Dangerous glint

Ji Yun looked at Mrs.Heyeon , who was enjoying her coffee with some pastry . Since Ji yun had to visit her cafe and also Mrs.Heyeon wanted to have a coffee at some place , they decided to go go Ji Yun's cafe . Since Ji yun was here with Madam Heyeon she probably caught a lot of attention from everyone.

She was really after going on a shopping trip with Mrs.Heyeon , they didn't do a lot of shopping but Ji yun did buy a beautiful gown sand some matching jewellery as Mrs.Heyeon told her that there might be a party or ball after the deal is cracked . So they might attend when they go to Australia. Trust me they would be there for almost two weeks and thinking this Ji Yun didn't know why she was excited.

Ji yun came out of her thoughts when Mrs.Heyeon tapped her hand,"What happened to you Honey , you look distracted . Your sandwich is getting cold."

Ji yun nodded ,"Ah , I am sorry about that , was just thinking about this cafe , I should make some additions to it."

Mrs.Heyeon smiled ,"well , tell me something about your job." Ji Yun laughed lightly ,"Its hectic , we are currently working on a project , so I work overtime at the office , then I have to make breakfast and dinner too."

Mrs.Heyeon smiled ,"what about Heyeon Jun? Does he treat you nicely ?"

Ji Yun took a bite of her sandwich,"He treats me nice enough, not for me to complain." She said with a frown .

Mrs.Heyeon laughed lightly,"well , I see that expression . Even if he leashes out on you sometimes , its fine , just don't cry , he hates when a person cries on small things . I know you don't but just saying . You should just simply agree to him . Once he cools down he may think it thoroughly and may even apologies in a weird way."

Ji Yun laughed,"I see. Well this will be so helpful aunty." Mrs.Heyeon sipped her coffee,"Did something happen between you two yet? Romantically." Ji yun choked on the food and coughed furiously. Mrs.Heyeon poured some water for her and handed the glass to her . Ji yun gulped down the water and look weirdly at Mrs.Heyeon who shrugged normally ,"well I think its a No."

Ji Yun's mind started replaying the scenes of herself and Heyeon Jun. She gulped , unknown to her , her cheeks turned slightly red . Mrs.Heyeon smirked,'Oh, I see'


Madam Heyeon dropped Ji Yun by , and left since she knew Heyeon Jun might be busy . Ji Yun entered the apartment and the first thing she noticed was Heyeon Jun sleeping on the couch with the laptop in his lap . She shook her head slightly and smiled . Keeping the bags in her room , she returned with a Blanket.

She walked to him and her eyes rested on his face , he looked tired . She picked up the laptop and placed it on tha table . She looked at the scattered files and sighed . Picking them up and keeping it on one side , she removed his headphones and looked at him sleeping so carelessly,"What if it's not me and someone else, so careless."

Heyeon Jun opened his eyes ,"well I know its you , so I am a little careless."

Ji Yun was slightly surprised and looked at him with squinted eyes . Removing his headphones she placed it on the laptop with his phone . She casually covered him with the blanket,"go to sleep."

Heyeon Jun had a weird expression,"ok!"

Ji Yun sighed , this man ! He has such nerves ! Clicking her tongue she tucked her hair behind her ears and turned around to walk into the kitchen.


Heyeon Jun didn't knew when he fell asleep . He wasn't a light sleeper but his hearing senses was a little too active , so when he heard someone step into the house , he knew it . He didn't open his eyes , if by any chance it was some intruder .

He heard the footsteps fainting and then approaching him , he was ready to attack but when he relaxed when the familiar scent entered his nostrils. He could feel the weight lifting up from his body , he opened his eyes , when she was picking up the files . She was kinda close to his face and he looked lazily at her . He didn't knew why he was relaxed .

He closed his eyes as soon as she looked at him . When he heard her mumble , he wanted to see her reaction so he replied casually. He really felt slightly touched from her words ,was she worrying about him . He opened his eyes and looked at her face . He could see slight annoyance in those eyes but he felt amused . She odered him ,"go to sleep." And he silently twitched his lips , has anyone odered him like this before? ,"ok!" Was the only answer he could come up as .

He looked at her tucking her hair strands behind her ear as she gave him a side eye look before walking to the kitchen .

Heyeon Jun sighed and closed his eyes . He was really sleepy. He fell asleep fitting into this uncomfortable couch , not bothering about going back in his room .


Ji Yun smiled slightly and looked at him . She had already prepared dinner . It has been more than two hours since he has been sleeping like this . Clicking her tongue she walked upto him . She sqautted down and was about to tap his shoulder when Heyeon Jun caught her wrist tightly and his eyes shone with a deadly glint. Ji Yun was dumbstruck as she blinked to understand what just happened . Her eyes watered slightly as the pain in her wrist was too much .

After sometime Heyeon Jun released her wrist taking a deep breath. He sat up immediately, picking her up supporting her shoulder,"I am sorry . I was just ..." Ji Yun chuckled,"Its ok , it happens with me too . I am just so cautious at times ."

Heyeon Jun sighed . He didn't know why , he just was too cautious. He looked at her wrist , she was rubbing it slightly that made him feel guilty. He tried to hold her wrist but Ji yun dodged his hand and smiled ," It's fine , lets eat dinner then we will finish the work."

Heyeon Jun couldn't even react when Ji Yun stood up and walked to the kitchen casually . He sighed , this stubborn woman , even he knew that the force he applied was a little too much for her to handle . If he applied a little more pressure, her wrist would have crumbled.

He stood up and walked to the kitchen , he pushed Ji Yun aside ,"I will do this , you go sit there and wait." Ji Yun wanted to protest but he cut her off with a glare . She pursed her lips and walked to the dining table . Serving the food , Heyeon Jun handed her the chopsticks and a spoon .

Taking a seat next to her , he started eating the food .


When Heyeon Jun applied the pressure , Ji Yun felt as If her wrist will break in a split second . But he released it , Ji Yun couldn't say anything because she saw the panick and the deathly glint in his eyes . She just pretended it was nothing . But her wrist was aching so badly that she even felt the pain flowing towards her hand.

When Heyeon Jun glared at her and ordered her to go sit on the dining table , she was relieved but when he handed her the chopsticks and spoon . Her face fell again . She looked at her wrist which had a purple-blue mark around it and has even swelled up .

Tucking her tongue in thr bottom of her inner cheek , she tried to pick the chopsticks up , her wrist literally ached when she even did the slightest movement. But she couldn't help but endure the pain . How can she ask someone else to feed her ? She would look too desperate to get close to him . It wasn't even her true intentions, damn it !

Ji Yun tried her best to be composed as she slowly picked up some food and placed it in her mouth . All of a sudden when she couldn't take the pain anymore, she stood up ,"I don't feel like eating anything, I ll leave and get the files ."