What the fuck dude ?

Heyeon Jun was engrossed in making reports since he had to do it too . He was quick but in a week Ji Yun had already learnt the same trick to make reports easily , but she is quite useless right now . Lol.

He pinched the space in between his brows as he quickly typed it on his MacBook Air .

Just then he heard a knock on the door and then the door opened . Ji Yun entered with a smile on her face . Heyeon Jun froze for a split second when his eyes landed on her , she was wearing a tank top with loose trousers . Her proclaimed skin and her collar bone glowed under the blue-white light.

He just stared at her until she placed the cup of coffee on the table . He came out of the daze and then did he realise she had brought coffee when he clearly told her to rest . He closed his eyes to calm down the anger building up in him .

Standing up he snapped at her ,"what the fuck is wrong with you?" Ji Yun was slightly startled . She composed herself and smiled again,"Don't worry , I made this coffee in twenty minutes with my left hand . Since I couldn't fall asleep."

Heyeon Jun scoffed,"What are you trying to do actually?" Ji Yun felt slight pain in her heart as she gulped. Taking a deep breath she snapped at him ,"I am just trying not to be a burden on you ! Even though I hurt my hand , I don't want to .. Sit free like a burden on you .. I can still type with my left hand , I learnt it during hacking . I am not trying to do anything else."

Heyeon Jun looked at her with pursed lips , he took a deep breath relaxing himself ,"Fine ! I need the reports done by tomorrow morning and make sure to be ready for office ." He picked up his Laptop and some files before leaving the study .

Ji Yun's eyes watered as her heart clenched, why does she always feel like this whenever he is yells at her . She sighed controlling her tears and looked at the coffee on the table . She wasted her twenty minutes on it . Before she could reach out for it , Heyeon Jun's hand picked it up and he left the study again .

Ji Yun rolled her eyes , what the fuck dude ?


After few hours , Heyeon Jun entered the study again with his laptop and files , he was already done with his work .

Ji Yun didn't really notice the time as she was so engrossed in her work , but she was indeed suffering a little typing with her left hand .

Heyeon Jun cleared his throat , Ji Yun didn't look up , she was still pissed , how dare he yell at her like that ? Clenching her jaw she continued. Heyeon Jun indeed felt bad since he yelled at her .

He took a seat next to her . Ji Yun looked at him and he said ,"isn't it better if you narrate it and I will type it." Ji Yun glanced at him meaningfully before she nodded .

Heyeon Jun picked up the Mac book , as Ji yun narrated him .

After an hour or so , it was already really late , Heyeon Jun looked at Ji yun who was sleeping soundly keeping her head on his shoulder. He smiled slightly . She looked so sweet and innocent. After saving the document he closed the mac book and placed it carefully on the table making sure not to disturb her .

He was sleepy too so he just pulled her closer into a more comfortable position and closed his eyes , placing his legs on the table and leaning his head back on the couch . He crossed his arms over his chest as Ji yun was crumbled up by his side using his shoulder as her pillow and wrapping her one arm around him . While the other resting on his chest .

They both looked like a couple sleeping together. So cute !!


Xia Ri woke up in the middle of the night and found herself laying all by herself . She blinked a few times and got up from the bed . She used the washroom and when she came out Dong Heon still wasn't there .

Just when she was about to step out he entered the room with a slight sweat on his forehead. She looked worriedly at him ,"Heon , is everything alright ?"

Dong Heon chuckled,"I just wanted to eat something, i was hungry."

Xia Ri scoffed,"You think I am fool?"

Dong Heon laughed,"Really ? What you don't believe me ?"

Xia Ri shook her head . Dong Heon smirked ,"I will give you a taste then ."

He pulled Xia Ri up and kissed her lips taking her by surprise. But Xia Ri gave in and smiled in between the kisses when she tasted the sweet flavor of chocolate ice cream . She froze , what ?

She pulled his away and asked ,"Were you eating chocolate ice-Cream ?" Dong Heon nodded . She gasped ,"where did you get it from . Well leave it but isn't it weird that you were eating in the middle of the night ?"

Dong Heon smiled and carrased her cheeks ,"I really felt hungry when I couldn't fall asleep ." Xia Ri frowned,"You should have told me ." Dong Heon sighed ,"I didn't wanted to disturb your sleep or hurt your back to be honest."

Xia Ri smiled and said ,"its ok, lets go to sleep together this time , I ll sleep once you sleep ok ?"

Dong Heon carrased his wife's cheek ,"k."


Dong Heon chuckled at his silly actions, it was four in the morning and he was preparing for breakfast in bed , for his wife . He didn't wanted to get caught so when he heard a faint sound of footsteps he immediately stopped his actions and scooped up some chocolate ice cream , thinking to use it as an excuse.

When he headed upstairs he looked at her worried face . And because he loved kissing her , he kissed her again with this excuse.

When He heard her words , his heart fluttered . Looking at her he smiled .

Placing his head on the pillow he wrapped he snuggled closer to his wife as she placed her hand on his back and tapped it slowly as if putting a baby to sleep .

Dong Heon chuckled and he didn't knew when he fell asleep like that .
