you ?"

Heyeon jun scoffed ,"Hell no !"

Song Chui replied,"Hell yeah man , you want Ji yun ." Heyeon jun shook his head . Song Chui scoffed and said ,"I know you .. see your eyes say that all . I am not saying you like her , I am saying you ....."

Heyeon jun cut him off ,"Aah okok ! I agree now drive."
