Someone is blushing

Ji yun chuckled ,"Oh well well , why did you call me . Spend your time with your husband hugh ?"

Xia Ri looked at Dong Heon ,"Yeah I am spending a lot of time with him from last two days . Be thankful that I made time to call you."

Dong Heon froze hearing her words . He pursed his lips and he looked at her , she had a slight smile on her face , but her eyes seemed a little dull . He averted his gaze and was sitting there listening to her , pretending to play with his phone . Taking a seat on the other side of the bed .

Xia Ri was cracking silly jokes with Ji yun and after sometime she ended the call . Heaving a sigh . She fell back on the bed and looked at him ,"Care to share why you doing all this ?"

Dong Heon shot her a look , straightforward as always . He leaned back switching off his phone ,"You really don't know ?" His face turned cold.

Xia Ri lazily blinked,"I wouldn't have asked you then , Didn't I tell you from the start that you will clearify every doubt with me even if I am wrong." Dong Heon realized what she said was indeed true . He looked at her and saw her eyes shimmering with tears.

Dong Heon sighed ,"Get up!" His voice was low . Xia Ri stood up and walked to him and took a seat right beside him . She looked in his eyes,"Heon,Please tell me what did I do wrong?"

Dong Heon gulped the lump in his throat,"You played me ." Xia Ri scoffed,"How?"

"You married me just because You wanted to take advantage of Me and then leave."

Xia Ri froze ,"Heon I agree , that was the case before I bumped into you at the Blue moon hotel but after I became Friends with you and I shared everything with you , I no more married You to take advantage of you . You remember when .."

Tears welled in her eyes ,"When I .. told you that I was forced into the marriage I hated you , thats when I thought that way , but I no longer think that way . Instead I have started developing feelings for you ." Biting her lips she looked at him .

Dong Heon's face expression changed listening to her . He felt guilty,"But that Guy , he told me you played me ." Xia Ri pursed her lips ,"Who?" Dong Heon was reading her expressions carefully,"Michael Chang."

Xia Ri's face turned cold ,"You believed him ?"

Dong Heon looked at her and his heart felt a slight pain looking at her cold eyes , yes , why did he believe him ? ,"He has proofs that you are his girlfriend."

Xia Ri scoffed,"What proofs ?"

"Your pictures with him , he .."

"Enough Heon , He is my god brother . He might have played a trick on you , I told him I don't like you and then I informed him I like you . He might wanted to test you out and you failed Heon."

Dong Heon scoffed,"Can i just believe you like that ." Xia Ri smiled coldly ,"Fine , I ll prove myself."

Picking up her phone she dialed a Number . The phone was on speaker ,"Hey Brother."

Michael's voice was very cheerful,"How Is my little sister doing . Having a tough time with your husband?"

Xia Ri looked at Domg Heon ,"Did you do something?" Michael sighed ,"Ofcourse I did , did he pass my test ?"

Xia Ri chuckled,"Ofcourse He did." Michael said,"Xia Ri I'll call you back in sometime , I am on a movie date with Lily."

Xia Ri ended the call . Tears rolled down her cheeks ,"You failed."

She got up and was about to leave when Dong Heon caught her wrist ,"Xiao , I'm sorry." Xia Ri looked back and saw tears in his eyes . He pulled her but Xia Ri jerked his hand away and said,"Its ok , I just want some time alone."

Dong Heon hurried hugged her from behind,"Please! I'm sorry , I was just hurt and I thought you would use me and leave me alone .."

Xia Ri froze "Heon?"

Dong Heon couldn't controle his tears ,"I'm sorry." His hurt was filled with pain , sadness , Regret .

Xia Ri turned around and she almost lost it when she saw his tears . She quickly held his face and looked at him ,"Its ok Heon . You made a mistake and You can still correct It . As long as you You can learn from it , not to repeat this again , everything will be the same between us . I'm not mad at you .."

She hugged him tightly. Dong Heon closed his eyes,"I'm sorry." He wrapped his arms around her not to tightly since he knew she had back pain.

Xia Ri closed her eyes,"Lets start again." Dong Heon let go of her and looked in her eyes,"Lets start again." He placed a soft kiss on her head ,"Thankyou for being so understanding Xiao."

Xia Ri smiled at his sweet gesture and pecked his lips ,"You need to be understanding too .. Now lets spend some fun time together.. should we ?"

Dong Heon smiled back at her ,"Ofcourse." He pulled her slightly and wrapped his arms around her shoulders and they both walked out of the room smiling like kids .


Heyeon Jun's apartment

Ji Yun frowned ,"Aish , I made pasta , I made sandwiches , I even made some cheesecake. Where is he ? Its almost 1 pm."

Clicking her tongue she went to the fridge and decided to make some cold coffee too since she loved cold coffees .

Heyeon Jun headed downstairs and saw her wearing a blood red silk top paired with black ripped jeans . Her hairs tied in a messy bun and a few strands stuck to her face , and neck.

He walked to the dining table and saw there was pasta , there were sandwiches, there was even Cheesecake. His mood lightened up . She indeed made delecious meals .

Ji Yun smiled at him and placed a cup of cold coffee in from of him and One for her . Heyeon Jun smiled back slightly. There wasn't any awkwardness between them , that was strange though .

Heyeon Jun sipped the coffee ,"So, Mom wanted to see you , you might have recieved a text." Ji Yun smiled and nodded,"We will go for some shopping in the evening."

Heyeon Jun rolled his eyes,"Typical ladies." Ji yun chuckled,"Ofcourse we are !"

Taking a bite of the sandwich Heyeon Jun looked at her,"Next Time I will make sandwiches for you , grilled one ."

Ji Yun winked,"I'll be waiting for great chef Heyeon Jun to do the owner."

Heyeon Jun chuckled,"You know how silly you look." Ji Yun turned serious ,"Well you would be the first one to witness it after Any girl."

Heyeon Jun smirked,"Yeah , I gave you a lot of firsts . Like first K..." Ji yun blinked,"Stop teasing me.."

Heyeon Jun asked,"Do you really have a boyfriend?" Ji yun couched furiously as Heyeon Jun patted her back ,"Where did that come from?"

Heyeon Jun squinted ,"Didn't you tell me You were talking to your boyfriend in the office that day ?"

Ji Yun scoffed ,"You believed me ?" Heyeon Jun nodded . Ji yun served him some pasta ,"You .. wait are you jealous?"

Heyeon Jun scoffed,"Why would I be jealous I was just surprised Who could afford to be in a relationship with you ?"

Ji Yun raised a bro,"Hey what do you mean hugh!" Heyeon Jun smirked,"You don't even know how to kiss ." Ji Yun scoffed,"You .. Atleast I could seduce you without even trying .. And Hey ! I am good at kissing.."

Heyeon Jun laughed slightly making her heart skip a beat,"You're so confident aren't you ?"

Ji Yun smiled and said,"I swear , how shameless we both are .. now stop teasing and eat your food."

Heyeon Jun stuffed the pasta in his mouth,"Someone is blushing." Ji Yun smiled lightly and ignored him . This , why did she feel like they were an old couple ?


Heyeon Jun smiled at himself, feeling so good and happy . She completely changed him , he was so sweet and free around her . Practically she had been in his life for two weeks and here he was happily teasing him and there was no awkwardness. They had become good friends .