Prince charming of my dreams

Friday morning

Heyeon jun's apartment.

Everything was pretty normal and same as usual . Ji yun prepared the breakfast and they had It together as they discussed about the meeting . After they left they went straight to their work .


Ji yun looked at the clock , its 11:30 . Just a few minutes left for the meeting . Its her first meeting and she is a bit nervous indeed . She went to the small kitchen and coincidentally there was Someone in the kitchen .

He was a handsome young man with a nice built . He tall too . But Ji yun didn't bother that . She went inside as she prepared a cup of honey water to calm her mind .

The bou asked ,"Excuse me , I am new here . Can you please tell me how to make coffee?"

Ji yun looked at him briefly before nodding . She then explained him how to use the coffee machine . The boy extended and said ,"I am Michael Chang , i am new receptionist here . Nice to meet you Miss Ji yun."

Ji yun smiled slightly and nodded. She completely ignored his hand as she always did with everyone. She then said ,"I hope you focus and work well." And then she left the kitchen only to bump into Heyeon jun .

Heyeon jun frowned and asked ,"You are even running around in the office ?" Ji yun guiltily looked down at her feet and said ,"Sorry boss."

Heyeon jun nonchalantly asked ,"You ready for the meeting ?"

Ji yun nodded and replied ,"A little nervous but its fine."

Heyeon jun nodded and was about to leave when he heard someone call Ji yun . He looked at the boy who just stepped out of the kitchen with Ji yun's phone .

The boy extended his hand and said ,"you forgot your phone ."

Ji yun made an 'oh' face and grabbed it without looking at Michael. She left with an indifferent expression.

Heyeon jun eyes the boy and said ,"Get back to work little boy . There is a lot to do."

He went straight to the office but he didn't know why he felt weird When he saw Ji yun atract with any other man beside him .


Xia mansion.

Xia Ri woke up early to take a long hot shower and pack her stuff . She would be the only one to be so happy to get married and even so happy to leave her own home .

She had already done all the packing and even informed Mr.Xia about collecting certificates.

Right now she was putting on some makeup and prettying up a little because after 30 minutes Dong Heon would come to pick her up .


Dong Heon looked at the mirror and smiled at himself . He was wearing a Navy coat-pant with a red tie which was hugging his body highlighting his big buit .

He had set his black hair back neatly which highlighted his intense black eyes and sharp jawline . His right ear had a small cross piercing.

He looked up to down and then he swiftly picked up his watch and put it on his wrist . He adjusted his tie and then he thought he should remove it and he did that .

He opened his collar button and felt satisfied. He finally left his room picking up his phone and some official documents that were needed for registration.


Heyeon jun looked at Ji yun who was attentively taking all the notes as secretary should do . He loved it when she was all serious not when she spoke rude and all . He sighed internally and concentrated back on the meeting . Currently a girl was giving presentation .

she seemed to be a newbie and Ji yun had already noticed that too. She was purposely watching the presentation carefully as she wanted to see if this newbie gets easily nervous .

The newbie was indeed very nervous but Ji yun was impressed how the newbie was acting all good and giving the presentation really well. Ji yun's eyes met with that of Heyeon jun who was looking at the girl. Ji yun slightly hit his elbow with hers .

Heyeon jun glared at her. He threw a glare at her which said,"watch your behaviour Ji yun."

Ji yun clicked her tongue and said in a low voice ,"ask her a question."

Heyeon jun raised a brow and saw that Ji yun blinked twice at him as if assuring him . The presentation had just started and he was super confused . However he did ask the girl ,"explain the graph." Ji yun mentally face palmed herself .

He was really Acting like dumbo , she meant to ask her a question not command her to do something. Ji yun shook her head as she regretted asking him for help. what a dumb CEO, lol.


Xia Ri smiled at her father sweetly as she said," father rest assured , everything will go as planned. As I promised I will make him fall in love with me."

Mr.Xia smiled at her and said ,"hope so my sweet daughter." Xia ri bowed one last time before leaving . Her face held a smirk. She turned around to leave a she looked at Dong Heon's car parked in front .

She streatched her neck as if getting ready for a long day ahead. she started taking steps towards him and froze as her eyes met with his black ones that looked at her intensely . she was wearing a red off shoulder dress which hugged her figure highlighting her curves .

Dong heon looked at her as he smiled a little but his words were struck in his throat . She looked so beautiful and amazing .

her red lipstick highlighted her small and plum lips where as the mascara highlighted her long lashes. she looked even beautiful with the blush on her cheeks .

Xia Ri's heart had already skipped many beats seeing him, look all handsome and enchanting with those looks. She gulped slightly , being at loss of words.

She was the one breaking silence as she said,"you look like the price charming of my dreams ." her cute compliment made Dong heon chuckle .

Dong heon looked at her and said," lets go my beautiful wife." Xia Ri smiled at his weird way of complementing her . She nodded as he opened the door for her .

She chuckled at his gentlemanly action. She never thoght she would get this type of treatment but she knew she definitely desrved it.


Dong heon looked at Xia Ri who was looking at him too. He smiled a little and then he signed the papers and so did Xia Ri. Finally they were married . Dong Heon pulled Xia Ri in for a kiss as she blushed hard and pecked him slighly on his lips.

Xia Ri was sure of one thing , she was never going to regret this day and she only hoped for a better future.They finally collected the certificates and left the registeration office.


Dong Heon looked at Xia Ri who was looking out of the window with a subtle smile on her face he loved the peaceful silence between them .

He was taking her to the apartment so that they can spend time together. He even decided to postpone the party he planned so thay they can spend more time together.

They finally arrived at his two storey apartment which was going to be their new home. He was indeed good at picking places. This apartment was in one of the most expensive colony where only multi billionires could afford .

Xia Ri was in an awe seeing the house . The house had a simple yet enchanting elevation . It was grey and back with a hint of off white . It was not huge but huge at the same time .

She really wanted to go in and see the interior. Dong Heon who had been noticing her expressions could guess how happy she was.

Dong heon said ,"Lets go in . " Just then his phone rang . He looked at it , it was secretary Han. He frowned , he specially mentioned not to disturb him unless its something really important . What could be so important ?

He cleared his throat and ignored the call as he smiled at Xia Ri and said ,"Lets go."

Xia Ri wrapped her arm around his arm and nodded sweetly.