She couldn’t fall asleep

Xia Ri looked at Dong Heon who pushed her out and shut the door on her face , leaving her just like that . Tears rolled down her eyes . What did she do wrong ?

She fell on her knees crying her heart out . After sometime she could feel the temperature of her body rising due to the cold floor . She decided to go downstairs and sleep on the couch , since she had no other option. Even if all this was a mess , she knew one thing clearly , nothing will be solved by crying like this .

She got lost in her thoughts and soon fell asleep on couch crumpled up in a ball .


Dong Heon closed the door behind him with a bang and took a deep breath . His lips curved up as he looked at himseld in the mirror,"you wanted to love this woman , who is just playing with you ?"

He laughed at himself and the. Again mumbled,"She is no different from orhers . Just the same . She just is using you Dong Heon , wake up . You can't fall in love with her just like that . She hurted you , she just betrayed you . No ! No ! No !"

His eyes teared up but tears didn't fall . He threw his coat on the side couch and went in to take a shower . He didn't care anymore , he will get even with her , she was playing games when now he will teach her how games are actually played .


Author's point of view.

With such a big ego and self respect how can he manage to swallow the fact that he had been played by her , never possible. This one night is going to change the story into a new completely different story .


Ji yun looked at the wall clock , it was almost 1 am and here they are still working In Heyeon jun's study . She looked Heyeon jun who was still studying the file and making some scribbling all over it . Here she was making reports. She was so done , they had two weeks to complete the work and then they would be going to london for a business trip where they would know whether the deal is finalized or not .

She stretched her neck and this caught Heyeon jun's attention. He asked ,"How much is done ."

Ji yun smiled ,"Four files are yet to be done."

Heyeon jun rolled his eyes and sighed ,"Go and sleep then . You can do the rest tomorrow. But yes before that bring me a cup of coffee."

Ji yun smiled wide , finally she can sleep but wait what did he just say after that . Ji yun frowned , bring him a cup of coffee ? She asked ,"So you're gonna stay up late?"

Heyeon jun asked indifferently ,"So ?"

Ji yun sighed and said ,"You should go to sleep too , as a friend I am saying that And you will not work anymore tonight . You need to get good sleep for better brain performance."

Heyeon jun leaned back on the chair and said ,"Should I ? Well I won't, leave."

Ji yun squinted her eyes and walked up tp him . She pulled his sleeve ,"get up !"

Heyeon jun frowned,"what are you doing ,Don't force me to be rude with you now ."

Ji yun was acting stubborn again . She declared,"I don't care , just get up and go to bed."

Heyeon jun twitched his lips and suddenly stood up towering Ji yun . Ji yun took a step back but Heyeon jun pulled her with her wrist . She bumped into his sterdy chest . Ji yun froze what was this happening. Heyeon jun inched closer to her . Ji yun's heart beated fast as she gulped . Heyeoj jun whispered in her ear ,"Now , would you go or .."

Ji yun yelled,"I ll go..."

her face was red and she hurried out . Heyeon jun's lips curved upwards as he smiled slyly . He thought,'Pretty easy way to deal with you.'

Ji yun locked the door behind and gulped again . His breath tingled against her ear , she could still feel the tingles in her skin . Wow , she would go crazy at such rate . She cursed in embarrassment and threw herself on the bed.


Xia Ri woke up in the middle of the night since she was feeling cold , what should she do ?

She was habitual of sleeping with comforter at night .

She raised up her torso and found herself on the floor rather than being on the couch . She frowned , did she fall ?

She stood up and decided to drink some ht water which will help her sooth cold . She went to the kitchen and boiled some water and started drinking sip by sip .

She felt relaxing after some time . She couldn't fall back asleep , it was already 4 am in the morning and it was saturday , she had taken one week leave so she didn't have to go to office today . Her attention diverted back to what happened earlier .

She was thinking with a rationed mind . What did she do wrong to be treated like that ? What was with this sudden change of Dong Heon's attitude .

She sighed and thought,'Best way is to talk it out.' Just then she closed her eyes and tried to fall back asleep which she really did but she couldn't sleep well due to cold .


Dong Heon woke up with a throbbing pain in his head , he had drunk a lot last night. He cursed and got up from the bed . He looked around to find an empty bed . He remembered how he threw her out of the room and somehow felt a little guilty.

But his eyes turned cold again as soon as the memories from tomorrow hit him .


Dong Heon reached his office almost in rage . What was so important? He looked at The man sitting on couch waiting for him .

He looked at the man and asked ,"You are .."

The man smirked and said,"Xia Ri's boyfriend."

Dong Heon's face darkened. He asked again,"I am sorry, are you sure I heard right ?"

The man nodded and picked up his phone from table and opened his gallery,"Here's proof . You can see all you want."

Dong Heon grabbed the phone and started going through the photos . The man and Xia Ri stood beside each other in almost every photo . The smile on her face proved it .

Dong Heon gulped slightly. His heart ached . He asked indifferently ,"Why you come to see me so urgently." Giving his phone back .

The man played a video on his phone and again passed it to Dong Heon. The video was of Xia Ri sitting opposite to someone and talking about Dong Heon .

"He is just a fool i think . I's just make him fall in love with me and then done . Take advantage and leave."

"For me He is nothing but just a card to save everything up."

"This marriage means nothing to me."

Dong Heon froze hearing the words . His heart ached listening her words . He looked at the man and asked,"And this means ?"

The mam smiled,"Just warning you . She is playing with you plus me . Just a whore,Dont fall for her sweetness and cuteness."

Dong Heon was still indifferent,"You name?"

"Michael Chang."

The man walked out of the office and left.

Dong Heon's heart as if broke into a million pieces. So it was just a game for her . She had been playing games with him . Dong Heon laughed at himself and left the building.

Driving aimlessly he went to a bar , after drinking he drove back to a bridge. Crying his heart out and regretting everything he did for her . His heart ached . He spent all his time on the bridge and went back home .



He decided to take a quick shower and wear something casual. Aftwe doing so he let his hair dry just like that . He went downstairs as his eyes landed on a figure standing by the dining table . He clearly saw she was setting table up for breakfast.

Dong Heon headed downstairs without another thought and took a seat on the table completely ignoring her presence.