Am i cute ?

Dong Heon smiled at Xia Ri as they decided to go for a stroll outside .

They were right now sitting in an ice-cream parlor. Xia Ri was excitedly waiting for her ice cream just like a little kid .

Looking up at him she asked,"Which one did you get for yourself?" Dong Heon leaned back on his chair ,"Vanilla."

Xia Ri made a disappointing face,"You are boring." Dong Heon chuckled ,"I don't have a sweet tooth so .."

Just then the waitress came and served the Ice cream . Xia Ri odered herself a bowl of ice cream which had three scoups of chocolate ice cream topped with choco chips and chocolate rolls . She looked at Dong Heon's ice cream which was just a vanilla in a small cup . She laughed out loud ,"I pity you .." and Dong Heon just felt his heart flutter seeing her all happy like this .

Scooping a big spoon she stuffed her mouth moaning slightly,"Mmmm .. it's so good."

Dong Heon slightly stiffened as he was a peverted Man afterall so he just cleared his throat and said,"Don't do that .." stuffing his mouth is with the basic vanilla ice cream as he cooled himself down .

Xia Ri was thinking about what he just said and her cheeks turned slightly red when the realization hit her . She scooped a spoonfull and asked Dong Heon to taste the chocolate Ice cream and he didn't refuse . He realized it was actually good . Giving a thumbs up he finished his ice cream when Xia Ri was enjoying it taking small scoops .

Dong Heon smiled subconsciously just looking at her enjoying the Ice cream . Xia Ri felt uncomfortable,"Why are you staring at me ?" Dong Heon leaned forward on the table placing his elbow on it and his head was supprted with his hand . He looked so cute . Xia Ri smiled just slightly and tried not to look at him .

When she stuffed her mouth and looked up at him , her heart skipped a beat as she chuckled. Dong Heon also let out a chuckle and with one hand he took his phone out ,"smile."

Xia Ri picked up the Ice cream bowl in her hand and pouted . That was a cute pose . After clicking her various pictures. Dong Heon decided to take a selfie .

Xia Ri posed with her hands making a love sign and Dong Heon just smiled .

They had caught so much attention since both of them were pretty famous and now that they were together, they were catching people's attention as a perfect couple .

After they were done eating the Ice cream they left the parlor and decided to take a stroll in the streets talking to each other . It wasn't usual for Dong Heon to do this stuff but with Xia Ri he loved it .

They asked a stranger to take a picture of them . Dong Heon pulled Xia Ri closer and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. They both smiled at the camera .

After taking a few photos they both continued their strole . When they passed near a Baby store , Xia Ri asked Dong Heon,"See , Don't you find it Cute ?"

Dong Heon chuckled,"Ofcourse , I mean , kids are cute themselves."

Xia Ri mumbled,"Well , I always like you know seeing cute little babies in all these small fashionable clothes."

Dong Heon wrapped his arm around her shoulder,"When we will have our kids , they will surely be cute since they have a cute mother ."

Xia Ri chuckled,"Ofcourse , since there dad is so handsome and even his dressing sense is so great , you might dress them quite good."

Dong Heon laughed slightly and then whispered,"Well , I think we should start our process of making kids then .. shouldn't we ?"

Xia Ri's face turned res as she pursed her lips trying to controle her smile .

Dong Heon chuckled as he kissed her cheek lightly. They decided to sit by the park for some time and then head back and eat some delecious dinner .


Xia Ri let out a long Sigh throwing herself on the couch . She placed her hands above her head and leaned back on the couch . Dong Heon placed the bags In and evem secretely placed the Tub of chocolate ice cream in the freezer .

He then went to the couch and taking a seat beside her he pulled her in his arms . Xia Ri scoffed,"Clingy!"

Dong Heon squinted his eyes and Xia Ri fake smiled at him as if she said nothing . Dong Heon smirked and pinned her down in a swift moment. Xia Ri widened her eyes slightly. She was shocked by this slick move . She blinked and parted her lips to say something but nothing came out of her mouth as her words were stuck in her throat.

Dong Heon tucked the strands of her hairs behind her ear as he smiled . Xia Ri wanted to push him away slightly, she was blushing but Dong Heon pinned her arms above her head ,"Now what ?"

Xia Ri bit her lower lip out of habbit , Dong Heon's eyes didn't miss that , he cursed,"Xiao You will make me crazy !"

He pressed his lips on hers gently . Xia Ri closed her eyes and started responding to his kisses almost immediately. Dong Heon deepened the kiss and the kiss lead to a steamy makeout . Since they had no intention to stop this steamy makeout, he pulled her up in a position where Xia Ri was now sitting on his lap . With her legs wrapped around his waist .

Xia Ri was shy no more as she ran her hands through his hairs lightly pulling him closer with the back of his head .

Dong Heon smiled in between the kisses as he let his one hand intrude her top . Xia Ri let out a slight moan as she bit on his lip slightly making him groan a little .


Xia Ri looked at Dong Heon and pursed her lips . She wanted more , this wasn't enough but she knew they had to take things slow . Dong Heon wrapped his arms around her ,"Does your back still hurt?" Xia Ri shook her head,"Just at some points , but its a relief not that much."

Dong Heon kissed her forhead and then nose and then finally pecked her lips . Xia Ri giggled as she couldn't restrain herself. Dong Heon raised an eyebrow,"what?" Xia Ri kissed his cheeks and then rested her head on his chest ,"Cause ... you .. are .. sweet and cute!"

Dong Heon scoffed,"I am cute ?" Xia Ri nodded,"yes , you are the cutest hubby!" Dong Heon was shocked,"Hubby ?"

Xia Ri knew he wasn't used to this so she further continued,"yes honey,"

Dong Heon chuckled,"Are you trying to give me a cheesy nickname wifey ?" Xia Ri laughed slightly,"Yes honey!"

Dong Heon ruffled her hairs ,"Fine then . Now lets go make dinner . I ll help you."

Xia Ri smiled and nodded .


Xia Ri was stirring the soup , when she felt Dong Heon hugged her from the back . She smiled subconsciously. Dong Heom asked,"You know I wanted to be a model or an actor."

Xia Ri looked at him and smiled ,"You should have been . I would have been your fangirl for sure. Since ... You got everything.. looks .. a sweet nature .. I don't know about others but for me atleast. You can still give it a shot if you want . I ....."

Xia Ri's lips were sealed with Dong Heon's. She was surprised. After a some time Dong Heon looked her in her eyes ,"You're so different from others . aren't you ?"

Xia Ri turned off the stove covering it with a lid ,"Why so ?"

Dong Heon didn't let go of her instead he walked with her to the kitchen counter and made her sit on it ,"You know what I did ? When I couldn't follow my dreams ?"

Xia Ri looked at him and raised an eyebrow. Dong Heon continued,"I opened a drama school for those who can't afford the money . And since I loved fashion , I started my own brand. All the money earned by the brand goes into the funding of drama school. "

Xia Ri gasped,"which one?" Dong Heon smiled,"HEON." Xia Ri's eyes widened,"That's my favorite brand .. dude .. oh my god !" She couldn't controle herself as she let out gasps , sighs , squeels in surprise.

Dong Heon laughed seeing her reaction. He nodded . He didn't expect that . She didn't ask him how he ended up chosinh business but instead she told him how would have she felt if he was an actor and she even encouraged him to give it a shot.

Xia Ri calmed down and asked ,"Honey , can you take me to that drama school you opened ?"

Dong Heon smiled,"Why not?"

Xia Ri smiled,"Lets talk more about this while we have dinner."