
In a dark room with just the slightest dim lights , that were flickering time to time , A man was sitting on his throne like chair . His head resting on the back of the chair and his legs one crossed over the other .

His eyes were closed as the room was filled with pin drop silence, the Man's breath could be heard when he inhaled the scent of sandalwood stick mixed with the tabaccoo .

He opened his eyes and a deep sigh escaped his lips ,"It's time to surprise some people isn't it ?" A cold scoff escaped his lips . Standing up from the chair , he walked to the window . There were forest surrounding the suit , nothing else .

Soon a girl entered his room clicking her heels on the wooden floor . He looked back , the girl was pretty with revealing clothes . Man's eyes darkened,"Didn't I ask You to wear the red one ?"

The woman shivered under his cold eyes . She gulped ,"The man , he ..he gave me these .. i ...I " The Man walked to her and grabbed her hair . The girl hissed , she was pale ,"M...Sir , leave me .. I .. I.. Will change into the other one ." The girl tried not to stutter but the fear welling up in her heart betrayed her .

The Man left her hair closing his eyes ,"I am sorry, You go .. no need to come back , Ok ?"

The girl nodded , warmth filling her heart .

But before she could leave the man pulled her back and ripped her dress apart ,"Who gave you the permission to leave ?" The girl gulped down the lump in her throat as she was so confused looking at the man , who changed his personality in a split second .

The girl surrendered herself to this Man , not knowing what he would do to her if she didn't obey him. The Man pulled her in and hastily kissed her , his kisses turning gentle sometimes and sometimes they turned violent as he forced her .

The girl couldn't cry even she couldn't feel any pleasure. The Girl pursed her lips as she mumbled ,"Why ? What did I do wrong ? Loved you ..."

The Man looked in the girl's eyes and laughed and he slapped her across her face as he dragged her to the bed and mercilessly threw her on the bed .


Mr.Xia looked at his phone which was ringing. He picked it up pinching the space between his brows ,"What ?!" His voice filled with anger . The voice on the other end replied with a slightly calm voice ,"I need you to buy me a suit near the Blue imperial street.

Mr.Xia cursed internally but he could just agree . The Man laughed lightly,"Old Man , be greatful , I have been obeying you all this time , when Everything you own is actually just mine ."

Mr.Xia gritted his teeth as he threw his phone straight into the wall shredding it into pieces. He pursed his lips and saw Ji Yun and Xia Ri's photo where they were hugging each other lightly.

His blood boiled up ,"This bitch , Just like you mother . You are clever as fuck , you even trapped my daughter hugh ?" He scoffed and his eyes turned red ,"I will kill you myself. The cause of my death , I will kill you myself !"

He yelled loudly , sending shivers down everyone present in the room .


Ji yun was enjoying a sunny day as she looked at Heyeon Jun who was sitting next to her with a grin . They giggled as she whispered,"Silence , peace .. All i ever wanted ." Heyeon Jun nods his head and looks straight .

All of a sudden She sees huge wave of water approaching them . The weather changes drastically as the thunder strikes . She looked at Heyeon Jun and notices the blood oozing out of his head as his face is covered with blood and bruises. She frowns .

She was about to reach for him when she is caught , being dragged away from him . Far away . Heyeon Jun is also dragged away as he is still smiling at her with his blooded face .

Ji Yun struggles as tears rolled down her eyes . She feels a huge slap land on her face . She yells,"I ll kill you !" She looks at her father with a knife as he grabs Heyeon Jun's neck .

She then turns and looks around . Her eyes fall on Xia Ri who was being dragged away just like Heyeon Jun. But there was not even a single strand of her hair that might be lost . Her eyes turned bloodshot as she looks back at her father . She smiled coldly ,"well , this is all I could accept from you . You son of a ..... " slap ! Ji Yun coldly laughs .

She again looks at her father and as soon as their eyes meet he warns,"If you still want Heyeon Jun to be alive , stay away." Ji Yun froze and then all of sudden he threw his knife at her .


Ji Yun opens her eyes with a jerk . Breathing heavily she looks around only to realise that she was in Heyeon Jun's arms . She looked at him and saw his worried face ,"thank god !" She cupped his face in her hands . She mumbled ,"I was so worried . Fuck!"

Heyeon Jun nodded ,"I am here , totally fine . Its ok ." Ji Yun hugged him tightly . She closed her eyes . Thank god it was a dream . Her forhead was covered with cold sweat . She relaxed after some time . Her eyes were drooping again . She closed her eyes once again not bothering about the consequences of her actions .


Heyeon Jun opened his eyes , it was still to early to wake up since they slept late . He decided to put Ji Yun in her bed . He scooped her up in his arms and went downstairs. Surprisingly, She didn't weigh much . She was very light for him . He smiled at the thought and headed towards her room .

Placing her on the bed he looked at her , his brows furrowed. Just a minute ago she was normal but now her forhead was covered in sweat and she was mumbling something. He put his hand on her head , and wrapped his arms around her , thinking it would relax her .

He waited for sometime and then all of a sudden he heard her yell something and she woke up . Her eyes had fear , panick , worry, anger . She looked at him and her face expression changed . Her face covered with worry as she held his face in her small and soft hands ,"thank god!" These two words escaped her lips . Heyeon Jun's heart skipped a beat .

"I was so worried !" She cursed and hugged him . Heyeon Jun was slightly taken aback , was she having a nightmare about him ? Is she worried about him ? He couldn't help but hug her back and slightly pat it ,"I am here totally fine . Its ok."

Soon he noticed her breath stabilising again . He carrased her hairs with his hand and the feeling of being hugged by her made him feel complete. He had never hugged her before . This feeling , it was beyond his imagination. He could feel her chest rising and falling in sync with his . He could feel her shallow breaths on his neck . He could feel her worries with the tightness of her arms around him .

He smiled and patted her head slightly. Once sure she was in deep sleep , He then slowly removed her arms from him . Tucked her in bed making sure she was comfortable. He placed a pillow on her side , which she hugged immediately like a kid and a small smile appeared on his face .

He covered her with a blanket ,"I don't want you to be embarrassed when you wake up . So , I ll let you off this time . Next time I will hug you and sleep ." He whispered before he sneeked out making sure not to make a sound .

Sighing a little Heyeon Jun threw himself on the bed and went back to sleep .


Ji yun woke up with a smile . She blinked several times ,"what am I doing here . I Wasn't here last night ." She mumbled as she rubbed her eyes . Memories of last night came running into her mind , but she didn't remember the nightmare part . She does remember hugging him though !

Her cheeks were slightly red . She mumbled,"Aah ! So Heyeon Jun brought me here . Aah , my life is like any othe cliché novel ." In the end its good ! She smiled not feeling embarrassed a slightest bit . Instead she clicked her tongue ,"why am i behaving like a teenager having crush ?"

Laughing a little she entered her bathroom .