Was he drinking all this time .

Xia Ri was in an awe seeing the interior . The aprartment looked amazing with its off white and brown theme .

The interior was all made with wood and looked amazing. There was a huge living room and a kitchen on the groumd floor . There was also an empty room which was right opposite to the living area .

There was huge Dining table (not that huge though, like a eight seater table) in front of the kitchen and there were couch and and bean bags with a small table in between right opposite to the dining table . There was a 52 inch LCD in front of the couch .

Map to help for imagination:

|_| (door) ————|

__ (K) |

(Dining table) |

| __ |

| |

| / :::::::: \ (couch) |

| (extra room)_______/////////|

[Hope this helps well i wAsted twenty five minutes on this lol . Also ///// means staircase.]

Dong Heon was leaning against the staircase as he looked at her with s subtle smile on his face . When she looked at her , he said ,"Lets go , see our room ."

Xia Ri's heart skipped a beat hearing the word 'our'. She nodded as she bit her bottom lip with excitement.


Xia Ri was in an awe to see the room and she really liked the view from the window , she could also see the rising buildings of the city from here . She looked at Dong Heon and smiled, what a wonderful gift she got , her room was also contrasted cream and brown . With one of the walls being grey , it gave a vibe of that of a seven star hotel.

She walked in the huge closet , one side was filled with her clothes and other with his . Her shoes and dresses even her makeup was placed neatly and she really was happy that she doesn't have to bother about unpacking things anymore but still her casuals were in her suitcase that she bought .

Dong Heon didn't say a word and just let her explore the first floor herself and he knew she was really happy with the apartment.


Xia Ri stood frozen when Dong Heon suddenly sealed her lips with his standing near the kitchen counter . She was just taking a look around the kitchen getting familiar with it , but he pulled her in .

Xia Ri gave in as Dong Heon wrapped his arms around her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck .

Dong Heon then let her go kissing her tip of nose and then her head , he knew he wasn't in love with her yet , but he definitely would fall for her if she would act so cute .

Everything she did was cute in its own way . She was a temptress and its hard for him to control himself .

Xia Ri blushes but she pushed him aside and went to the fridge looking what was in there .

Just then Dong Heon's phone rang again .

Xia Ri looked at him and said nonchalantly,"Pick it up , it must be important."

Dong Heon smiled slightly and answered the phone call as his mood darkened. He didn't say anything just waited for the other end to say something. He ended the call after listening to him as he guiltily looked at Xia Ri and said,"Its something important, I have to go , I am sorry but I promise I would be back before the night falls."

Xia Ri smiled and shook her head,"its fine , since it's important you may go , we still have the night ." She winked . Dong Heon's face expression turned weird, is this her naughty side now , oh Wow. He kissed her on the tip of her nose once again before leaving .


Xia Ri looked around the house and she decided to unpack her suitcase . After she was done with that she decided to make an evening snack since there was still a lot of time left .

She checked the time , it was just 5:30 . She ate her food and then cleaned the kitchen . Now she was bored , what should she do , she decided to pick her phone up and hesitated before dialing Ji yun's number.


Ji yun was at a verge of crying because she messed up in the report and she had to make it again , she hated making reports . Aaah !! That fool gave her the file .

She just deleted the report to make the new one but her phone started ringing. She looked at it and when she saw It was Xia Ri , she remembered that she just got married today so she picked it up immediately.

Ji yun was the first one to speak,"Congratulations and Celebrations ..."

Xia Ri chuckled and said ,"Aah , ok ok , I know you just care about Celebration ."

Ji yun replied,"Indeed . Well where is your husband, Here I thought you would be too exhausted to pick the call ."

Xia Ri clicked her tongue,"Maybe tomorrow I ll be exhausted , night is yet to come."

"Well where is Dong Heon ?"

"There were some urgent matters at the company so he left but he promised me to be back before the night falls ."

"Umm , I think you should pretty yourself up a little , afterall there isn't much time left."

"Nah , i am not the type to do that. I's getting bored here , so I thought I should give a call to you."

"Its ok , you can call me but actually , i have to submit this report before leaving office or I will have to work overtime. I ll come see you tomorrow."

"Oh , finsih your work then otherwise that jerk of a boss will not let you go , I shall also go pretty myself up a little."

Call ended ..

Just as Ji yun put the phone down she heard Heyeon jun asking,"Who you wanna see tomorrow."

Ji yun replied,"My boyfriend with a subtle smile on her face."

Heyeon jun's face subconsciously darkened . He pursed his lips and said,"Miss.Ji yun its better for you to concentrate on your work , personal calls aren't allowed during working hours ."

Ji yun scoffed and said ,"Fine boss , I won't repeat it."

Heyeon jun looked at her meekily before leaving . Ji yun pouted her lips,"whats with him hugh?"


Heyeon jun was just passing by her office when he heard talking to someone on phone . When he entered he just heard her say ,"I ll see you tomorrow."

He frowned, who would she see tomorrow? He didn't know why but he asked her that and when he heard that she was meeting her boyfriend tomorrow, His face darkened . He didn't even knew my he didn't like the word Boyfriend from her mouth . When did she even get a boyfriend? Huh ?

After leeshing out on her without any particular reason he left her office still grumpy .

Does she really has a boyfriend?


Xia Ri had been waiting for a long time now so she decided to take Hot shower and apply some moisturizer. Just as she stepped out of the bathroom she expected to see Dong Heon , but she saw an empty room . She looked at the wall clock , it was already half past ten . He said he would be back before the night falls , in some time it would be midnight.

She sighed and mumbled,"It must have been something really important and urgent."

Another hour passed and then other . Xia Ri was sitting in the room curled up on the bed . She had been waiting for him for too long , she had even prepared the dinner which was getting cold every passing minute .

She couldn't even fall asleep in this room alone . She looked around but what could she do , should she call him ? No , what if it's something important and she is disturbing him.

All of a sudden the door opened with a loud bang . She was startled and looked up at him . Her breath hitched as she looked at Dong Heon , His hairs messed up , his eyes slightly red , his cheeks and ears were slightly red .

His shirt was rolled up till his sleeves . She hurried to his side and she smelled strong alcohol. What ? Was he drinking all this time ? Dong Heon threw a deathly glare at her and warned ,"get away from me."

Xia Ri was taken a back , what happened all of a sudden , what is this ? Why would he come home drunk when he went for the company's urgent matter .

When Xia Ri didn't let go of his arm , he jerked her hand away and said ,"Get out Xia Ri!"

Xia Ri froze , what is this all happening? Wasn't this all supposed to be good and happy . Why is it exactly the opposite. Her heart scattered into a million pieces , why is this happening to her .